"Damn it, hate it, my source of heaven, I don't know how many years it will take to make up for this loss. I stepped into the primitive **** and it was ethereal forever!"

   Vulcan made a furious voice, and his face was distorted fiercely.

   He was able to escape smoothly this time because he practiced an ancient secret method of true self and false body, which is to separate part of his soul and origin, and once again condense him.

   It was indeed his real body who chased Chu Yuan before.

   But he exterminated his true self, and changed his true self at once, abandoning a full one-third of the origin of the heavenly path, and escaped smoothly.

   He also understood that Chu Yuan's current strength was no longer something he could contend.

"It's not the time for me to be furious. Shenwu must kill him for the resurrection of the Fire Ancestor. I must not be beheaded by him, and I can't hide him wherever I escape. I refine the origin of the Fire Ancestor and can sense me. s position!"

   Thinking of this, he was also very upset.

   The lord of the fantasy world ran anywhere, with her ability, the primitive gods could not find her.

   And the King of Killing can run back to Killing Heaven.

   But he can't. If there is a fire ancestor, he can sense his position.

   Besides, what is the use of the lord of the illusion world and the king of killing, only by killing him can he resurrect the flame ancestor.

   "Flee back to the gods first!"

   He continuously consumes the origin of the heavenly path, the speed is incredible, and he quickly fled toward the gods.

   "I can't get the Sky Fire God Orb, hateful. I originally wanted to refine the fire ancestor's power to make me a primitive god, but now there is no hope at all. I can't resist him by myself!"

Vulcan is angry: "After I am safe, I must have the determination to break the arm of the strong man. Although the power of the fire ancestor made me a very strong person among the gods of the heavens, I failed to completely exterminate him, and I could not get the heavenly fire **** orb. , It also limits my potential. This time I want to strip off the fire ancestor's power. Of course, it will reduce my strength, but sooner or later I can cultivate and break the threshold of the original **** with my own will!"

   "The gods are coming soon!"

   used to take a long time to return to the gods, but he burned the origin of the heavens, regardless of the cost, and only took a short time to see the gods.

   He has seen the dusty world of the Ganges River surrounded by the gods.

"It's not safe to run into the gods. The Shenwu will not let me go. There is only one way to find a world of dust and hide in. Even a powerful existence cannot destroy the world of dust. This is the taboo of the gods. , Even the gods of hell, they dare not destroy, otherwise they will be chased by the gods!"

   Huo Ancestor knew that he would be safe as long as he entered the world of dust.

   is also good, he is currently suffering from a severe loss of origin, and he happens to be retreating in the world of dust, waiting to go out when he is safe.

   Although this Shenwu is rampant now, he has too many enemies, he may die one day, and he will still be ahead of him.

   But just as he was about to approach the gods, his face panicked violently.

   In front of him, a domineering and mighty figure suddenly appeared in time and space.

   "Vulcan, you can run very well, you almost let you escape."


   Chu Yuan volleyed his huge palms, tumbling mountains and overwhelming the sea, energy storms swept out, and the **** of fire violently shook. The whole person suffered a shocking blow and fell towards the gods.

   Chu Yuan was also lucky in his heart.

   Fortunately, I am proficient in the ways of time and space, and have a great cultivation base, otherwise I will be escaped by Vulcan.

   If he escapes into this world of dust and there is nothing he can do with him, it is almost impossible for the fire ancestor to resurrect in a short time.

   Now that he appeared in front of Vulcan, it was impossible for him to run in.


   Vulcan gritted his teeth and said these two words.

   is so close.

   That little bit, he can escape back to the gods!

   Chu Yuan's appearance broke his illusion!

   "Hahaha, Vulcan, let me see where you run. Back then, the United Killing King attacked me. Today, there is causal reincarnation. There are causes and effects, and retribution is unhappy. You will also suffer the same fate!" Bora

  The fire ancestor appeared, laughing cheerfully.

   "Be forgiving and forgiving, don't force me to work hard with you!"

   Vulcan knows that he is absolutely impossible to be his opponent. He savagely said: "I am already very close to the gods. As long as I call for help, there will be a **** Lord to save me!"

   There are also gods who want to recruit him. If he is really saved by the gods, he will owe a great favor.

"You can try."

   Chu Yuan looked at him, huge power was already surging.

   "God Lord Qiankun save me, as long as you save me, I am willing to be your subordinate and be loyal to you forever!"

   Vulcan roared loudly, his sonic waves can span endless distances.

   But what made him desperate was that no matter how he yelled, there was no response at all. It stands to reason that at such a close distance, the Lord’s reaction would be very fast.


   The sealed door that sealed all things came down, and the two portals of time and space also appeared at the same time, forming a character shape, emitting three endless rays of light.

   The time and space are blocked, and even the slightest fluctuation cannot be leaked out.

   "You have sealed time and space."

   Huoshen looked pale.

   This time he is truly invincible.

   "Fire Ancestor, I will bring his living seal back to Shenwu and hold a sacrifice for you, so that you can completely break free from the law of life and death, reunited with the heart of destiny, and recover yourself again!"

   Chu Yuan's sharp eyes locked on Vulcan.

   Vulcan is the biggest sacrifice.

   In addition, to resurrect the fire ancestor, a large amount of primitive energy is needed. Many gods and gods of the heavens can be truly resurrected from him at an extremely high price.

"it is good!"

  The idea of ​​the fire ancestor is trembling~www.ltnovel.com~ He can't wait.

   At this time, Chu Yuan looked at the God of Fire without mercy, and the hand of God shook off and grabbed him severely.

   "Spell it!"

   Vulcan suddenly turned into the origin of heaven, madly impacting the power of Chu Yuan's seal, but what made him more and more chilling was that he could not attack Chu Yuan's power at all.

   He has been completely blocked in this world.

   "I can't escape!"

   Between heaven and earth, it seems that the bell of death was ringing for him, and Vulcan's eyes were desperate.

   "Eternal Seal."

   Chu Yuan carries infinite power, and wants to seal the Vulcan's presence.

   The Heavenly Fire God Orbs are all spinning, sweeping out a wave of repressive force. The origin of the Heavenly Dao he refined before gave him powerful strength, and at this time it also became a deadly poison.

   "Even if I am a self-sacrifice, and completely let my power dissipate, it will not let you succeed!"

   Vulcan is in a sad voice, he wants to destroy himself completely, the kind of destiny that does not exist.

   But how could Chu Yuan let him succeed.

   His previous consumption was too great, and Vulcan was his weakest moment at this time.

   The power of the eternal seal came down, and along with the gate of the seal, this gate swept through and expelled the vast sea of ​​divine light, completely submerging the **** of fire.

"I can not be reconciled!"

   Vulcan uttered his unwilling and desperate roar, very regretful, if he did not leave the gods, he would not fall to the end of today.

   But everything is too late.

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