As soon as the Chaos Dragon came out, the idol demon master saw the mystery!

This Chaos Dragon is different from the Dragon Ancestor in terms of power attributes, but there is no difference between the dragon appearance, the Long Wei and the Dragon Ancestor, just like his second incarnation.

He is the Chaos Dragon, and he is the Chaos Dragon.

"Being deceived, deceived by you, I should have thought of it long ago!"

The **** image demon master said: "I thought that the Chaos Dragon Egg would breed an extremely powerful dragon, but it turns out that you are nurturing yourself, this is your second dragon body!"

The Sky Whale Demon Lord and their wisdom were extraordinary, and they understood in an instant, and they were shocked.

The dragon ancestor makes a living, he is the ancestor of ten thousand dragons, and countless dragons can be bred from his bloodline.

Wanlong in the world has his blood!

And this chaotic dragon is dead, chaos destroys everything, life and death are compatible, the dragon ancestor has controlled the power of life and death.

In fact, the Chaos Dragon Egg was not a divine dragon at the beginning, but the dragon ancestor brought it out from the path of eternity. He penetrated into the origin of his dragon, and now it is finally the harvest season.

"The law of life and death, the self is one!"

In an instant, the dragon ancestor and the chaotic dragon uttered a dragon whistling sound at the same time, like the fusion of the laws of life and death, turning into one, his dragon power turned into a torrent of life and death, and rushed towards the idol demon lord.

"I want to kill the demon master, Long Zu, you can't do it with me!"

The idol demon master emits sacred light, he envelopes the sky whale demon master and them, using a secret method that damages the origin, breaking the torrent of life and death, and disappearing here in an instant.

Since the birth of the Chaos Dragon, the idol demon master already knew that he had completely surpassed himself.

"It's gone!"

Long Ancestor is not surprised: "Idol, although you have made progress over the years, your ancestor has crushed you. If it weren't for the Chaos Dragon, when the power has not reached its peak, none of you can run away. ..."

Long Xiao nine days, Long Zu also left in an instant.

"Idol Demon Lord, this time it's troublesome, Long Zu can break the power of life and death, condensing the second dragon body, his strength soars, we can't deal with him if the ancestor of ten thousand monsters does not take action!"

In a place in the primitive **** realm, the main voice of the sky whale demon was solemn.

Long Zu's power has completely surpassed him.

"The Dragon Ancestor must transform all the demon races of the heavens into the bloodline of the dragon, which is extremely detrimental to our Ten Thousand Demon Heavens. They must plunder our luck and achieve his dragon age!"

Jin Wing Dapeng forcibly endured the pain: "Never let him do it!"

"The power of the dragon ancestor is no longer what we can fight against, but it is not so easy for him to succeed. With the ancestor of ten thousand demons, he will not succeed."

The idol demon master said in a deep voice: "Indeed, it has been a long time since the imperial period, and it is time for an existence that pioneered the era. I wonder who can get this luck?"


"Long Zu, the Chaos Dragon is born!"

At this time, Chu Yuan couldn't see exactly what happened, but he could feel the strong fluctuations, the Chaos Dragon was born, and the Dragon Ancestor was completed.

"Long Shen Tian is not thirty-three days, but Long Ancestor's strength is already proud of the world, and Long Shen Tian should also choose one day to attack and achieve their thirty-three days."

Chu Yuan figured it out.

In this world, there seems to be an unusual aura. It may not be clear that something big will break out.

He did not stay here for long, and soon got up and left.

The Primitive God Realm was vast and boundless, located on the interlayer between the Multiverse and the Eternal Road, Chu Yuan saw an extremely huge relic along the way, and it was very lively there.

He shot his eyes.

There are cities in this ruin, and there are also many creatures. Not only the strong and the weak, but also a large number of the weak are here.

"This ruin has been remodeled by people to resist the dangers of the primitive gods and allow the weak to survive. The city is also a sanctuary for a powerful person."

Chu Yuan looked over, and then he appeared in this ruin.

There are many gods and gods, and occasionally he can feel the breath of primitive gods.

He also knew the reason.

There are many strong people in the primitive gods and many relics. Many strong people have unearthed divine objects from the relics. Some of them are not suitable for them, so they will be exchanged with others.

There are hardly so many strong people elsewhere.

The most important thing is the primitive gods, even if they want to exchange, they will not enter the world of others casually to prevent being suppressed by the source of the world.

But here, they met their requirements.

As for the weak, they were brought in by the strong and multiplied over a long period of time to serve the strong in the ruins.

Chu Yuan passed through the cities, and at least those who were able to open up a city were those with extremely high levels of cultivation among the gods of heaven.

And the ruins are not peaceful. Opening up the city means that you have a treasure. For the treasure, some powerful people do not pay attention to face and often plunder.

When Chu Yuan came here, there were some short-eyed people who wanted to rob him, but they were all killed by him.

The big city opened by the primitive gods was relatively peaceful. Chu Yuan traveled here and exchanged his wealth for many gods that could be used for cultivation.

"Treasures that are difficult to see in the multiverse can be seen everywhere here, and I have a large swallowing technique, and a large amount of primitive pill can be condensed in an instant."

Primitive pill is the hard currency in the universe, not to mention the heavenly gods, even the primitive gods need to be used for cultivation.

He is still only a **** of heaven, and the speed of swallowing is terrifying. If he becomes a primitive god, how terrifying would he be.

It can be said that the Great Devouring Technique allows Chu Yuan to control infinite wealth.

He even had a stronghold in Primordial God's territory, dedicated to trading, which was more terrifying than the Valkyrie City he had set up in the Tianxue Mine.

However, now I just think about it.

To gain a foothold in the realm of the primitive gods, one must be guarded by the primitive gods. Today's Shenwu does not have this strength.

"When you are calm, you can make the Fire Ancestor carry a lot of wealth and search it in the primitive **** territory."

Chu Yuan didn't have so much time, so he stayed in the Primordial God Realm to buy them.

There are many plans for him, but many plans require sufficient strength to plan ~ If Shenwu can become one of the 33 days, then it will be truly proud of the world, and a battle can be launched.

And when he wandered in this ruin, he also learned a big shocking news.

"A large tomb appeared in the territory of the Primordial God, called the Emperor Tomb. It is said to be the Emperor's Tomb of the Fengshen Great Emperor. He buried himself in the territory of the Primordial God and it appeared again that many powerful people have gone to the Emperor Tomb."

Chu Yuandao.

The Emperor Fengshen, a generation of great emperors, is powerful and majestic.

If this is the case, what makes Chu Yuan most concerned about is that Fengshen Great is related to the Human Emperor, and he has also fought against the Human Emperor, but in the end he was defeated by the Human Emperor.

It was also because of the Emperor of Humanity that the Conferred God Emperor fell, which is extremely involved.

Such ancient secrets are of little value just to hear rumors.

"Lord of the sky, how much do you know about Fengshen Great Emperor?"

Chu Yuan sacrificed the Lord of the Sky.

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