In this secret world, there are three statues erected.

   A statue with a thick breath, with its feet on the earth, has the power to open up the earth, like the existence of controlling the earth.

   And the breath is vast and vast, like the master of the sky.

   The one in the middle, his face always has a benevolent smile, he is a person, a truly pure person.

   "The Sky City of the Lord of the Sky is destroyed!"

   A majestic and majestic being wearing a robe of the earth suddenly moved his mind. He is actually the Lord of the Earth, the right arm of the Emperor, and the existence of the same name as the Lord of the Sky.

   He and the Lord of the Sky are close friends. The power of the sky and the earth, the destruction of the Sky City, can be felt in an instant.

   "What happened? Could it be that someone found the whereabouts of the Sky City and inspired the self-destructive setting, Lord of the Sky, my friend..."

   The Lord of the Earth frowned.

   He wanted to sacrifice to the Lord of the Sky's destiny to figure out the situation, but he knew that he couldn't do this. Once the sacrifice was made, his hiding place would be exposed.

   In this universe, too many people want his life.

   "The humane spirit is immortal. As long as there are people, there will be a new emperor. That's when I leave the earth realm, and the Lord of the sky can be resurrected."

   The Lord of the Earth murmured.

   At that time, the Human Emperor Huadao fell. He took the last strong man in the human world and hid in the depths of the multiverse, and he also took away the most important humanity treasure apart from the Human Emperor sword. ....

   On the island of time and space, four figures suddenly appeared.

   "Extremely violent fluctuations occurred on the time-space island, destroying the world, it must be Shenwu and the two primitive gods fighting fiercely, they all broke out the real trump card, and the real fire!"

   These are the four powerhouses of Vulcan. Their speed is not as fast as the original gods. When they first came to the time and space island, they suddenly saw that in the depths of time and space, there was a divine light bursting.

   But because of the obstruction of the fog of time and space and the limitation of time and space island's power, they couldn't see exactly what happened.

   However, they would not have thought that the lord of crossing the sea had fallen.

   "It is very possible that both sides have reached a critical moment, and the loss of strength is also very huge now!"

   Vulcan's eyes flickered.

   "The Lord of Difficulties!"

   Suddenly, they saw the lord of the tragedy carrying boundless anger, and the extremely angry will shuttled out of the fog of time and space.

   "Is this battlefield over? How could it be so fast?" Aotian Lord stunned. "No, why is there only one person who crosses the sea, the one who crosses the sea? If their fighting gains an advantage, there will not be only one person who crosses the sea, and you feel the aura of the one who crosses the sea, he is extremely angry, obviously It's a big loss."

   The lord of the fantasy world said: "Why is the lord in trouble so furious? And in the rage, he took the initiative to withdraw from the battlefield?"

   weird, very weird.

   "The lord of crossing the sea does not appear, only the lord of crossing the disaster is alone. Could it be that the lord of crossing the sea has an accident!"

   They suddenly came up with a terrified answer.

   "Impossible, how can primitive gods exist, how can they fall here!"

  Vulcan was the one who reacted the most. He immediately roared, "I absolutely don't believe that the lord of crossing the sea will have an accident. It is very likely that the Shenwu was lost in the space-time island, and his whereabouts cannot be tracked and inspected!"

   "The lord of crossing the sea is dead, are you four here to die?"

   Chu Yuan was magnificent, and the sound that shook his soul resounded.

   He appeared directly in front of the four Vulcans.

   "He was not lost on the island of time and space, the lord of the tragedy was really unable to do anything about him before leaving!"

   Seeing Chu Yuan, they felt a chill in their hearts. Chu Yuan's power at the moment was too vast.

   "What did he say? He said that he killed the lord of crossing the sea. Could it be the fluctuation just now!"

   The Lord of Aotian was frightened.

   United with the various deeds calculated before, at this moment, they didn't feel that Chu Yuan was deceiving them. If it weren't the case, the troublemaker would not have such a big reaction.

   They didn't know what method Chu Yuan used to kill the master of crossing the sea.

   But it is possible to know that the four of them originally wanted to take advantage this time and took the opportunity to take advantage of the fire, but they sent themselves to the door.

   "No matter what the situation is, we can't fight him now!"

   Killing King was the most calm, "Go!" "Yes! Go!"

   The current Chu Yuan is not something they can resist at all. This person stands tall in the heavens and the earth, with dragons and snakes rising from the land, the majesty of the earth upturning. "The Sealed Door."

  While Chu Yuan waved his hand, the ancient seal gate blocked the world.

   "Bombard him together!"

   The four powerhouses looked fierce, and their power hit Chu Yuan.

   Chu Yuan saw their attack, pointed at the sky and stepped on the ground, with a palm blast, the mountains and the sea, the boundless force, it was simply invincible, and they directly destroyed their attack.

  His mana shocked, and the devastating hurricane that swept out directly hit them.


   This blow caused the four of them to shoot backwards and blast blood together.

   One palm hit four people, this is Chu Yuan's current invincible strength.

   "How can he be so strong!" Vulcan roared in fright.

  At the beginning, Chu Yuan's second stage strength could make them helpless, not to mention that now, the cultivation base has reached the fourth stage, even the fifth stage is very close.

   Want to fight Chu Yuan ~ ~ must be a primitive god.

   "Go! Get out of here, don't fight with him, he is now forming a seal, and infinite space and time power is pouring over!"

   Vulcan drank in horror.

   almost at the same moment!

   "The world is illusory, everything is empty, true and false, illusion is empty!"

   Immediately, the lord of the fantasy world burned with a glazed illusion color, countless false worlds emerged, her body exploded, and she disappeared directly in front of Chu Yuan.

   As the top Fifth Realm, she naturally also has a life-saving trump card. The consumption of the source made her existence here become illusory.

   "I also exploded my divine body, true and false divine body, the real self is transformed!"

   Vulcan's divine body also exploded. He knew that Chu Yuan could not be sealed, so he didn't count the consumption of the source, just to escape his pursuit.

   "Replacement puppet, change shape and shadow!" The death king's body suddenly turned into a wooden man who looked exactly like him, and then the wooden man burned.

   Killing is to take the lives of others, not to give up one's own lives. The substitute puppet of the Killing King is made by Killing God, and its value is comparable to the original artifact.

  In other words, he lost a primitive artifact in one fell swoop.

   These three people broke out their strongest life-saving cards in an instant.

   What a pity.

  If the Sky City is still there, none of them can run away.

   "You all ran away, I am the only one left."

   The Lord of Aotian saw in horror that Vulcan and the others ran away, leaving him alone to face the Shenwu God Emperor!

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