The vast and turbulent mana, the majestic source of life.

Huo Ancestor stood in Shenwu at this moment.

He looked at his palm, this was the real body of life, not the consciousness that he had previously summoned, and he could blast out his power wantonly.

His eyes were still slightly dazed.

Only after one death can he know the beauty of life.

It turns out that being alive is so good.

"I was resurrected and finally lived."

The fire ancestors fell too long.

When he died, the human emperor period did not begin.

He sighed that it was too dangerous to break free from the law of life and death this time.

"Huo Zu, congratulations, resurrected."

Chu Yuan smiled and looked at Fire Ancestor.

"I can be resurrected by the **** emperor. Without the **** emperor, it would be difficult for me to be resurrected in despair."

Huo Ancestor deeply knew that he could be resurrected, he would not be able to do it without Chu Yuan's efforts, and he had also experienced the growth of his strength, which was very scary.

"Free from the law of life and death, Fire Ancestor, congratulations, I'm alive again."

God of the Sky Lord’s destiny consciousness.

"Yes, although I am resurrected, but you do not know when your resurrection will end."

Huo Ancestor also knew that the resurrection of the Lord of the Sky was much more difficult than him, mainly because the opponent stood at the peak of the original god, and could not regain his own long river of heaven as he did, and his destiny consciousness was also broken.

The resurrection of the Lord of the Sky is ten times more difficult than him.

"The resurrection of the Lord of the Sky will start the sacrifice at the moment when the world of life and death is achieved." Chu Yuan said.

"Shen Dynasty."

Huo Zu looked towards Shen Chao.

Compared with before, the strong national fortune has dropped by at least half, and the whole world is devastated and cracked everywhere.

And the consumption of other resources is even more needless to say.

The inventory is gone.

It is conceivable that Chu Yuan paid.

"Fire Ancestor, this time for your resurrection, the empire's resources have been exhausted, and it will take a long time to recover from the fragmentation of heaven and earth. This is a counterattack of regular will and it is difficult to smooth out."

Chu Yuan looked at him and said to him.


He has the Ten Thousand Realm Sky Tower, this supreme primitive artifact, otherwise he can't take the counterattack of the regular will.

And if it were the resurrected Lord of the Sky, the Ten Thousand Realm Heavenly Pagoda would collapse.

Resurrection is too costly.

It is also the fire ancestor, who can only succeed by regaining the origin of the river and completing the consciousness of destiny.

"I know that the **** emperor has paid a lot for me. My fire ancestor naturally knows the kindness. I have long wanted to understand. After the resurrection, I will become a man of the gods. Now I must fulfill my promise."

Huo Ancestor nodded.

In the past, he was a lone ranger and had no power before he was murdered. This time he came back from the resurrection, and already figured it out. He must find a power.

Be the emperor of the world.

Very mysterious.

Fire Ancestor could clearly perceive that Chu Yuan still had a more mysterious force in his body, which could even subvert the operation of the universe's mystery.

Even the Lord of the Sky is willing to work for him, what else he can't understand.


At this moment, a bright fire blasted straight into the sky, and a huge superstar appeared in the long river of Shenwu's stars, red and bright, shining sacred brilliance.

This giant star is like the gap between an ordinary star and a giant star.

The stars of the primitive gods! 139 Reading Network

The fire ancestor was branded on his stars in Shenwu, which also showed that at this moment he truly became a citizen of the Shenwu God Dynasty, closely linked to the luck of the empire.

"I have vowed to be loyal to Shenwu and never understand!"

His voice turned into a firm will, resounding within Shenwu.

Originally, the luck of the empire declined drastically because of his resurrection, but at this time, because of his allegiance to the martial arts, his power rose again, and the original flavor burst out.

Chu Yuan also nodded.

Although he paid an extremely huge price, the gods will not be able to maintain rapid development due to shortage of resources in the future, but it is worthwhile to have a primitive god.

"Huo Ancestor, although you die once, how do you know it is not a blessing? The experience of death will make you stronger."

The Lord of the Sky said calmly on the side.

"Not bad!"

Fire in the eyes of Vulcan surging, self-belief: "With this experience, I will soon be able to break through to the realm of primitive control, it doesn't take long!"

"I look forward to your resurrection, Lord of the Sky, the pinnacle of the original god."

"My resurrection is not important."

The Lord of the Sky can see it through, and he smiled: "Speaking of expectation, I would like to see the **** emperor become a primitive god, and the path of primitive gods is a way to eternity."

"The realm of the primitive gods, I won't be long."

There is strong confidence in Chu Yuan's faint words.

He is planning two big things now.

One is Space-Time Island.

One is the Tianxue Mine, inherited from the Tianmeng.

He had long wanted to get the inheritance of the deputy leader of the Tianmeng.

It's just that the strength was not enough before.

And now, he has the primitive **** of Fire Ancestor, and his own strength is comparable to that of the original god, and he is indeed qualified to open it and gain a wave of inheritance.

The three deputy leaders are passed down, and the true final leader will appear!

"Huo Ancestor, it is time for you to dedicate to the gods. Now the gods don’t have much resources. There are many gods and creatures in the time and space island. You need to go to the time and space island and separate with Zhenbing to collect resources~www ~ Chu Yuandao.

The battle with Duertian came to an end for the time being, and now we have to accumulate stronger strength.

Tianmeng can wait, but Space-Time Island must now be searched.

"I know."

Huo Ancestor nodded.

The **** emperor resurrected him, the price was too great.

The Lord of the Sky suddenly said: "God Emperor, want to go to the deepest part of the Time and Space Island through the ancient well of time and space to explore the secrets?"

"Yes, I have this intention."

Chu Yuan was surrounded by time and space two forces surging, saying: "I control time and space, and time and space power cannot make me lose. The time and space island must have many benefits in the depths. At this time, I will not go. There will be more after a while. When the strongest come, I must precede them in advance to seize a wave of benefits."

Time and Space Island is already in a battleground.

"And the Lord of the Sky, how much do you know about the Celestial League in the Heavenly Blood Mine?"

Chu Yuan said again.

"Sky Alliance? I don't know much."

The Lord of the Sky said: "That is a very ancient civilization. It is said that the Cangsheng Emperor of the Cangsheng Dynasty also created the existence of the civilization of the times, and this civilization has also collapsed, leaving only one relic. Why did the God Emperor ask this? ?"

"Because, I have a token of the Heavenly League, which can open a legacy of the deputy leader."

Chu Yuan waved his hand and a token appeared: "This is given to me by the ancient source god. She seems to have seen the leader of the heavenly alliance."

"Guyuan God, this is indeed a mysterious existence, reincarnated in various epochs and civilizations. No one knows how long she has lived."

The Lord of the Sky sighed.

"The legacy of the deputy leader of the Celestial League will be opened after a period of time. Now we will deal with the Space-Time Island with all our strength. Okay, act quickly. The news of the Space-Time Island has also been passed to the multiverse."

Chu Yuan's expression moved: "It is the Lord of Guangyu who has come, please come in."

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