Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 1466: All laws go to 1, go to the king

At the same moment, two people also appeared in this relic of the king of heaven.

"It's not too late for us to come, this inheritance has not yet been acquired by others."

A black-clothed old man was watching the ruins. Although Wanzuo Mountain was a little opened, but the core was not broken, he said with a slight smile.

"Yes, I already know that the existence of the heavenly kings in this ruin is called Guiyiyiwang, all methods are unified, and I practice all kinds of supernatural powers, once I get it, my realm will undoubtedly become a primitive god!"

A young man with a cold look, with unconcealable arrogance between his eyebrows, surrounded by tens of thousands of vitality all the time, deducting thousands of magical powers, flying out of power.

The old man is a primitive god.

The young man is also the fifth realm of heaven.

"Supernatural powers, this time I will help you get the inheritance of King Guiyitian, and make you a primitive god." The old man said with a light smile.

"Huh! This opportunity is simply tailor-made for me. Among the heavens, who can get it? When I am the supernatural power, whoever dares to rob me, I will kill whoever, Thor has become a primitive **** , I have fought with him for many years, how can I be left behind by him?"

This young man named Yu Shentong said in an extremely cold tone.

"It is said that another extremely powerful existence appeared in the universe, called Shenwu God Emperor, and Yi Tianzun of Wandaotian ranked him first in the heavens."

The old man said again!

"Shenwu God Emperor!"

Yu Shentong said coldly: "There are rumors that he killed the original god, but it seems to be a treasure. I am the first **** of heaven. Don’t let me meet the **** of the gods, otherwise I Let him know how good I am, so what is the ability to kill the primitive gods with the treasure?"

At this time, when they searched, they found that several mountains in the depths had been opened.

"Supernatural powers, many mountains have been broken here, and the traces of them have been destroyed very quickly. The treasures have been taken away. It is very likely that someone has already passed on to the King Guitian!"

The old man's face condensed.

"Yes, let's go there quickly to prevent others from getting on the ground first!"

Yu Shentong did not dare to be careless.

At this moment, Chu Yuan came to the center of the mountain, standing upright, this mountain was like an upside-down character, straight into the sky.

Ten thousand mountains represent magical powers.

When you arrive here, everything is unified.

"God Emperor, right here!"

Mingyue Island's main said: "The mountains are enveloped by extremely powerful restrictions. Once I do it, it will cause a chain reaction. I was afraid that I did it in advance. Not only could I not get the treasure, but I might be caught by others!"

The closer he was to success, the calmer he was.

"Your concern is right. There are indeed extremely powerful restrictions. If the strong king is still there, I don't want to break it, but he has fallen for endless years. No matter how powerful the restrictions are, there will be loopholes. I will come and break them."

Chu Yuan waved in the air, operating the sealed gate, countering the collapse of the mountain's own restrictions.

Then, with a wave of his palm forward, it was the mark of the sky-cracking, and an all-encompassing force slashed directly towards the restriction of the mountain, suddenly crackling, and a passage was opened.

"The prohibition is broken!"

The Island Master Mingyue was shocked, and he did not expect that Chu Yuan could break the restriction so quickly.

Huh huh!

At the moment when the ban was broken, there were thousands of divine lights bursting into the sky in the entire world, especially the most dazzling mountains.

"Sure enough!"

When Chu Yuan saw this scene, he was not surprised, and said, "Mingyue Island Master, go first with me and take the lead!"

"it is good!"

The two entered the mountain in an instant.

Inside the mountain, there was a vast space and time. Chu Yuan suddenly saw a flash of light, like a beacon, and immediately went to the past, and found that it was a magical rune exuding hazy vitality.

This magical rune is like a piece of exercise, containing infinite divine machinery, with distorted text imprinted on it, there is a kind of oppression of ten thousand laws.

He can feel the energy in this rune.

"Original artifact!"

Chu Yuan recognized at a glance, this rune was a primitive divine tool, and its power was very vast.

"This magic rune! It contains all kinds of power, but it can be unified. I feel that it will not be much weaker than my Sky City. In this era of the King of Heaven, at what time did it exist?"

The idea of ​​the Lord of the Sky was sacrificed. From the perspective given by Chu Yuan, he said in surprise.

"Well, this magic rune is vast and powerful, and it is used to enhance my background. This is my opportunity!"

Chu Yuan also laughed.

At this moment, a wave of power was shaking, boundless vitality condensed into a person's existence, he was tall and mighty, and he controlled the inexhaustible stalwart of all ages, his eyes spanning time and space, seemed to be coming.

He has the power to recreate mountains and rivers with a slight movement!

And he was the master of this magic rune, and the will that remained was finally inspired today.

He sat in front of the magic rune and urged the power of ten thousand dharma. In this phantom, there was an immortal golden mark, which was a kind of eternal metal, containing his Tao and Dharma.

"All the laws are one, and one day king!"

Chu Yuan and Mingyue Island Master suddenly came to mind with eight words.

They also knew the title of this heavenly king, called King Guiyitianwang, which combined all kinds of spells into one.

And this rune is indeed a primitive artifact that he has spent so much effort to create, a rune of ten thousand laws.

"Mingyue Island Master, the magic rune belongs to me, and that inheritance belongs to you."

Of course Chu Yuan knew the value of inheritance was also great, but as an emperor, once he made a promise, he would naturally not do anything to compete with Mingyue Island Master.

"it is good!"

Island Master Mingyue nodded. With this inheritance, his chances of breaking through the original gods will be greatly increased, and he is also eager for the magic rune.

However, he would not foolishly get into an inch and fight against Chu Yuan.

He immediately stepped into the inheritance, a round of bright moon hung high, and the hazy moonlight was falling down. At this moment, he was fighting with the inheritance master with his own will.

at the same time.

Chu Yuan also entered the scope of the Ten Thousand Fas into One Magic Rune.

His mind moved The moment God's hand stretched out, suddenly there were thousands of divine lights shooting at him, from the self-defense of the runes.

"Supernatural powers, they have entered the inheritance space in advance, but fortunately, they just entered and didn't get them. We have to grab them before them!"

It was the old man who made a sharp shout.

"Inheritance can only belong to me!"

After just a few breaths, Yu Shentong and the old man had entered the inheritance space. Seeing Chu Yuan and Mingyue Island Master, they shouted, "It's them!"

"Not a primitive god!"

The old man also instantly noticed the absence of primitive gods, and his heart was calmer, and he sternly shouted: "The two heavenly gods still want to seize the inheritance. If you don't want to die, don't get out!"

"Someone has come to take it!"

The owner of Mingyue Island was also shocked. He looked at these two people and recognized him, "Umi-shentian, U-shen-power, thousands of mountains!"

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