Out of the desperate sea at this time.

   A large number of strong people have already arrived.

   "Great Elder!"

   An old man came, his breath was boundless, his power radiated, and the violent void around him was stabilized, his eyes were like a condor, and he was extremely sharp.

   "She is still in the eyes of despair."

   The great elder came from Wangchuan Tianzong, and was very powerful, only half a step away from the original god.

   And this half step seems to be close, but in fact, it is too difficult and too difficult to cross over. I don't know how many heavenly gods can eternally be unable to achieve primitive gods.

   In fact, Mingyue Island Master, the Master of Nothing, Vulcan, and the others are all trapped in this step, unable to grasp the key mystery for a long time.

   "We are still here, we can feel the existence of Wangchuan River." Humane said.

   "Very good."

   The elder's gaze seemed to penetrate the depths of the eyes of the sea, capturing the location of Wangchuan River.

  His name is Hai Wuya. He already existed when Wangchuan ruled the **** and he had witnessed the glory and loneliness.

   "Great Elder, when will the Supreme Master of Sect Master arrive?" someone asked.

   "The Supreme Master of the Headmaster will come soon. There are primitive gods obstructing the sovereign. Some people don't want us to take back the artifacts left by the master of the Forgotten Chuan Tianzong."

   Hai Wuya looked extremely cold.

   "Huh! They are afraid that once the Supreme Master of Sect Master acquires Tianzong Wangchuan, their strength will advance by leaps and bounds, even threatening the status of other masters!"

   "But the Wangchuan River was originally the treasure of my sect. The ruler fell and the Wangchuan River was lost. Now I finally see it reappear!"

   "Once Wang Chuanhe gets it, the time for our sect to regain its glory will come!"

  The strong people of Tianzong Forget the Excitement.

   When Wang Chuan ruled, they were so brilliant, and the strength of Wang Chuan ruler ranked among the top eighteen rulers.

   "Great Elder, if Wang Chuanhe gets it, you can even step into the Primitive God Realm."

   "Leave aside this for the time being, the most important thing is to get Wangchuanhe."

   Mentioned the Primitive God Realm, Hai Wuya's eyes were shining.

   "Elder, what I am puzzled is that Wangchuanhe has been lost for so many years, why it suddenly appeared? This is weird."

   Some strong people uttered their doubts.

   "It is not surprising that in the eyes of the sea of ​​despair, an ancient existence was suppressed. Ming personally suppressed him, and he could not be wiped out. It must be this old antique that released Wangchuan River."

   Hai Wuya glanced at it, suddenly took out a portal-like artifact.

   "This is the other primitive artifact left by the ruler of Wangchuan. With it, we can accurately locate the whereabouts of Wangchuan River."

   But while Hai Wuya was talking, he suddenly shouted sharply: "Come out, don't hide, I already know you are coming."

   "The sea is boundless, you are really amazing."

   A figure appeared faintly, he was actually a decadent heavenly **** under the dominion of the abyss, with a faint smile on his old face.


  Hai Wuya naturally knows the power and evil of the decaying gods, and sneered: "Do you want to take Wangchuan River too? You don't have the breath of Wangchuan, so you want to get involved?"

   "Treasures can live there."

   A burst of aurora shot suddenly, and a black-clothed man appeared. He seemed to be shrouded in countless mysteries, with Zhou Tianxing's immeasurable profound power running.

   "Wan Daotian, Yu Xuanji!"

  Hai Wuya can not care about the decay of the gods, but must not care about Yu Xuanji, coldly said: "The creatures that don't belong to me in hell, have you come to join in the fun? Want to take the artifact of the **** master?"

   "My teacher calculated that the opportunity for me to become a primitive **** was in hell. I used the method of the week and the sky for hundreds of thousands of times to lock this place. It seems that the **** of the Forget River is mine. This is my luck."

   Yu Xuanji smiled faintly.

   There is a great fortune in his body, great luck.


   Hai Wuya coldly hummed.

  Yu Xuan Ji's teacher is Yi Tianzun, who is good at calculating the mystery of heaven and earth.

   Just as the Bantian Dao ranking list was compiled, it was this Yi Tianzun who arranged it, and he also arranged the Tian Dao ranking, and wrote the names of the hundred people who are most likely to become primitive gods.

   The first person on the list that day was Thor.

   "I'm afraid your teacher will miscalculate, how could the treasures of **** fall into your hands."

   Hai Wuya sneered.

   And in the eyes of despair.

   Chu Yuan saw that the prohibition placed by the Lord of Death was the realm of death formed by the infinite power of death.

   His expression condensed, and he suddenly cut away with a finger. The fierce power was like cutting through the sky of death.

"Time and space cutting!" The Lord of Death was taken aback, and exclaimed: "The great cutting technique of the time and space movement, you use the power of time and space extremely deeply. Although you are a **** of heaven, you can't see you through my eyes. Your true strength, I am afraid that some primitive gods are not too resistant to you."

   As he spoke, a dark black mark suddenly flew towards Shenwu.

   Jiuyou's eyes flickered sharply, "Be careful!"

   "It's okay, he didn't mean to harm me."

   Chu Yuan grabbed the mark, and the black energy of death immediately enveloped him, but his big swallowing technique turned and disappeared immediately.

   "He was right. This is the death rune refined during my long years of doing nothing. It contains my death magic powers and bursts with full force to repel the original gods."

   The Lord of Death smiled.

   The mind of such a character is hard to guess.

"You don't have to think too much, I just added to the flames. I was suppressed by Ming in hell, and I can't leave~www.ltnovel.com~ but I won't succumb to him. In your body, I see An emperor's iron-blooded, domineering and self-reliant temperament, hahaha, I hope this multiverse becomes more and more chaotic."

   He did not mention that he hoped that Chu Yuan could help him break the seal and leave.

  Ming's imprisonment was too severe, he had never thought that Chu Yuan could help him, even if a few primitive gods came to it, it was impossible.

   He was also on a whim.

   "Ming, I understand death, I am immortal, and I don't hate you, because this is the catastrophe on the road of cultivation. If this catastrophe is over, you will no longer be able to suppress me!"

   He laughed loudly, and didn't make a sound afterwards.

   "What is he thinking?" Jiu You frowned.

"Don't worry about him, this kind of ancient figure has a different idea. The more you guess, the less he knows his true purpose, and he can't leave the desperate sea eye. I have already felt that there are many powerful people outside waiting for us. , The world has been laid out."

   Chu Yuan's soul thoughts have been peeked out of the desperate sea.

   "The Wangchuan River contains a lot of mystery, and you can learn about it when you return to the gods."

   Chu Yuan looked up at the sky and waved his hand.

   The power of this hand covered the sky, and the chaotic laws were all calmed down, as if the clouds were pushed aside to see the blue sky, a space-time passage was opened directly.

   He led Jiuyou into the space-time passage, and appeared in the eyes of despair in the next instant.

   "The power of time and space, the power of swallowing, this person has an inexplicable temperament, and my whim is for a reason."

   The Lord of Death saw Chu Yuan's departure, his mind fluctuated again.

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