Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 1460: Ask who can eternal in this world

"You shouldn't do anything to him."

In a place in the sea of ​​time, two people appeared at this time.

One of them was the old man in black who had bombarded Chu Yuan before.

And the other person was dressed in white, radiating a bright old man.

The old man in white frowned at the old man in black, very upset.

The black-clothed old man has a gloomy aura and gloomy power, but the white-clothed old man seems to represent light and magnanimous, two completely different powers, but they unite together and become a strange combination.

"Nothing, I just tested his mana to see how powerful the **** emperor Shenwu, who is the number one in the heavens, is. I thought he could kill the lord of crossing the sea entirely by relying on the treasure, but what I saw just now His own strength is not weaker than the original gods."

The old man in black didn't care: "Such a strange existence is indeed rare and powerful."

"The sudden rise of Shenwu must have a big secret."

The old man in white nodded.

The name of Shenwu God Emperor, now how many people in the entire multiverse don't know.

Killing the Lord Crossing the Sea made him famous in one battle.

"Moreover, he is still a **** of heaven. The **** of heaven is ranked first in the multiverse. I guess even Thor is hardly his opponent, and he can't do anything to him."

The old man in black gave Chu Yuan a great comment.

"Thunder God has become a primitive god, and the two can't compare, but I agree with you. He does have the qualifications. Once he becomes primitive, the God of Duer will usher in greater trouble."

The old man in white agreed.

"The God of Du'er has trouble sleeping and eating." The black-clothed old man smiled: "Don't forget, even the God of Ancient Origin is supporting him. You know more about the existence of God of Ancient Origin than I am."

"Guyuan God, it is too mysterious, she is a existence that shuttles between reincarnations."

The white-clothed old man sighed: "Okay, let's ignore these for now. You and I have bigger things to do when you come to Space-Time Sea this time."

"Yes, the last time Space-Time Island appeared, we were there, but unfortunately we were only one step short of getting it. This time we are fully prepared and we can definitely get it!"

The old man in black and the old man in white immediately disappeared.

"The ancient era has failed, and all the strong have fallen."

Seeing the final failure of this era, the spirit of unyielding resistance, the lord of greedy demons seemed to have transformed into the strong man of this era before, and felt sad in his heart.

"Ask who can eternity in this world."

Chu Yuan saw the last scene.

But at this moment, the picture did not completely disintegrate, it reappeared, just like a continuously looping movie, playing forever, drifting to other places along with time, space and sea.

"I think I can break through the fifth stage."

The Lord of Greedy Demon saw the destruction of an era with his own eyes, and he was greatly touched. The bottleneck that had trapped him for a long time had been loosened, and ecstasy appeared on his face.

"The **** emperor, there must be more images of the ancient era preserved in the sea of ​​time and space, if we can see it!"

The Lord of Greed is indeed very greedy.

"It's useless to watch more. Digest the gains this time. If you watch too much, you will question yourself. Don't talk about breakthroughs. You will deny yourself. Then you will lose your mind. You forgot the lessons you learned before?"

Chu Yuan scolded him.

"I was almost assimilated just now!"

The Lord of Greed felt a chill in his heart.

Chu Yuan ignored him, his gaze penetrated into the sea of ​​time and space, and suddenly he grabbed it with a palm, a whirlpool appeared on the sea surface, and a majestic temple made of black jade appeared.

This kind of black jade is also a special kind of divine object, if converted into primitive pill, at least it is worth hundreds of billions, and only primitive gods have this kind of capital to build.

"There is a breath of primitive god!"

The Lord of Greedy Demon has a special keenness for treasures, saying: "Use such a precious divine object to create, the emperor, it is very likely that there is a treasure left in it!"

"It's very simple, you can find out after opening it."

Chu Yuan came to the black jade temple, swallowed the restriction, and opened the door of the temple with a palm.

The darkness inside has nothing to do with it, there is a breath of silence, the smell of decadence.

"Divine Emperor, I will lead you!"

The Lord of Greedy flashed in directly.

Inside the temple, there is a cave, a river of vitality floating in the air, and bright spots of light are like stars dotted with stars, which are actually gods and gods.

The greedy lord's eyes were full of greed, but Chu Yuan was here, he did not dare to take it.

"God emperor, there is a **** seat there!"

The Lord of Greedy had sharp eyes, and he saw the **** seat in the center of the temple at a glance.

Above the seat of God is empty, nothing.

"Those who have walked here shouldn't forcefully seize the fetish of this seat. Congratulations, you have restrained your greed. What you see is just the tip of the iceberg that this seat allows you to see."

Suddenly, when Chu Yuan and the Lord of Greedy Demon stepped into the scope of the **** seat, a voice rang.

"This is left by the original god." The Greedy Lord secretly said.

"Since I can enter the temple, it means that this seat has fallen, and I have not survived that great catastrophe. I have lived a lifetime, glorious, and brilliant. Although this seat has fallen, the inheritance of Taoism throughout my life does not want to disappear, so I will leave a lifetime. The income, waiting for the arrival of the destined person."

The voice continued.

"Kneel down in front of this seat of God, become my disciple, knock down your head sincerely, as long as your sincerity is enough, knock down twelve thousand six hundred beeps, every knock will make the stone bricks on the ground ring. If the bells and drums are ringing together, you can get the treasures left by this seat. If you don’t kneel and want to seize it with strength, the whole temple will burst in an instant. No one can get it. See if you are sincere."

This fallen primitive **** left the temple, seeming to really want to find a disciple.

"There is really a hidden space in the temple, and I feel the breath of a divine thing." Chu Yuan's thoughts penetrated into the depths of time and space.

"It seems that this primitive **** has indeed sealed a lot of Lord of Greedy Demons is walking ahead.

He found that there was a stone brick in front of it that was very different. It seemed to be made of metal. If you knock your head on it, it will make a loud popping sound, like the sound of bells and drums.

"This kowtow, how can the **** emperor kowtow? But I don’t care. As long as I can get treasures, let alone twelve, nine thousand, six hundred, even if it is one million or ten million, I don’t care, I won’t care. Those faces."

The lord of greedy demons didn't care much, he would go forward and kowtow.

For him, kowtow is nothing for good things. He doesn't care about the dignity. This is much simpler than using conspiracy and trickery to steal from others.

"Can you really get the treasure by kowtow for you?"

Chu Yuan suddenly let out a cold voice.

"Could it be that the original **** is playing tricks on us, and didn't even think about letting others get it!"

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