Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 1456: Enter Time and Space Island

"Shenwu God Emperor!"

When the Lord of Guangyu saw Chu Yuan, a heroic emperor's shadow appeared in his heart.

He looked at the fire ancestor in a flame robe, and suddenly said, "Primitive god, you are the fire ancestor! The fallen existence is resurrected in the world again!"

He looked up and saw that among the galaxies, the stars of the Fire Ancestor were the brightest, knowing that the Fire Ancestor had been loyal to Shenwu.

"Yes, my ancestor has been resurrected, and the **** emperor resurrected me." Huo Ancestor said.

"That's it."

He felt the sudden drop of Shenwu's power and the rapid rise again, secretly startled.

Today's Shenwu has the power of primitive gods, and its strength is not the same.

Before Meng Tianhe joined Shenwu, it was indeed a wise choice.

"The Lord of Guangyu, even the ancestor is willing to work for the **** emperor, it is better for you to join the **** martial arts." Huo Ancestor said.

"Huo Ancestor laughed, Coslight Alliance is not my personal property, I can't join it."

The Lord of Guangyu also knew that the war between Shenwu and Du'ertian was not over, and it would get worse and worse. He didn't want to be other people's cannon fodder.

"Okay, Lord of Guangyu, what are you going to do to see me?" Chu Yuan smiled.

"The **** emperor also knows that there are a lot of treasures in the space-time island. As time goes by, there will be more powerful people coming. Therefore, I came this time to unite with the **** emperor. Together, we can get more in the time-space island. benefit."

The Lord of Guangyu stated his purpose.


Chu Yuan did not refuse.

There are also dozens of Heavenly Dao Gods in the Guangyu League. The Space-Time Island cannot be completely swallowed by his family now. The Heavenly Dao Gods of both sides can unite and gain greater benefits.

"Okay, that's it." The Lord of Guangyu also laughed.

After he left, Chu Yuan said: "Fire Ancestor, you don't need to go too deep in Time and Space Island. You are mainly responsible for searching for divine objects on the periphery and searching with the strength of your primitive gods."

"I know how to do it."

The Fire Ancestor had fallen for too long, and he couldn't help but want to do it a long time ago. Unfortunately, he was not resurrected during the previous war.

The strong of the gods are in their positions and have their own tasks.

In Duertian, although they lost a battle, it does not mean that they did not pay attention to the movement of Shenwu, resurrecting the fire ancestors, and contending with the law of life and death. The scene was too shocking to cover.

"Shenwu, he resurrected a primitive god, it should be that fire ancestor!"

The gaze of God Crossing crosses time and space.


After hearing this, the lord of the disaster was even more furious: "Hateful, they have primitive gods, and it will be more difficult to deal with them. With the strength of the divine emperor, he was promoted too fast!"

He had to worry.

"This is a catastrophe for me to cross the Evil Heaven, but this catastrophe, we are very likely to be destroyed because of this, and once we pass, we will get boundless good fortune."

God Du'er was very calm, he called: "cross the sea...cross the sea..."

In the power of sacrifice, countless fragments condensed to form a virtual image of the lord of crossing the sea.


The lord of crossing the sea knew that he had fallen.

"This time you fell for my sake. I will sacrifice for you in the near future, so that you can break free from the law of life and death and be resurrected again."

It is impossible for the God of Crossing to resurrect the Lord of Crossing.

Those above the realm of heaven will leave their original brand in the world, and the master of crossing the sea is no exception, just to prevent someone from completely destroying their brand.

Although the cost of resurrecting the lord of the sea will be very high, a primitive **** is too important.

Fortunately, although the Lord Crossing the Sea was destroyed by the Sky City, his destiny consciousness was not too broken, and he left the origin brand in the world.

"Cross the sea, don't worry, I will gather infinite energy for you to revive you!"

"Destroy Shenwu, destroy them, they must be destroyed, I am waiting for the resurrection..."

The lord of crossing the sea left a roaring sound.

"Today's multiverse should also have an era-opening existence. I want to control this luck in my own hands!"

The God of Crossing said coldly.

At this moment, Chu Yuan had left Shenwu and returned to Time and Space Island again.

Last time, because of Duertian's pursuit and killing, he could not search well, but this time he had time.

Boundless devouring power, boom! The rich time and space vitality converges and condenses into crystal-like substances, which are pure time and space essence.

He can gather a lot of wealth just so casually.

He also felt the position of the fire ancestor. He was not as crazy as himself, but he was also quickly searching for treasures with the cultivation of his original god.

The resources were almost used by Chu Yuan to resurrect the fire ancestor.

Without resources, how can the people practice and how strong are they?

This requires the more powerful people to pay.

"We and the Fire Ancestor split their forces and grabbed them wildly, and the Time and Space God splits the other way. The Space Time Island is huge and can add more resources to the gods."

Chu Yuan walked in the mist of time and space at will.

In addition to him and Huo Ancestor, there are other powerhouses in the Shen Dynasty, and part of the time and space gods are also exploring.

At this time, the time-space island is also very strange. You said it was an island, but it was not in Chu Yuan's exploration. The island that appeared was like a reef in the ocean, a drop in the ocean.

And the fog of time and space is the boundless expanse of time and space, and it is difficult to know the entire time and space island.

The ancient well-like things that Chu Yuan saw before were even more like sea eyes.

Walking through the island of time and space is actually like a mortal who wants to cross the boundless sea and loses direction, so it will be very dangerous.

"I don't know how powerful the space-time island is. In my perception, it is more terrifying than the Heavenly Blood Mine and the ancient fairyland. Perhaps only the black coffin that buried the civilization era can be compared with it."

Chu Yuan sighed.

I am afraid that only at the level of the founder of the God Realm, the Human Sovereign, can we truly understand the true secrets of the multiverse.

He had already left the island at this time, shuttled through the boundless fog, his eyes suddenly locked in the wavy fog of time and space.

There are seven divine swords, each of which is different in color, red orange, yellow, green, blue and purple.

Each piece is a heavenly artifact, and can be combined, but it can exert a power comparable to the original artifact.

"Seven divine swords, looking at the runes on the sword, belong to a very ancient period. Some strong men died on the island of time and space and were lost here."

Chu Yuan grabbed these seven and he was also very satisfied.

Relying on the Great Devouring Technique, he unscrupulously plundered the time, space and sea, and some treasures that were originally very far away from him gathered towards him.

Like the Lord of Guangyu, you still need to be careful not to venture in.

However, Chu Yuan didn't have this worry, he could always determine his position with time and space.

"Some strong people have begun to enter the island of time and space."

Chu Yuan also sensed the entry of other powerful men, with the aura of primitive gods, but he would not attack without authorization unless it was necessary.

At this time, he also saw a vague shadow in the time and space, carefully, borrowing the secret treasure to prevent him from getting lost, and slowly exploring.

"It's him!"

When Chu Yuan saw this person, a strange expression appeared.

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