As soon as the power of Boundary-Break Tissot was released, it immediately broke the blockade of the Lord of Difficulties.

   "He broke my prison!"

The Lord of Difficulty suddenly fell on Tissot Breaking Realm, and he shouted after being surprised: "It is that divine object, which can break the blockade of heaven and earth, but I also felt it just now. This blow has consumed all of its power, for a short time. It cannot be activated inside!"

   "Shenwu has enough good things!"

  The master of crossing the sea is also greedy: "But do you think that you can escape from birth? That would look down on us too much!"

   A small black statue appeared on his hand. The majesty and horror of God Du'e came, and when it was shattered, it seemed that God Du'e had come here and would once again form a blockade against Chu Yuan.

   boom! But this power just broke out, and at the same time, a black mark appeared on Chu Yuan's hand.

   The power of this imprint exploded violently. It was death, end, and grave-like power...

   He slapped his power directly at the lord of the disaster.

   "The power of death!"

The Lord of Difficulties instantly sensed, and his complexion changed: "I feel threatened by just one mark. In this world, only the ancient Lord of Death can have this power, but the Lord of Death has long since disappeared. After the long history of Hanoi, no one has seen him again, how can he have this power!"

   There is no time to think about it, the Lord of Difficulties immediately moves defense.

   And just as he was defending, the morning mirror appeared, burning a raging divine fire, and the overwhelming flame made it shine like a huge star in the sky.

   The morning light mirror is left by the morning light host. At the last moment, he instilled all his power into it.

   "What is he going to do?" The troublemaker suddenly felt bad.

   The Morning Light Mirror was released by Chu Yuan's most powerful and dazzling power. An instant burst, like the falling of stars, directly impacted on the owner of the disaster.

   The morning light mirror is destroyed, and its function is to stop the troubled master.

"not good!"

  The Lord of the Difficulties already knew what Chu Yuan was going to do. He was not worried about himself, but the Lord of the Crossing, and shouted: "Master of the Crossing, be careful not to fight with him, his purpose is you!"

   Although he doesn't know what Shenwu has to deal with the master of the sea.

   "Is it me?" The lord of crossing the sea looked startled.

   But at this moment.

   Time freezes.

   In the system space, Chu Yuan directly sacrificed the Sky City.

   "Sky City, destroy it."

   Chu Yuan wants to destroy the city in the sky.

   Although the Sky City is the most top-notch primitive artifact, the Lord of the Sky forged a lifetime artifact, which can be a heavenly artifact, but Chu Yuan still wants to destroy it.

  Reluctant to let the child catch the wolf.

   Chu Yuan knows the choice.

   He is going to kill the lord of crossing the sea today.

   Suddenly, the lord of crossing the sea felt that a terrifying will could lock him with the terrifying power that destroyed his original source.

   "You run!" The troublemaker yelled anxiously.

   This person is too vicious.

   Shenwu knew that his strength was one level higher than that of the sea-crossing master among the primitive gods, so he trapped him for a few moments and exterminated the sea-crossing master.

  The lord of crossing the sea also knew that he had encountered something bad, and he was leaving immediately.

   The divine light flashed in Chu Yuan's eyes, offering sacrifices to the power of the Sky City. It was only in a moment that the entire universe in the Sky City was condensing and shrinking, turning into one point.


   At this point, it is like the explosion of a small multiverse.

   When the Lord of Crossing saw this power, the destruction had been completed.

  In an instant, the endless particle gusts swallowed the Lord Crossing the Sea, and all the power surged towards him.

"Do not!"

  The face of the lord crossing the sea showed incomparable horror, his body was shattering, and his soul was dying out: "Ah! I will never fall here, never!"

   "The explosion of my Sky City is something you can resist? In the realm of primitive gods, you are just standing at the lowest level!"

   is the master of the sky personally urged the power of the sky city to the strongest.

   He knew that he had no chance of being alive after the emperor was transformed into the Tao of Man. With his severely injured body, he instilled and sealed all his last heavenly origins into the city of the sky.

   The explosion at this moment is enough to destroy primitive gods at the level of Lord Crossing the Sea.

   The horror on the face of the Lord Crossing the Sea was magnified, and he could not escape the destruction of the Sky City.

   "cross the sea!"

   The owner of the disaster is going crazy.


   Chu Yuan is cold and cruel.

   When Duertian attacked him, he had the idea of ​​destroying the city in the sky, and leaving deliberately was his intention.

   He wants to let Du Ertian see that he has given up where he has the greatest advantage.

  Because in the heart of Duhaitian, this person is the strongest in the gods, and they will not take risks and break into the gods to fight with him.

   When Chu Yuan left the Shenchao, their hearts relaxed a lot, thinking that he had any trump cards that could not threaten them.

   The mistake on this point created a godsend opportunity for Chu Yuan.

   The lord of crossing the sea was completely swallowed by the sky city.

   This powerful and ancient artifact has completed its final mission.

   It should have been destroyed in the Great Ancient War, and its destruction also took away the Lord of Crossing, a primitive **** buried it with it.

   The final roar is like the elegy of the times.

   "cross the sea!"

   The Lord of the Difficulties felt terrified that the life breath of the Lord of the Seas had disappeared. UU Reading a primitive **** fell.

  To reappear, Duhaitian must pay a huge price to resurrect his destiny consciousness.

   And this moment.

   Chu Yuan looked at the ruins of destruction in front of him, he suddenly incarnate into the terrifying sky-swallowing black hole, and all the energy and the power of the Lord of Crossing after the destruction were absorbed by him.

   "The fourth realm of heaven, it's time to break through!"

   Chu Yuan's power began to soar.

   Originally, he needed to condense more energy to accumulate to the peak limit of the third realm, but now he swallowed all the energy of the lord of the sea.

   His breath is undergoing an epic promotion.

   The fourth realm of true self requires a clear path and a firm will to change. Chu Yuan's will is to control everything and create an era of divine martial arts with the emperor's hegemony.

   His will is breaking through the cocoon and becoming a butterfly, promoting like a phoenix nirvana.

   boom! Following his domineering will to control the void, Chu Yuan's cultivation was no surprise, and he was directly promoted to the fourth realm of true self.

   At this level, his strength exploded again.

   In the fourth stage of the Heavenly Dao, he certainly couldn't defeat the primitive gods with his strength, but Chu Yuan was absolutely confident that he could fight some head-on without losing.

   If he reaches the fifth stage, his strength will be even more terrifying.

   If he rearranges the Heavenly Dao list now, his strength can definitely be ranked first, even more terrifying than Thor.

   "For allowing me to be promoted so quickly, I also want to thank you for crossing the hell."

   Chu Yuan made a cold voice.

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