Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 1461: Lord of Greedy Level 5

"Playing with others, this primitive **** deserves it if he is dead! Fortunately, there is a reminder from the **** emperor, otherwise my head will be white."

The Lord of Greed had a gloomy face, and he naturally would not doubt the words of the God Emperor.

He doesn't care about face, but if he is really obedient for 129,600 bangs, but he won't get any benefit, wouldn't it be a slap in the face.

And he had no way to get this black jade temple.

"Leave the temple first."

Chu Yuan instantly appeared outside the temple, staring blankly, and said indifferently: "There are countless seals in this temple. If it threatens the existence of the temple, it will destroy itself, but I have a way to let it It cannot be destroyed."

His five fingers suddenly opened, like a giant hand covering the sky, rumbling and grabbing at the temple.

"Even this point of sincerity is unwilling to give, and I want to get the treasure left by this seat, wishful thinking!"

The voice of the thoughts was like a violent wind, passing violently, sweeping the waves, and suddenly, a shadow with infinite majesty appeared, and his sharp eyes pierced.

He has indeed fallen, and what remains in the temple is its soul power.


This powerful existence uttered the law, and in a word, the wind raged and shocked the world, and his mana hand also hit Chu Yuan at the same time, causing boundless waves.

"Just the will that stays in the temple has such a powerful strength!"

The Lord of Greed looked at.

Of course he knew that this was because that existence left a large amount of mana-stimulating energy in the temple, just like the Lord of the Sky, leaving behind the original source of destroying the primitive gods in the Sky City.

Of course, he was far behind the Lord of the Sky.

The Lord of the Sky, who stood on the pinnacle of the primitive gods, compared to a strong man such as the God of Duer, but did not control them for thirty-three days, and they were not in the realm.

This strong shot is extremely fierce.

But Chu Yuan stood there, letting this force hit him, but he didn't move at all, and said indifferently: "It's not the real body, just want to fight against me with the remaining power, naive."

With a blast of his palm, the power of the Great Destruction Technique swept through, and the condensed divine consciousness was suddenly illusory and would be shattered.

He looked at it with a glance, the great soul technique pierced, so that this idea would be obliterated.

With his hands gathered together, the surrounding time and space ocean immediately rushed towards him.

"What I left, don't think about it, don't think about it!"

This ancient strong man uttered an angry roar, and he had no idea of ​​inheritance at all, and sealed the divine object in the temple, only for the purpose of allowing others to see and not get it.

Rumble! The whole temple shone out of destruction.


Sealing the heavens and the earth, the Seal Gate crashed down, swallowing the temple in one bite, and his destruction became a joke in the power of the internal seal.

A temple containing many treasures was thus accepted by Chu Yuan.

"The velocity of time and space here has reached this place for ten thousand years, and the outside world has accelerated by one day."

At this time, Chu Yuan came to a place where time was shining brightly and sat down quietly. He was in the ocean of time and space, and the divine object was moving with the flow of time and space.

He opened the scope of the large swallowing technique, swallowing the heavens and the earth, devouring everything.

It is as if he has opened a huge net, he can harvest a lot of divine objects without having to move specially.

"The power of the **** emperor is too unfathomable!"

The Lord of Greedy Demon had nothing but awe beside Chu Yuan.

Chu Yuan felt the rapid flow of time and space, and he grabbed it continuously with his big hands, like a big wave scouring the sand, and a prototype of a hill appeared in front of him.

But as time passed, the hill soared from a few meters to a hundred meters, a thousand meters.

The pure and transparent color, just like crystal, exudes a strong time and space power. He doesn't need to specially impose inscriptions to emit terrifying waves.

The mountain of time and space.

"Mountains, rivers and earth, Shenkong, mountains and seas!"

It's nothing to just condense a hill.

Chu Yuan wanted to create a world of time and space.

He swallowed the power of time, space, and sea. In an incredible scene, one mountain after another, rivers passing through, turned into a strange world of thousands of mountains and rivers.

Mountains, rivers, and earth, the embryonic form of the world continues to evolve.

And this world is still getting bigger in his will.

Yes, this time Chu Yuan was going to create a terrifying artifact called Time Space Realm.

Although the Time and Space City of the Time and Space God is the top heavenly artifact, its power is still weaker after all. He wants to merge the time and space city into the time and space realm.

Think about how terrifying this special artifact can be with a huge space-time world that can move.

However, Chu Yuan also knew that he was not yet a primitive god, and even if his true combat effectiveness was not imaginary, he still had no means to control that primitive creation.

It is impossible for him to create a primitive **** now.

But it doesn't matter. At this time, create a prototype first, and when he is promoted to the original god, he can also be promoted.

"The world that represents time and space."

Chu Yuan used the secret method, and this space-time world was floating in the air, it was huge, and contained the galaxy universe inside.

In this world, there is a strong and incredible vitality.

He was watching, and made a sound of admiration with his fault.

This space-time realm can be used not only as a divine tool, but also as a special world, where one can comprehend the power of space-time and it will be easy to comprehend from other places.

"The realm of time and space stands in the dynasty of God, and continuously draws on the power of time and space, and can cultivate a large number of powerful people who work together.

Chu Yuan kept paying homage.

When he reached a limit, he stopped.

He also knows that no matter how much you practice, it's useless. It's like a bottle of water is full, and no matter how you fill it, you can't continue to hold it, unless you change to a larger tank.

There is only one way to improve quality.

His eyes turned to the greedy lord who was sheltered by his time and space power.

There was boundless magic energy on his body, which shot out the magic light of darkness, and a rune seemed to be greedy and greedy, and the word was rapidly spinning to transform.

When this metamorphosis occurred, it actually condensed into an existence like a heart of destiny.

Hum! His destiny was successfully condensed and reflected in the multiverse.

In other words, at this moment he became the fifth realm of the heavenly path, even if his soul, his body, and his destiny heart could still be sacrificed from the multiverse.

The Lord of Greedy has been promoted.

Chu Yuan nodded slightly, not too surprised.

The Lord of Greedy Demon was originally an ancient **** of heaven, he was very active in the age of the emperor, his understanding of the Tao is absolutely not bad, and he is firm in his greed.

And this time.

In Chu Yuan's shelter, he witnessed the demise of an era with his own eyes. What a precious experience it was that he broke this crucial step in one fell swoop.

His breakthrough is to accumulate thin hair, plus this opportunity.

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