
   Suddenly, in Hai Wuya, their gaze showed no sign, and a space-time passage appeared, in which a man and a woman walked out.

   The man is tall and stalwart, has the domineering power of a peerless emperor, is shrouded in the emperor's glory, and is extremely mysterious, like the rule of the gods, it is difficult to see his appearance for a while.

  The female is outstanding.

   "She got Wang Chuanhe, and this man must have led her away. The way of time and space cannot let him go!"

   Hai Wuya suddenly guessed everything.

   His vast thoughts were suddenly suppressed, and with a wave of his arms, with a bang, infinite power gathered and swept towards Chu Yuan, and the gray sea was like a tide, grabbing Chu Yuan's head.

   "Forget Chuan Tianzong, suppress all the strong!"

   This time the Forgotten Chuan Tianzong came out of the nest, and in an instant the forces were combined, and a black whirlwind bombarded Chu Yuan.

  Huhuhu...This wind can blow out the fire of the soul.

   "You dare to stop me from getting the way!"

   Chu Yuan had known that these people would run away from him.

   He walked in the world, where he was invincible, just a punch, time and space suddenly condensed, and the power of domineering control instantly shattered their shots.

   Their combined blow failed.

   Jiuyou's eyes were also surprised, and he didn't know that Chu Yuan was so strong.

   She is in **** and doesn't know what happened to Shen Chao recently.

   "I am here, everything is fine."

   Chu Yuan sheltered Jiuyou, his woman.

   Although those who get Wangchuanhe can become the overlord of Wangchuan Tianzong, they must have the strength to inherit, and everyone is innocent, and treasures without strength can sometimes become a reminder.

   "Stop him!"

   Hai Wuya stepped directly in front of Chu Yuan, and the huge heavenly power was released, and he slapped a palm with a power that was extremely close to the original god.

   Chu Yuan didn't change his face when he saw his shot, but a majestic palm came out instead.

   With his current strength, the ordinary fifth realm of Heaven can be sealed by him. Although he can't seal the top class like Hai Wuya, he is wishful thinking.

   A Zun Tiandao God teamed up with a raging black fire swept across.

   Chu Yuan shook slightly, eternally empty, and all the power around him was wiped out.

   Yin and yang converge, life and death blend, Chu Yuan's blow turned into a black hole of yin and yang of birth and death, and the violent rotating power made his body an absolutely taboo domain.

   Hai Wuya just stepped into it, and he felt his whole body shake, his power dissipating uncontrollably.

   "Yin and Yang of life and death, and there is a big swallowing technique, what kind of power is this!"

   Hai Wuya's face was also shocked, this person's strength is too fierce.

   But he also knows that he must not be allowed to leave **** within days.

   "Yu Xuanji, why don't you make a move? Your teacher didn't say that this is your chance."

   On the other side, decayed God and Shinto.

   "It's not yet time for me to take action." Yu Xuanji's eyes surged with countless divine light.

"is it?"

   Corrupted Heavenly Dao God would not know his mind, nothing more than wanting Wangchuan Tianzong to give more power, fortunately, he is the best fisherman to profit.

   When the time is short, it is just a lie.

   But. Would it be so easy?

   The destiny of everyone in this world is always changing.

   "Everyone, you must block his retreat. The Supreme Master will come soon, and you will capture him at that time, and Wang Chuanhe will return to my sect!"

   That Sea Wuya happened immediately, this time the Forgotten Chuan Tianzong came with a lot of power, and it immediately formed a big blockade.

   As Chu Yuan raised his hands and feet, like a holy emperor in the world, with his footsteps, there was an endless roar, fierce thunder and purgatory, and heavenly fire and divine disaster, instantly tearing open countless restrictions.

   He stepped forward.

   The strong man of Forget Chuan Tianzong was suddenly shocked by this shock, and they all retreated.

   "I see where you can escape!"

   Hai Wuya immediately made up his position, with a superb skill, his palm was upside down, and he directly hacked Chu Yuan.

   In fact, he is also strange in his heart. If he does not cultivate the origin of hell, his strength will be suppressed when he comes to hell, but this person seems to have no influence at all.

   And this moment.

   Just when he slashed his palm, he was greeted by Chu Yuan's more fierce power, and his domineering control made Hai Wuya's power shatter.

   He straddled time and space, as if in his time and space for a thousand years, a palm suddenly fell with absolute destruction.

"not good!"

   Hai Wuya's expression tightened, and he suddenly saw a person appearing in front of him with a strange posture.

   This palm banged down, and he immediately raised his hands, causing his body to sink.

   At the same time, light and darkness, two forces that shouldn't exist at the same time, suddenly appeared, causing irresistible fluctuations.

   boom! Hai Wuya exploded and appeared in another place.

   "His strength!" Hai Wuya also stared at Chu Yuan firmly.

   That kind of domineering control made him extremely jealous.

   "Leave Wangchuanhe, or you can't live without hell!"

   Hai Wuya shouted.

   "It depends on whether you have this ability!"

   Chu Yuan shook the world.

   "Everyone will give me strength!"

   Hai Wuya also knew that if this person is too strong and his strength is scattered, he will be destroyed one by one. Only by gathering the strongest strength can he stay in hell.

   In an instant, the powerhouses of the Wangchuan Tianzong turned into a long river of heavens and merged into Hai Wuya.

   At this moment, the boundless sea is like the boundless sea, combining these powers to make him become the giant **** of the **** sea, UU reading www.uukánshu. The power of com is almost comparable to the power of primitive gods.

   "Flashy but not real."

   Chu Yuan could tell.

   Although Hai Wuya gathered the power of many heavenly gods at this time, and already had a huge power comparable to the original gods, it was impossible to manipulate the mystery of the original gods.

   Hai Wuya forced forward, sweeping power, and every blow caused time and space to be shattered, completely sealing the passage for Chu Yuan to leave.

   The destructive power came out in no time. Chu Yuan was in such a majestic style at this time. He stepped out of the ruin, and merged many great powers with one blow, turning into a heavenly divine light.

   This heavenly divine light was pressed down by his hands.

   Hai Wuya used all his strength to compete with Chu Yuan's power. There was a sudden violent explosion, setting off endless dust, and the surroundings of the two became a domain of absolute destruction.

   "Okay, pester him!"

   Hai Wuya can deal with Chu Yuan without asking, he only hopes to stop this person.

   Chu Yuan frowned slightly, he was not afraid of the boundless sea, but the longer the delay, the more primitive gods might come, and the situation is very unfavorable for him.

   He flashes the **** of time and space, and is about to break through the air and leave hell.

   "You can never leave!"

   Hai Wuya even if he burns his own heavenly origin, he still has to block Chu Yuan.

   "Time and space imprisoned!"

  The brilliant brilliance of the ages turned the void around Chu Yuan into an iron bucket. The path of time and space was completely locked, and a figure fluttering in white came quickly.

  He is a primitive god.

   In addition to this primitive god, several primitive gods also came quickly!

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