The Lord of Aotian was shocked and angry.

This was only a short moment, the three of Vulcan rushed to escape before him, abandoning him here alone, facing the Shenwu God Emperor alone.

He also hated Vulcan and the others.

They agreed to deal with the Shenwu God Emperor together, but he abandoned him in the blink of an eye.

How could he be the opponent of Shenwu God Emperor.

"You are the only one left."

Chu Yuan's sharp eyes saw through the essence of Aotian Lord.

In fact, he felt very sorry in his heart.

The one he wanted most to seal and kill was Vulcan, but Vulcan's reaction was too fast, and the Lord of Illusion and the King of Killing urged him to run out.

"I fought with you!"

The Lord of Ao Tian is the weakest among the four powerhouses, and his ability to escape is not as good as them, so he is the only one left.

He also understood that he had fallen into the most critical moment, which was the greatest crisis of his life, and he immediately transformed into his body, a huge black beast of a million feet.

He has a hard carapace with two huge tongs like crabs.

Although Chu Yuan was very small in front of him, the aura of Qi swallowing the universe crushed him.

The Lord of Aotian directly slammed into Chu Yuan, like a star.

Chu Yuan's eyes were sharp, he raised a finger, and the energy was like the sea, and the universe suddenly condensed, and the vast blow hit the Lord of Aotian directly.

His huge divine body was pierced by this hole, and it was immediately torn open a large, ruinous hole, and river-like blood flowed out.

The huge gap prevented him from fighting Chu Yuan at all.

"The Sealed Door!"

Chu Yuan moved the sealed gate, and immediately countless divine lights shot out, turning into a chain of locking gods, intertwined with the Lord of Aotian.

Time and space are constantly squeezed, and the Lord of Ao Tian is extremely frightened, he is **** like a big crab, and is left to be killed.

Chu Yuan waved his hand again, and it was the flame gate that ejected a hot divine fire, burning on his divine body, no matter how strong his vitality was, facing this kind of purgatory torture, at this moment, he was rapidly weakening.

"no no!"

The Lord of Aotian was terrified, and said: "Shenwu God Emperor, don't kill me. Actually, there is no great enmity between you and me. I was also bewitched by the Vulcan God to deal with you. In fact, the fundamental reason is the Fire Ancestor. Spare my life!"

"Spare you?"

Chu Yuan's downward refining hand suddenly stopped and said indifferently: "It's not impossible, but you have to pay a price."

"Price!" Ao Tian's thoughts fluctuated violently: "Do you want me to be your slave, immortal and eternal under your control!"

He also knew what Shenwu God Emperor meant.

"You are very smart." Chu Yuan said.


The Lord of Ao Tian was caught in entanglement. As the fifth stage of the heavenly path, how could he be willing to be someone else's slave and lose his freedom.


He suddenly let out a violent scream, it was Chu Yuan's lore power.

If you don't become a slave, you will die. No one on the island of time and space can save him!

If you want to survive, you must give in!

"Stop, I am dead, as long as I can survive, I am willing to be a slave!"

The Lord of Ao Tian didn't have such arrogance, he knew the beauty of life very well, and when he died, there was really nothing left.

"Let go of the resistance of the soul, as long as you have a trace of resistance, the consciousness of destiny will immediately collapse."

Chu Yuan opened his big hand, and the invisible soul power penetrated into the soul of Aotian Lord.

The Lord of Ao Tian was trembling, and an boundless soul power was controlling the consciousness of destiny that wrapped him, and imposing soul restrictions on him, but at this time, he could not resist.

Time and space reversed, the outside world was only a short time, but in time and space, Chu Yuan accelerated for a long time.

Even for him, it is extremely troublesome to restrain a statue under the fifth realm.

If there is a little resistance, all previous efforts will be lost.

"Ao Tian, ​​I have seen God Emperor!"

The Lord of Ao Tian turned into a human form, with his head down, his soul was controlled, and he also accepted his fate.


Chu Yuan nodded in satisfaction.

Also the Lord of Aotian.

If it was Wushang, the King of Killing surrendered to him, he would not even think about it, and directly beheaded, there would be 33 days of existence behind them.

The Lord of Aotian is a strange beast born in the multiverse, similar to the fire ancestor, without his own power.

The Lord Aotian wanted to escape from Chu Yuan's control, and there was only one way, and that was to explode his fate, and Chu Yuan could not stop him.

However, his destiny burst, and if he wants to reproduce diversity, he needs someone to sacrifice and revive him.

But the Lord of Aotian who is lonely and widowed, who will resurrect him?

The cost of resurrecting a fifth realm is many times greater than the cost of cultivating the fifth realm.

In the multiverse, there is also a strong man who is best at soul control. He is called the soul master. He is also the **** of the day, and even the original gods can be controlled by his soul.

"Return to the gods with me."

Chu Yuan quickly returned to the gods with the Lord of Aotian.

Originally, outside the Shen Dynasty, there were countless strong men who crossed the emperor and were besieging them, but as Chu Yuan returned to the Shen Dynasty, all these countless strong men were removed in a short time.

"What's going on, the troop crossing the sky was withdrawn too suddenly?"

The Emperor of Devouring World stared blankly.

The massive attack, but suddenly all withdrew, was too anticlimactic.

"There is no other reason. Before your Majesty left the Divine Dynasty, it must be your Majesty's advantage."

Jiuyou said indifferently, "I'll know when your Majesty comes back."

It didn't take long for Chu Yuan to return to the Shen Dynasty.

"Okay, the attack of Duertian is temporarily The lord of the sea crossing has been killed by me. This is the direct reason that Duertian retreats. In a short period of time, they cannot continue to attack. "

Once Chu Yuan returned to the Shen Dynasty, he explained the matter lightly.

"The original **** was destroyed!"

The emperor of Devouring World was stunned.

Naturally, she would not doubt that there was a falsehood in this statement, and indeed all the troops who fought the **** had already withdrawn.

The whole Shenwu powerhouse celebrated.

"Lord of Aotian?" The Emperor of Bite looked at the lord of Aotian again.

Although she has been in the Secret Territory for a long time, as a special creature, she still knows some powerful monsters in the world. Seeing him following Chu Yuan, she also faintly guessed something.

"I have surrendered to the **** emperor." Aotian Lord said in a low voice.

Since the existence of Xiaoyao's comfort and being under the control of the soul at once, it is strange that his mood can be good.

"The strength of the **** emperor is really unfathomable."

The Realm Devourer wouldn’t ask what Chu Yuan used to kill the Lord of Aotian, just said: “Leader, what is the Lord’s plan to do about the God Realm in the beginning?"

"Tell the sacred tree in the early days not to worry. Since I am the leader, I will naturally help it."

Chu Yuan said to him: "The time has not yet come to deal with the gods of the early days."

"I know."

Jiejiehuang also nodded.

Although Du'ertian had retreated, the war did not stop, and Shenwu had no extra power to help the God Tree of Taichu.

Chu Yuan did not relax because of this. He had more things to do. He could not stay for a while, sacrificed the fire ancestor, and said: "Huo ancestor, this time I am going to seal the fire god, see if there is a chance to let you resurrection."

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