After    Fire Ancestor Mind was sacrificed, he was also excited: "Is the emperor going to kill the Vulcan?"

   For the resurrection, he is very eager.

"Yes, now is the best time to seal Vulcan. Although he escaped from my seal before, it was also when he himself was the weakest. When will he not be cut at this time, how about you? resurrection?"

   escaped the seal, not without a price.

  If the fire ancestor can be resurrected, there will be an additional primitive **** around him, which is great for the development of the gods.

   And wanting the Lord of the Sky to be resurrected is not something he can do now. The first prerequisite is that he must first be promoted to the realm of the primitive gods, and it is possible to achieve it with the genius of life and death.

   "Fire Ancestor, you should know the price you should pay if you are resurrected." Chu Yuan said.

"I know."

   Huo Ancestor also understood that there is a price to be paid if he wants to live. Once he is truly resurrected, he will not be as carefree as before, and he must obey Chu Yuan's orders.

   "Perhaps, I have to change my way of life."

   Fire Ancestor does not reject, even the great existence such as the Lord of the Sky is willing to work for him.

   As the emperor of the world, his achievements are not imaginable.

   "If you can't seal Vulcan this time, and you want to find an opportunity, you don't know when."

   Chu Yuan left the Shen Dynasty without telling anyone, and he knew that Du'ertian could not launch an attack in a short time.

   Within the Guangyu League.

   was also panic.

   "The lord of crossing the sea has fallen. He was killed by the Shenwu God Emperor. I don't know what methods were used, but a primitive **** has indeed fallen!"

   After the Lord of Guangyu got the news, his whole person was in a daze.

   "It is not necessarily the strength of the Shenwu God Emperor himself. He deliberately went to the Space-Time Island. I think he set a trap and laid out there to kill the Lord of Crossing. It must be a powerful treasure!"

   Shui Yun Road.

   "For whatever reason, the lord of crossing the sea has fallen, the army of crossing the sky has retreated, the situation of the two heroes has been formed, the best time to crossing the sky and destroying the gods has been lost!"

   Guangyu's master said: "No, I want to go to Shenwu Shenchao myself!"

   He hurried to Shenwu Shenchao.

   "The leader of the Guangyu League meets the God Emperor!"

   The Lord of Guangyu said immediately after reaching the periphery of Shenwu.

   For Shenwu, he dare not be a little presumptuous.

   "Your Majesty is practising a supreme magical skill, and it is temporarily unavailable, the leader of Guangyu, if you are not in a hurry, you can wait for your Majesty to exit in the direction of God.

   is the appearance of the Lord of Aotian.

   "Fifth Realm, Lord of Aotian!"

   The Lord of Guangyu guessed something vaguely, and suddenly said: "Don't worry, the divine emperor's cultivation is important. I will visit after the divine emperor leaves."

   He is not angry either.

   Knowing that this time the Shenwu killing and killing the master of the sea also paid a huge price, the Shenwu God Emperor must have some insight, and then hurriedly retreat.

   He didn't dare to interrupt.

   Just when Chu Yuan was chasing and killing the Vulcan, there was sorrow in the day of crossing the emperor, and the morale was low, and he fell into sorrow.

   The lord of crossing the sea fell, and a huge pillar supporting the sky collapsed.

   They were extremely confident when they set out, thinking that the Destroyer God Warrior was coming, but in fact they slapped them severely.

   In Duertian, a cloud was also cast over because of this frustration.

   "cross the sea!"

   The owner of the trouble was also extremely painful.

   "Vengeance, we want revenge!"

   "The lord of crossing the sea can't fall so unclearly, kill, unwilling to die!"

   The gods and gods who crossed the evil sky have a murderous intent.

   "Master of Crossing the Sea!"

   Wushang clasped his hands tightly. He and the lord of crossing the sea were figures of the same period. One became a primitive god, and the other became the first **** of crossing the sky.

  The fall of the lord of crossing the sea caused an extremely huge blow to him.

   "This time the war against Shenwu has failed."

   God of Duer came, and seeing the expressions of the people, his heart was gloomy, but as a God, he could not show the slightest depression.

   "God, this time it is my responsibility. I didn't underestimate Shenwu. I didn't expect that he would have the means to kill and cross the sea. If I were more cautious and didn't chase and kill, then cross the sea would not die!"

   The master who overcomes the difficulties blames himself.

   "As God, I should bear the greatest responsibility for the fall of crossing the sea."

  Don't talk about the difficulties, even the Lord of Duer did not expect that the Shenwu will suddenly erupt and kill the Lord of Crossing.

   Everyone expected that he had the means to fight against primitive gods, but no one would think of killing.

   After all, confrontation and killing are two different things.

   But things have happened, what he needs to do is to plan the next move.

   "Tell me, how did he kill and cross the sea?" Du'er God said.

   "I didn't see it clearly."

The Lord of Distress shook his head painfully: "He destroyed a primitive artifact to stop me. I only saw a wave of destruction, but it was also a primitive artifact. It was the most advanced, and even the realm was not weaker than that of God. Refined by the peerless power, the power of the ancient power still remains inside, which completely burst out, making it impossible to resist crossing the sea for an instant!"

   The Sky City erupted too fast, he didn't see it, he could only feel the energy.

   "The original **** in the same realm as me, the top original artifact!"

   God Du'e suddenly sighed as he spoke: "I still underestimated him. He has prepared the means to destroy the original gods, and he is waiting for us to do it. After this defeat, it will be difficult to think about destroying Shenwu."

  The restraint of the ancient source **** made it difficult for him to join the battlefield.

"The fall of crossing the sea is the biggest loss I have taken when crossing the sky, but I will not fall due to crossing the sky. The lord of crossing the sea fell for my sky. I will pay a big price, sacrifice him and resurrect him, and reunite him. God's destiny consciousness There is also a fatal murderous opportunity in the eyes of God Du'er: "And the strength of my heaven is not imaginable by others, no one can know how strong my heaven will be! "

   "God, what should I do next, I must not look at Shenwu becoming bigger and stronger!"

   The lord of the difficult time gritted his teeth.

  Everyone knows that Shenwu is now in a period of rapid development. If it is not destroyed as soon as possible, it will definitely threaten their status.

   "Helian Zongheng."

The God of Du'er said: "There is an ancient source of God behind Shenwu. If we want to destroy Shenwu with the power of our heavens, we will have to pay a greater price. Dragon Shentian is not hating them, let the dragon gods also come to fight. That Longzu is not to cultivate the Chaos Dragon, I promised to help him."

   Originally, they wanted to kill Shenwu alone and eat all the benefits.

   But the development of the matter exceeded their expectations, and it was necessary to win Dragon God and gather the greatest advantage.

   Thinking of this, God Du'er also became irritable. If it weren't for the God of Ancient Origin, a divine weapon wouldn't give him such a headache.

   "Yes, cooperate with Dragon God and Heaven!" The lord of the disaster screamed: "Unwilling, I will share the benefits to them at that time, God, for the resurrection of the sea, I am willing to contribute my strength!"


   At this time, Wu Shang said suddenly.

   "Say." The God of Du'er said.

   "I want to enter the depths of ancient civilization and accept the most dangerous inheritance!"

   Wu Shang's eyes were extremely firm.

   "Since you have decided, then do it." God Du'e did not refuse: "Perhaps, this is your only chance to become a primitive god."

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