"Emperor Fengshen!"

When the Lord of the Sky heard this name, he was always calm, and his mind fluctuated violently: "God Emperor, what else do you know?"

"I heard the news that the Emperor Fengshen's tomb has appeared in the territory of the Primitive God." Chu Yuan said.

"I know that the Emperor Fengshen is ahead of the Emperor of Humans. He swept the universe and created the age of the Conferred Gods. In the years when he was respected, even the strongest giants such as the Gods and Heavens were in front of the Emperor Fengshen. We must avoid the edge for now."

The Lord of the Sky said: "But he met the Emperor, and he and the Emperor launched a decisive battle between the emperor and the Emperor on the path of eternity. The Emperor Fengshen was defeated. Hearing the Emperor said that he seemed to have fallen and buried himself, But I haven't seen the real situation of the battle, nor can I know the details, but the legend that belongs to the Fengshen Great Emperor is over, and the age of the human emperor has arrived."

The Conferred God Emperor is indeed very powerful, sweeping through the wilds and Liuhe, but it is a pity that he lacked a little luck, and when he was really about to achieve the Conferred God Era, he met the Emperor.

He lost the war between the emperor and the emperor.

Fengshentian has also fallen since, but even so, this day is also the sixth largest giant.

"I am not that curious about the Conferred God Emperor. I am the most curious founder of the God Realm, as well as Ming, the ancestor of ten thousand demons, the ancestor of ten thousand demons, and the ancestor of ten thousand ways. What roles are they playing in it is complicated. "

Chu Yuan was confused.

"I don't know either." The Lord of the Sky didn't know either. "That's something that Human Sovereign, like the giants who pioneered the era, can know. The Human Sovereign said that if you don't have his level, knowing these things will only hurt, not good. "

"The emperor's tomb has appeared, and many powerful people have already passed by." Chu Yuan said.

"It's very possible that there is the Fengshen Great Emperor's Supreme Treasure Fengshen Record in the Emperor's Tomb, which is the highest level of the human emperor sword. Fengshen Great did not leave the Fengshen Record in Fengshen Tian, ​​but buried it with him!"

The Lord of the Sky said: "I suspect that the Fengshen Great Emperor has come alive and lived out his second life!"

That kind of existence can be fought by the emperor at the peak.

He didn't believe that it would just fall, and now that the emperor tomb appeared, it was even more weird in this period without the Lord of the Times.

"Divine Emperor, let's go and see!" The Lord of the Sky said.

The reason why the Lord of the Earth has not dared to appear is because he is most afraid of the people of the Conferred Gods to find them.

Back then, if the Fengshen Great hadn't been defeated by the Human Emperor, the Fengshen Great Emperor would have become a human emperor, he was only a little bit worse.

One can imagine the hatred in the hearts of Fengshen Tianren.

"I have this intention."

Chu Yuan headed towards the emperor tomb.

The appearance of the emperor's tomb is not a secret in the primitive gods. Many powerful people know that an emperor buries himself as an existence that has competed with the emperor for luck. Everyone is interested.

At a place in the primitive god, there is a stone tomb at this time, the brilliance is not visible, the entrance is sealed by a stone door, floating in the sky and the earth.

And this tomb is buried in the ancient Fengshen Great Emperor.

Everyone sighed, if the Conferred God Emperor had not met the Human Emperor, he would have been one of the greatest beings in the universe, sadly, just a little bit short.

And some people speculate.

If it were the Conferred God Emperor, perhaps there would be no singular and eerie war.

"There are a lot of primitive gods."

When Chu Yuan came here, his gaze swept away, and the primitive gods looked solemnly, all staring at this emperor tomb, but they didn't make a move and were afraid of something.

Although it is said that the Conferred God Emperor has fallen, no one knows what will be in the tomb of such a great emperor.

"Shenwu God Emperor!"

Some people's eyes fell on Chu Yuan.

Although he is not yet a primitive god, he is a famous person. There are a few in the universe who don't know him. He is number one in the ranking of the heavenly path, and his strength is comparable to the primitive god.

Every one who can be ranked first, except for the very few unfortunate ones, will almost certainly become a primitive god.

Just like the previous number one, Thor has become a primitive god, and in a short period of time, he has crossed multiple levels to become a very strong one among primitive gods.

"Unfortunately, Thor is one step ahead of his original achievement, otherwise I don't know who he and Thor are the strongest in the realm of the God of Heaven? It is a pity that these two have never fought."

"The strength of the Shenwu Empire cannot be underestimated. Although it hasn't been thirty-three days, it already has thirty-three days."

"There is a fire ancestor in his empire, and his own combat power is comparable to primitive. This kind of character will have this kind of combat power if he doesn't become primitive. After he achieves primitiveness, what will he do?"

"And the ancient source **** is also supporting him, as if to help Shenwu achieve 33 days."

"Guyuan God is so mysterious, she seems to travel through various eras."

His arrival caused a sensation.

Chu Yuan's expression was indifferent, and he could naturally feel a wave of hostility. After all, everyone knew that he must have a masterful secret.

But he didn't care.

Strength is king.

With his current strength, even if someone is greedy, he can't deal with him at will.

He did not communicate with others, just stood in one place, closed the wave, and kept offering sacrifices to maintain the existence of the Lord of the Sky.

"Lord of the Sky~www.ltnovel.com~ have you seen anything?" Chu Yuan said.

"It's hard to tell that I've fallen after all. It's just my destiny, and I can't use the great supernatural powers unless I open the tomb door and get a glimpse of it, but no one knows what crisis is inside."

The Lord of the Sky has a solemn tone.

"Of course someone wants to open the tomb door." Chu Yuan said.

"If the Emperor Fengshen really survives his second life, he will surely start a great battle and become the lord of his age. The current situation will be broken, and he will be caught in a great battle for 33 days."

The Lord of the Sky.

"Only chaos is good, only heroes can be made in troubled times."

Chu Yuan said coldly, he didn't worry and waited slowly.

Over time, more and more powerful people have gathered, and the original gods are also respected, coming from various forces from all days.

An extremely dazzling light, a rainbow of billions of miles suddenly descended, and a man of light exuded a stunning majesty, staring into the emperor's grave to see through the essence.

"The **** of light of the gods, he is coming!"

The Lord of Light controls the light, and he is indeed very powerful.

As soon as the Guangming Divine Master looked up, he saw in the distance, there was a purple crystal light, the phoenix vision of the gods and horses, and a woman wearing a purple palace dress came.

"Ten Thousand Demon Heaven, Purple Phoenix Demon Lord." Guangming Divine Lord looked at this woman.

A deity of peerless existence, constantly coming, the ten thousand demons, ten thousand daotian, ten thousand demons, gods, hell, and other heavens are constantly appearing.

An emperor tomb attracted dozens of primitive gods to appear.

"Destroy the Lord." Hell Heaven is the Destroy Lord and the Abyss Lord appear together.

"Everyone is here for the Conferred God Emperor."

The master of destruction looked at the strong.

"It's Yi Tianzun here!"

A figure descended, and all the strong men suddenly looked at him.

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