returned to the gods.

"Jiuyou, now I will use my energies to help you control the refining Wangchuan River, but this Wangchuan River I also see that the energy fluctuations contained in it are too strong, and you have to endure endless pain. Ready?"

   Chu Yuan stared at Jiuyou with sharp eyes.

   Jiuyou's expression is unwavering.

   She also has a strong heart. For this goal, she is willing to endure pain, even the price of fall.

   "I'm ready." Jiuyou said firmly.

   "Okay, I will do it now."

   Chu Yuan nodded, and immediately waved his big hand. The Wangchuan River unfolded and enveloped Jiuyou. The infinite national destiny arrived, and a force of power penetrated into Jiuyou's body.

   Jiuyou shook violently, this was an instinctive reaction.

   Her eyes were instantly dark, and then washed away by the power of the Forgotten River, like a thousand swords, her soul was fragmented, and the light could never be seen.

   But Chu Yuan's power protected her will, like a little star, eternal existence.

   This is a kind of mental tempering, Wang Chuanhe is inclined to attack from the soul, tempering the soul of Jiuyou, tempering her supreme way.

   This process is painful, and sometimes even if you have a strong will and do not have the protection of strength, it is not enough.

   rumbling! The power of Wangchuan River is overwhelming. It is the dual level of material and soul. It bombarded the Jiuyou divine body, her divine body exploded again and again, and reunited again and again under the guidance of a strong will.

   "Hold it up!"

   Chu Yuan knew that every time she burst into reunion, her power would be stronger.

   "Wangchuan River, it is the original artifact governed by Wangchuan. She has condensed all her natural origins, and this existence at the same level as me fell earlier than me."

   The idea of ​​the Lord of the Sky was also aroused.

   "Over the ages, there have been too many powerful men who have fallen. Who can get real eternity? Even if it is as strong as the emperor, it has also been transformed. Calculating forward, the multiverse has experienced how many epochs and fallen existences."

   Chu Yuan also replied.

   "Yeah, I ask who can eternity in this world? There is no one."

  The Lord of the Sky said: "Shenwu, her will is very strong and tenacious. The washing of Wangchuanhe is painful, of course it can be tempered, but if you can't bear that power, the gods of heaven will be demented."

   "There is always a price to pay for the road to power, what pain is it." Chu Yuan said lightly.

   "Being able to bear the power of Wang Chuanhe, she will soon be able to determine her true self, condense her destiny consciousness, and even become a primitive **** is not impossible."

   The Lord of the Sky said: "What is the true self of the God Emperor?"

   The true self of heaven is the firmness to the Tao.

   "Control everything."

   Chu Yuan responded to the Lord of the Sky.

  He stood in the sky above Shenchao, his luck was rolling, and his fighting spirit was boiling. In his eyes, Shenchao's luck was a blazing real fire, always at its peak.

   Although facing the threat of Duertian, the powerhouse of the gods is not afraid!

  The warrior of the gods can die in battle, can withstand failure, but will never give in!

   The wind and rain are coming.

   Duertian also knows that it is meaningless to send a small group of troops to harass Shenwu. They are also gathering one day's strength to get the greatest return at the least cost.

   For crossing the sky, it is necessary to use the top pressure.

   The huge gap between heaven and earth would destroy Shenwu, otherwise the price would be even greater without the strongest strength.

   "No matter how strong the defense is, it can only be passively beaten."

   Chu Yuan also deeply understands this.

   Wangchuanhe also merged with the gods at this time, enhancing the background of the gods.

   "Goddess Yanran can block the strongest God Du'er for me, but the other strong men of Duertian still need me to deal with it."

   Chu Yuan suddenly smiled as he spoke, "A friend is here."

   "This is Shenwu Shenchao?"

   Within the Shen Dynasty, a figure appeared faintly. She was a woman, actually the Emperor of the Devouring World, and she had also come to Shenwu from the Beginning of Heaven.

   She looked at Shenwu.

   "Emperor Biting World, are you here too?" Chu Yuan's voice passed.


   Jie Jie Huang smiled, and she came to the Shen Wu Shen Dynasty.

   She looked at Chu Yuan abruptly. Chu Yuan at this moment was completely different from when he was in Taichu Tian. Although he was strong at that time, he did not have that kind of extreme pressure.

   Standing in front of her, Chu Yuan was like a giant.

   "I said that I would come to the gods of the lord leader when I had a chance."

  Emperor Chuanjie smiled and said: "The leader has not been seen for many years, and his strength is much stronger. I am afraid that the true primitive gods have no way to take the **** emperor."

   "I have made a breakthrough." Chu Yuan said: "Emperor of Devouring World, how about the realm of God in the beginning?"

   He is indeed a somewhat incompetent leader, because of the threat of crossing the Eternal Heaven, he doesn't have the energy to care too much about the God Realm of the Beginning.

   "The God Realm in the early days was okay, and the tree in the early days was not easy to provoke. Although the emperor of the early days organized a few more attacks, they were all countered by the tree in the early days."

  Emperor said: "But I think the leader's situation is not good, is it a threat from the sky?"

   "You are right. We are indeed facing the threat of crossing the sky. They want to destroy our dynasty. This great battle will come in a very short time."

   Chu Yuan received the Emperor of Devouring World.

   "The offense of crossing the Eternity!"

The emperor's face suddenly became very solemn, " This is 33 days, the overlord between heaven and earth, their threat is greater than the early divine dynasty, I think the divine emperor is better to move the dynasty, Go in the early days."

   "How do the big gods move? The country's movement is shaken, and the defensive strength drops, and it will be more dangerous. You don't have to worry too much. In fact, I am also waiting for their attack."

   Chu Yuan was very calm.

   "The leader really doesn't panic when encountering anything."

   Chu Yuan's self-confidence can make people feel at ease. The Realm Devourer muttered, and then said: "I actually got instructions from the God Tree of the Early Beginning this time and brought some treasures to the God Emperor."


   Chu Yuan knew the idea of ​​the **** tree in the early days, and bringing treasures was only part of it.

   In the beginning, the sacred tree didn't understand his empire, and deliberately let the Emperor of Devourer come to investigate his reality.

   The tree in the early days is not stupid.

   "Originally, the God Tree of the Beginning asked me to come over, in order to invite the God Emperor to lead the League of the Beginning and the God of the Beginning to fight a counterattack, but now it seems that the Tree of the Beginning is going to be disappointed, and the God Emperor is now in big trouble."

   It's a pity to bite the world emperor.


   The God Tree of the Beginning can only be shrunk in the territory of the God of the Beginning, not daring to show its head. It needs the help of Chu Yuan's side.

   "The mind of the sacred tree in the early days, I know, let it not be too anxious, as long as I cope with this crisis, it will definitely help it, after all, if it becomes a primitive god, it will also be of great benefit to me."

   Chu Yuan said: "Emperor Biting World, I'm tired all the way, I have prepared a banquet."

   "The **** emperor wants to keep me, let me help the leader deal with the enemy?"

  Emperor Chuanjie laughed.

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