Outside the time and space island, a figure suddenly appeared here, a huge force that shattered time and space, stepped directly in, and broke into the mist of time and space.

   "A strong man has come to Time and Space Island!"

  The strongman of the Cosmic Alliance on the island was collecting treasures, and his face was shocked when he saw this scene suddenly.

  The Lord of Guangyu doubted: "That person seems to be the Divine Martial Emperor, but aren't they fighting Du'ertian? How come they suddenly come to Time Space Island?"

   Before he could react, two more figures swiftly chased after him.

   "His speed is so fast that neither of us can catch up with him, the lord of the disaster, he ran into the island of time and space!"

   The lord of crossing the sea looks ahead.

   "Hmph, he is good at time and space, it is not surprising to run in, go, we chase in, it is impossible to use the power of time and space to get rid of us, it is absolutely impossible! I will taste it today!"

   Although Chu Yuan's methods were weird and unpredictable, they were not afraid of primitive gods, and they stepped in immediately.

   "Primitive God!"

The Lord of Guangyu was also terrified: "They were chasing the Shenwu God Emperor, and they were chasing down to the time and space island. The two primitive gods chased after them, walked and walked, and first left the time and space island. Don't be burdened by their war. Go in!"

   In the mist of time and space.

   Chu Yuan swept his gaze, and found that the environment inside was not much different from what appeared to be. It was just shrouded in a heavy fog, and there were divine objects scattered everywhere.

   However, he also noticed the weirdness.

   The time and space are shrouded in mist, and time and space are chaotic in all directions. You don’t know the direction. You think it is to the north, but in fact it is probably offset to the east.

   You think you are leaving towards the outside world, but it is likely to get deeper and deeper.

   Here, too much confusion.

   "Time and space are chaotic, and the fog interferes with the sense of direction, which is extremely dangerous, and in a deeper position, even the primitive gods will not find a sense of direction. It is a time and space island."

   Chu Yuan felt this weirdness.

   There are treasures everywhere on the island of time and space. When he was flying, the gust of wind rolled up the soil, and it was actually crystal-like diamond-like soil. Every particle of dust seemed to contain the universe.

   "Time and Space..."

Chu Yuan said to himself: "After the soil here is refined by large means, a substance called the crystal of time and space can be obtained. A large number of crystals of time and space can be used to create the sword of time and space, the armor of time and space, and all kinds of time and space power. Matter, I can even use it to build a great army of time and space power!"

   His heart also moved.

but not now.

   "Have you come after?"

   Chu Yuan could sense the rapid approach of two forces.

   He shuttled again, ignoring the scattered fetishes.

   "Through the disaster, he ran to the depths of the space-time island!"

   The Lord of Crossing sees the vast fog of time and space.

   "It's okay, our soul imprints are pinned on the day of Duer. Even if we can't find the direction to leave for a while, but when God moves, we can rely on the imprint to locate, then Shenwu can run."

   The owner of the difficulty can't help worrying.

   What if you can't find Shenwu in one go.

   If this person is immortal, no one can feel at ease.

   "Quick, chase quickly!"

   They increased the shuttle speed to the fastest.

   Chu Yuan crossed a vast river of time and space at this time and came to an area similar to an island and reef.

   There is a sea eye that resembles an ancient well, and there is a crystal water flowing out.

   "Time and Space Ancient Well."

Chu Yuan stared at the mouth of the well, which was an endless abyss, coldly said: "It is said that every ancient well of time and space can lead to the core place of the island of time and space. The sea of ​​time and space also contains a lot of divine things, but It is very dangerous, and the primitive **** may be buried."

   "It's here."

   He stood on the ancient well of time and space, waiting quietly.

   Before long, two figures shattered the fog, and they saw Chu Yuan.

The face of the distressed lord showed a hideous expression, and he said coldly and sternly: "Run, why don't you run, do you know that you can't run, think that there is an ancient source of God behind you to support you, and you can fight against me. God?"

   "I am choosing a grave for you." Chu Yuan said calmly.


   Be careful of the owner of the disaster: "Haha, I'll give you this sentence, Shenwu. To be honest, I admire you too. If you are not a primitive god, just let me fight through the heavens and be strict. You are also extremely powerful."

   "Watch him!"

  The lord of the sea crossing secretly reminded: "Backing on the ancient well of time and space, he is likely to enter the ancient well to escape our pursuit, and it is also very likely to burst out some kind of supernatural power."

   "Block his escape route, I always feel strange for this person."

   The owner of the disaster did not deny Chu Yuan's power.

   "Shoot, don't give him a chance to escape!"

  The lord of crossing the sea, the lord of crossing the sea with immortal power, the rolling power converges, they are the giant gods between the heaven and the earth, and every impact of power carries a huge force that destroys the world.

   The master of crossing the sea came to Chu Yuan first.

   Ten Thousand Ways to Heaven!

   In every force of his, Heaven is sublimating.

   The primordial gods also cultivate the power of the heavens, but the gods of the heavens control the heavens as if they are babbling children, but they are already mature.

   How could a kid ever beat a giant?

   But at the moment his power arrived, Chu Yuan was also shocked, and there was also a power called tribulation in the lightning palm, and counterattacked the past.

   The lord of crossing the sea slapped him directly.

   The boundless hurricane, Chu Yuan himself was also greatly shaken, after all, there is no blessing of national fortune on the island of time and space ~ www.ltnovel.com~ It is already extremely powerful to be able to fight against the original gods.

   "Here, you can fight hard with me, it seems that you can't stay!"

   The lord of crossing the sea said fiercely.


   The Lord of Difficulty waved his hands, and a black ancient book appeared. In that ancient book, the pages opened, and the great will emerged.

   One by one, the ancient words flashed light, condensed into scripture chapters.

   rumbling... The immense huge force seemed to form a spell following the words, suppressing Chu Yuan.

"it is good!"

  The Lord of Crossing the Sea, this is the scripture obtained from the ancient civilization by the Lord of Crossing. He has been comprehending for countless years, and at this moment is inspired by his own power.

   Chu Yuan’s eyes, huh! Suddenly saw countless calamities, eras of destruction, collapse of time and space, life and death of countless people

   "The world is imprisoned!"

  The rune of the Lord of Difficulties swept across, and the words formed a prison like heaven and earth around Chu Yuan, as if the mysterious scriptures were rapidly rotating with him.

The deep color of    pitch black, formed the imprisonment of catastrophe.

   As soon as Chu Yuan's palm touched these words, it was as if a mortal's hand had suddenly touched the thunderbolt, and he immediately retreated.

   "Haha, he is trapped, we seal him!" The troublemaker laughed.

   "The opportunity is here!"

   The Master of Crossing the Sea deeply knows how powerful this ancient book is.

   "Indeed, the opportunity is here!"

   Chu Yuan held the Ten Thousand World Tissot, suddenly all his power burst out, and the sharp brilliance drew towards the front.

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