The original gods are here.

   But this primitive **** seems to be fighting against other strong men and comes in haste.

   A ray of light came, revealing a middle-aged man with an elegant and handsome face.

   His power is mighty, but very bright, without the gloom of the **** powerhouse.

   But he did come from hell.

  The attributes and powers that are completely different from the **** have allowed him to blend into the **** perfectly. This is enough to see his powerful and fierceness.

   And he is the current supreme head teacher of Tianzong Wangchuan, the wind is boundless!

   "Palm Education Supreme!"

   Hai Wuya went to meet immediately.


Feng Cangmang nodded slightly, looked at Chu Yuan, and fell on Jiuyou again: "The Wangchuan River dominated by Wangchuan is on your body, hand it over, these gods do not belong to you, it comes from my forget. Chuan Tianzong."

   He is also desperately eager to get Wang Chuanhe and attack the status of **** master.

   "Hahahaha, the wind is boundless, doesn't belong to her or still belong to you? Give me Wangchuanhe, this seat can swear by the heavenly way of the primitive god, shelter not to leave, not to be persecuted by this boundless wind!"

   The boundless black air formed a huge twisted face, and he made a terrifying sound, which was breathtaking.

   "The Great Dark Devil!"

   Hai Wuya saw this huge magic face and immediately shouted.

   In the past, the ruler of Wangchuan fell, the Tianzong of Wangchuan was in chaos, there was no ruler, the power of the sect fell apart, and the Great Black Demon King seized a lot of resources and stood on his own.

   The departure of these many powerhouses also made Wangchuan Tianzong plummet.

   In their eyes, the Great Dark Devil is a traitor!

   Fortunately, the boundless wind turned the tide and calmed the situation, otherwise the entire sect would be destroyed.

"Hmph! After the boundless wind and the fall of the ruler of Wangchuan, he lifted himself into the head. Who gave him the right? I don't agree with him. What virtue and ability does he have? I am also the Great Black Demon King. Wang Chuan dominates those who have made great contributions, so why should he listen to his orders?"

   The Great Dark Devil screamed.

   If he were to be the Supreme Master, he would not leave.

   "Then what can you do?"

   There is no end to the sea.

   "Don't think that I don't know your purpose. Isn't it just to get all the resources left by Wangchuan Master? Well, there are some things that everyone knows, so I don't need to reveal them."

   The Great Dark Sky Demon sneered.

   This vast wind still needs the concealment of Wangchuan.

   If you let him become the master of hell, he will tear down the hypocritical disguise.

   The vast wind looked at them coldly.

   is indeed as the Great Dark Devil said.

   The current Wangchuan Tianzong is supported by him alone. The reason why he did not change his name is because he has not yet become the master of hell, and it is not that time.


   Another primitive god, around him, time and space are all destroyed, anyone who dares to approach him will immediately suffer fatal poison.

  He is also a terrifying powerhouse, called the Lord of Poisonous.

   "We work together to make this wind and the boundless wind not reach Wangchuanhe!"

   Great Dark Sky Demon King also understands that Feng Cangmang is very powerful. He is not an opponent by himself. Only by joining forces can he contend against his fierce power.

   The poisonous master has no opinion.

"you guys!"

   The wind and the boundless wind could come early, because the Great Black Demon King and the Vicious Lord were pestering him.

   "But you forgot a question."

Feng Cangmang said coldly: "The three of us continue to fight, no one will get Wangchuanhe, and the longer the time is, the other primitive gods will know, and even the master will take action. By then, they will not know. Who can have the last laugh."

   He is not afraid of the Great Dark Devil and the Vicious Lord, but he is afraid that the Lord will interfere.


   The Great Dark Sky Demon King was also silent, and then grinned and said: "Then destroy the two people, the two gods, and kill them. Whoever gets it depends on the ability."

   Although they are very contradictory, they are not stupid enough to fight each other and let Chu Yuan watch the play next to them.

   Suddenly, three terrifying primordial gods' powers were overwhelmingly suppressed, time and space had been locked, and it was impossible for the **** of heaven to break through time and space to escape.

   "Hahahaha, I wanted to protect you, but now you are going to die!"

   The power of the three primitive gods suddenly came.

"do not worry."

   In an instant, Bound-Breaking Tiansuo burst out of its brilliance, releasing its strongest Bound-Breaking supernatural power.

   This Tianshuo was extremely sharp, and could break all blockades. With a fierce stroke in the void, the power of the three primitive gods suddenly shattered.

   "No, that treasure is breaking our power!"

   The Great Dark Sky Demon King's devilish energy was twisted and displayed a stronger sealing power, suppressed by a huge black smoke hand.

   But at this moment, Boundless Tiansuo reversed the passage of time and space, and Chu Yuan and Jiuyou's bodies were like dusty rays, twisting, and they even left their blockade with Boundary Tiansuo.

   is gone!

   Chu Yuan and Jiuyou disappeared in front of them.

   "Forget Chuanhe!"

   The graceful complexion of the boundless wind and boundless wind suddenly turned savage, as if revealing his nature, and shouted angrily: "The Great Black Demon Lord, the lord of poison, if you hadn't blocked this seat, the Forgotten River would not disappear!"

   "Huh! If it's gone, it's gone, now it's fine, one shot and two pieces, no one can get it!"

   The Great Dark Sky Demon also screamed strangely.

   He was also very happy to see the wind slumping. This person always wears a mask of disguise, which makes him very upset.

   Now his heart is also considered relaxed. UU reading www.uukanshu. cm

   "Come and come, the wind is vast, let's continue fighting!"

   The Great Dark Sky Demon originally wanted to be the Supreme Master, but he was robbed by the wind and boundless, and he hated him too.

   His **** smoke was wiped out suddenly.

   A battle of primitive gods in the **** day began immediately.

   But at this moment, Chu Yuan ignored these, after passing through the shuttle of Boundary Tissot, he had already left the heaven of **** and reached a place extremely far away.

   The ability of Boundary Tissot did not disappoint him.


Chu Yuan and Jiuyou stepped into the torrent of particles in the depths of time and space, and smiled at her: "You will soon be able to condense the third realm of origin. I will help you condense with the power of the empire. With this Wangchuan River, even if you meet When you reach the fifth level, you can also fight the first battle."

   The power of the top primitive artifact is just so terrifying.

   "Wang Chuan River can be used not only to strengthen me, but also to suppress the background of the gods, and the artifact is always only a foreign object, and its own strength is the most important."

   Jiuyou Dao heart is firm, she will not indulge in the power of the artifact.

   From Chu Yuan's mouth, she already knew the precarious situation facing the empire, and the threat of crossing the sky was like a sword that would come all the time.

   "You don't have to worry too much about the threat of crossing the sky, I have a way to deal with it."

   Chu Yuan is planning how to maximize the power of the Sky City.

   He also urgently needs to upgrade his realm to the fourth real self.

   Such a level of promotion will cause him a huge increase, and he has the confidence to fight directly with the original gods.

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