"Hahahaha, the fifth realm of heaven, I didn't expect that the bottleneck that trapped me for eternity would be broken so easily!"

With great advancement in strength, the Lord of Greedy Demon was excited and ecstatic. He suddenly realized that he was under the control of others. He was too triumphant. He immediately congratulated him and said: "The God Emperor, I am so happy that I made such a wild laugh at the God Emperor !"

"It's okay."

Anyone who breaks through such a big state will be ecstatic.

"Go, it's time to leave the sea of ​​time and space!"

Time and Space Sea possesses the power of time and space chaos, it is easy to get in and difficult to get out, but Chu Yuan doesn't care, he directly builds a passage with the gate of time and space.

The moment he left the time, space and sea, he vaguely saw that in the depths of the time, space and sea, there was an extremely powerful and terrifying fetish that contained endless fluctuations.

But he didn't explore, and he knew very well that with the strength at this time, it was impossible to win that divine object.

"The time is short."

In his murmur, he had already left the sea of ​​time and space, and the place where he appeared was the ancient well of time and space he entered before.

"Divine Emperor, I will return to God's direction with you!"

Even if he broke through, the Lord of Greedy still didn't dare to surpass Chu Yuan a little bit.

"No, you don't have to follow me back to the gods." Chu Yuan suddenly rejected him.

The Lord of Greedy was puzzled.

"When you go back to your Ten Thousand Demon Heaven, you don't need to reveal to anyone that you have surrendered to me. You are still the lord of greedy demons and still act like your character."

Chu Yuandao.

Although the Lord of Greedy Demon broke through to the fifth stage, it would not be decisive for him and Chu Yuan to return to the divine dynasty. It would be better to still let him play the greatest role in Ten Thousand Demons Day.

The Lord of Greedy is also a wise man, and he immediately said: "I know what to do!"

What he wants to do is simple.

Still the same as before, but if there is a call from the **** emperor, he must act immediately.

"You can go back now."

Chu Yuan let him leave.

And he also quickly reached the gods.

The exploration of the time-space island is still proceeding in an orderly manner. The moon comes first near the water tower, which is the closest to him and Duertian, so they get the most benefits in advance.

However, with the passage of time, more and more powerful people have gathered, which has also made the space-time island more and more chaotic.

"The location there is Shenwu!"

"Shenwu became famous in the first battle and killed the lord of crossing the sea, and they are not without primitive gods. It is rumored that an ancient invincible strongman has fallen, but recently he has been resurrected by sacrifice!"

"What? Shenwu's background is so strong, there are enough gods to resurrect the original gods!"

"We are exploring on the island of time and space. Remember not to provoke this magic weapon casually, who knows what unexpected hole cards they will explode!"

"Yes, Shenwu and Du'ertian will continue to fight. These two forces will not stop their fight unless one falls."


Many powerhouses who entered the time and space island warned themselves like this.

Shenwu are not weak, they are very strong, and the offensive of passing Ertian was frustrated.

Chu Yuan didn't pay attention to this either, he placed the time and space realm in the gods and became a holy place.

What made Chu Yuan happy was that Shenyouzhe had managed to break through to the realm of Heavenly Dao God, adding more powerful combat power to Shenwu.

"Divine Emperor, during this period of time, I have found gods worth billions of primitive pill on Time and Space Island, but as I explored, most of the things that are easy to find are gone, unless I go deep into Time and Space."

Huo Zu laughed loudly, he was so happy during this period, and finally got rid of the body of death.

"Time and Space Island will exist for a long time. Fire Ancestor, you are a primitive **** and possess the means of primitive creation. There are several divine things that I can't get here. You created them for me."

Chu Yuandao.

"no problem."

Fire Ancestor responded.

Primitive creation, like turning stones into gold, can transform primitive energy into another form, and only primitive gods can control the means they possess.

After distributing the tasks, Chu Yuan looked at the Heavenly Alliance token in his hand.

"With the power of the current dynasty, it is easy to get the inheritance of the deputy leader, but as soon as the Three Leagues come out, the inheritance of the heavenly alliance leader will appear. The time is still not yet, and I must wait until I reach the fifth stage!"

Chu Yuan was very patient, he was not in a hurry, he was in control.

During this period of time, the small-scale friction between Shenwu and Du'ertian in the space-time island continued.

He also knew that Duertian had just lost the Lord of Crossing, and would not launch a vast attack on him again, but the small-scale attack would definitely not stop.

They deliberately put this friction on the island of time and space.

Fortunately, Chu Yuan had the fire ancestor sitting on his side, and he was letting the Guangyu League of the Lord of Guangyu support them.

The Lord of Guangyu also knows that if he wants to continue to benefit from the island of time and space, he must show his attitude and help Shenwu deal with the threat of crossing the sky.

"It is so naive to cross the sea, that there are only three primitive gods of crossing the sea, crossing the disaster, and crossing the river? I don't believe it, if you only have this power, you are not qualified to be 33 days."

Chu Yuan speculated on the strength of crossing the sea.

They have a stronger background.

Every thirty-three days is unfathomable, otherwise it would have been pulled off the altar long ago.

At this moment, a voice came from outside the Shenchao, "Shenwu God Emperor, I have something to see."

"Oh? How can Mingyue Island Master have time to come to our gods today?"

Chu Yuan smiled and saw that Mingyue Island Master had come, and immediately asked him to come to his temple.

Seeing Chu Yuan, Mingyue Island Master suddenly felt a boundless pressure, and there was an unpredictable power on the Shenwu Divine Emperor, which made him secretly surprised.

When he first met Chu Yuan, he was not a **** of heaven, and now he has become a small giant in the multiverse.

He was looking at Chu Yuan.

Chu Yuan was also looking at him.

This Mingyue Island Master seemed gentle and elegant, but his strength was also earth-shattering, terrifying, and much stronger than the Vulcan.

He is also at the forefront of the list of the ways of heaven compiled by Wandao Tianyi Tianzun.

"I also have something to ask the God Emperor for help, thinking about it, in this multiverse, only the reputation of the God Emperor can make me dare to ask the God Emperor for help~www.ltnovel.com~Sure enough, the Mingyue Island Lord has something to come.

He knew that although the **** emperor in front of him acted fiercely and overbearingly, it was okay for this kind of emperor not to make a promise, and he would not violate it once he made a promise.

"What's the matter?" Chu Yuan said, "It's not a small matter to make you so careful."

"It's really not small."

The owner of Mingyue Island nodded: "Does the **** emperor know the eternal forbidden land?"

"Forbidden land forever?"

Chu Yuan thought for a moment, "Although I have not been to this place, I have heard about it. The eternal forbidden place is a forbidden place formed by the ruins of the eternal age. There are too many relics of the era. Could it be related to it? ?"

"Exactly, I am looking for the emperor for the eternal forbidden land."

Mingyue Island's master said: "On the same day as the God Emperor, after the emergence of Time and Space Island, the Forbidden Land also experienced a great shock.

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