"God Emperor, we are here!"

Chu Yuan and the others passed through the vast area and finally reached the area mentioned by the Mingyue Island Master.

It was a huge world, a sacred pure land, a dojo of heaven, mountains and rivers, time and space, mountains and floating sky, or standing earth.

"It's different from other places." Chu Yuan observed.

There is a guardian power here, so that the inner world is not completely broken.

Before, they had also passed through several primitive gods' dojos, but none of them had the perfect preservation here.

From this we can know that this is left by a stronger heavenly king.

"Divine Emperor, when I saw it for the first time that day, this ruin had not completely fallen from the path of eternity. Fortunately, the inheritance had not been taken away by others!"

The owner of Mingyue Island looked at the ruins, and he was relieved. Although many people had already entered, the most important place had not been broken.

"There is a terrible seal here."

The moment Chu Yuan stepped in, he immediately felt the boundless pressure on his body, and time and space were frozen, making it difficult to shuttle.

"Each of these mountains is actually equivalent to a small plane."

Chu Yuan entered a mountain directly, and the restrictions on the periphery had been broken. After he entered, it should be a treasure-bearing time and space, but the inside was empty and there was nothing.

Obviously, before this, someone had already emptied the treasure.

"The **** emperor, ten thousand mountains, very likely to represent ten thousand treasure troves!"

The island owner of Mingyue and Chu Yuan traveled all the way to the depths, and the surrounding mountains and sky had been broken, but the deeper they went, the stronger the restraining force.

He saw a **** of heaven, surrounded by dense nets of lightning and law, was making an angry roar.

He also saw that there was a deep mountain, which was being bombarded by dozens of Heavenly Dao gods at this time, breaking the restrictions on the periphery.

"Most primitive gods value the inheritance of the heavenly kings, but don't care too much about the peripheral ones." Mingyuedao said.

At this time, Chu Yuan came to a floating mountain that had not yet been destroyed. A force of destruction and impact immediately reflected thousands of divine lights on the mountain that were comparable to the blow of the heavenly spirit.

With a wave of his hand, the light was broken.

With the Great Destruction Technique, Chu Yuan used the door of destruction to directly break and destroy the prohibition, and forcibly broke in.

The countless dazzling divine lights that Chu Yuan saw in front of him were actually lumps of ore, like hills piled up here, flashing blind.

"So many ore!" Mingyue Island Master said immediately.

"Take it away first."

Chu Yuan is currently short of resources, he has a palm, and is too lazy to sort them.

Sure enough, Chu Yuan also discovered that the deeper the mountain, the rarer the treasures there.

The whole world of relics is actually divided into a circular ring, with ten thousand peaks surrounded by one layer.

"The prohibition on the mountains can be broken, but if anyone wants to destroy the mountains, it is like stabbing a hornet's nest and violent power will erupt."

Chu Yuandao.

His methods are too powerful, the autumn wind sweeps the fallen leaves, and the prohibition of those mountains can't stop him at all, just like gluttonous, as long as you see it, don't try to escape his palm.

"Divine Emperor, there are only forty-nine mountains here."

Mingyue Island main road.

Forty-nine mountains rise in a circle, and there is a terrible energy in the middle.

"There are four or nine great roads, and the one left is in the middle. It is the inheritance of the heavenly king."

Chu Yuandao.

At this time, he broke the restriction of a mountain. When he entered, he found that it was a Dan River, and the gods were floating here like light spots.

He suddenly saw that there were three extremely dazzling gods in this Dan River!

These three gods pill, beating like a heart, contain extremely majestic life force, and what is more peculiar is that they also have nine acupoint-like holes.

"This is the Nine Aperture Tongxin Pill, which can make the fifth stage realize the mystery of the primitive god!"

Mingyue Island Master said in surprise.

"This Nine Aperture Tongxin Pill is not the most precious, the most precious is the one, like the lord of the stars, all the pills are revolving around him!"

Chu Yuan looked up.

The one he saw was as huge as a star, and a breath of sacred and completeness radiated out. It was the most dazzling and dazzling, with the power to reverse the heavens and the earth, and the universe.

"The Most Holy and the Most Divine Pill!"

Chu Yuan saw this **** pill at a glance.

The value of this **** pill is ten times more precious than the nine-aperture Tongxin pill!

He was able to recognize it because there was an introduction about this pill in the Taiyi Pill Furnace.

This divine pill is very powerful. It is not used by the gods of heaven. It is exclusively for the original gods. It can absorb the internal vitality to cultivate a perfect and sacred body and make the original gods more powerful.

There are too few divine objects suitable for primitive gods and too precious.

And if the Lord Crossing the Sea had this divine pill that day, it could be used as his second dharmakaya, and the Sky City could not kill him.

"The most holy and most divine pill, the legendary pill, I didn't expect to have the opportunity to see it today."

The owner of Mingyue Island sighed.

"Oh? Mingyue Island Master, don't you have any other ideas?" Chu Yuan said suddenly.

"I know very well that the most useful thing for me is the inheritance of the heavenly king. The others are at best icing on the cake and cannot have absolute utility."

Of course the Island Master Mingyue wanted it, but he also knew that it was nothing in front of the Heavenly King's inheritance.

Chu Yuan didn't say much, but took it away.

He is also very scarce of this kind of pill.

Although his Taiyi Pill Furnace can refine a large number of divine pills, it is only limited to a half-day Dao Divine Pill, and he has not refined the real Heaven Dao Divine Pill.

Although Taiyi Pill Furnace can be promoted to Heavenly Dao artifact through the power of the system.

But until now, he still doesn't have a clue, and he doesn't know how to get promoted.

And with so many sacred pills, used for the cultivation of the heavenly gods, the strength of his empire will inevitably get an extremely huge improvement.

He then opened two consecutive mountain peaks~www.ltnovel.com~ Within one mountain are many artifacts of the heavenly path, forming a large array of artifacts, and the power that erupts is comparable to the original gods.

And inside a mountain, there are many talismans, each of the weakest runes possesses power comparable to the gods of heaven.

The most precious Hundred Talisman Compilation, the power is comparable to the blow of the primitive god.

"This heavenly king has left enough treasures. Divine pills, artifacts, talismans, and all kinds of materials are there? Could it be that the heavenly king refined them."

Chu Yuan couldn't help thinking.

Fortunately, the owner of Mingyue Island was in the realm of the Primordial God. He was the first to see the remains of the Heavenly King. Otherwise, many treasures would not be available to Chu Yuan.

"If you get the inheritance of the heavenly king, you can even control the entire world. Let's go to the heavenly king to inherit!"

Chu Yuan knew that compared to the inheritance of the Heavenly King, the treasure here was nothing but sesame seeds, and he would not lose watermelon for sesame seeds.

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