Yi Tianzun!

The famous Yi Tianzun in the universe!

His arrival immediately made the strong on the scene look at him!

His fame is too great. He is a terrifying Taoist ancestor of Ten Thousand Daotian, and his status is like the lord of the sky.

Half-day road list.

Tiandao God list.

Both of these famous lists were compiled by him.

Yi Tianzun's fairy-style Dao Bone, looks like a black-haired old man, dressed in Taoist clothes, with a faint and calm smile on his face, which makes people feel cordial.


He also saw Chu Yuan at the other end, running the secret calculation, but what made him wonder is that this person is like a fog, and he can't calculate a trace of him.


Yi Tianzun said to himself.

"Yi Tianzun."

The God Lord Guangming walked over and nodded to him, "Can you figure out whether the Conferred God Emperor really fell or died?"

"The Conferred God Emperor was buried and fallen during the final battle with the Human Emperor. But now, the situation in the Emperor’s tomb is shrouded in heavy mist and hidden by heaven. The Conferred God Emperor should have fallen and his power collapsed, but he is very likely to live a second life. ."

Yi Tianzun is also calculating again and again, heaven calculation is not the real destiny after all, the stronger the existence, the more difficult the calculation.

The Emperor Fengshen is stronger than him, and it is difficult for him to figure out this kind of existence.

"Yi Tianzun is known as the most difficult primitive **** to kill because he can calculate the danger. Since he is here this time, he does not know the true situation of the Fengshen Great Emperor, but it also shows that he is safe this time."

There are strong men secretly.

"Yi Tianzun, I have dealt with him, and I sat down and talked with him."

The Lord of the Sky said: "He calculated that I must have the calamity of life and death, and he has calculated several calamities for me. I also resolved a great calamity when I took refuge in the emperor. This person uses heavenly calculations for his own practice."

"Fengshen Lu is in the tomb of the Emperor Fengshen, buried with the Great Emperor Fengshen." Yi Tianzun gave an affirmative answer.

"Feng Shen Lu is indeed inside!"

The strong people on the scene moved their hearts.

The power of Fengshenlu is too powerful.

"Don't dream of confessing the gods, otherwise it will bring disasters to you."

Yi Tianzun reminded them.

"Yi Tianzun, how do you enter the emperor's grave?" The Purple Phoenix Demon said.

"If you bomb the entire emperor tomb, the emperor tomb will explode with terrifying power, and even disappear as a whole, only entering through the tomb door."

Yi Tianzun said: "I have calculated that there will be no danger in opening the tomb door."

"Okay, let's open the tomb door!" The God Lord Guangming nodded.

"But the Lord of Light, it is not omnipotent. The secret is uncertain, and the destiny is always changing. There is a saying that the secret is not to be revealed. The next moment is very likely to change. Some things will not follow his The trajectory proceeds."

Yi Tianzun reminded the powerhouses, saying: "The Conferred God Emperor was almost able to achieve his age. If it weren’t for the Human Emperor’s Human Emperor’s Era to hold him down, then the previous era was the Conferred God Era, and it might not be so It's almost over."

"we know."

The God Lord of Guangming knows Yi Tianzun's ability.

"Yi Tianzun, the gods and gods are talking, you can open the tomb of my heavenly emperor at will, this is blaspheming the majesty of my heavenly emperor, and you will be punished!"


When a master came at the same time, seven primitive gods appeared.

The leader, with a dazzling divine light and a cold and stern face, releases his strength fiercely, shocking the crowd.

"Fengshentian powerhouse!"

It is worthy of being the sixth strongest heaven, and as soon as it appears, there are seven primitive gods.

"Feng Huanyu!"

The leader is called Feng Huanyu, not the God of Conferred God, but the second person in the days of Conferred God.

When the Fengshen Great Emperor's Tomb was born, it was impossible for them not to appear, and they were extremely powerful.

"The Conferred God God has also come, but he is not in this time and space."

Yi Tianzun said.

What a great event the Emperor Tomb is, the 33 Gods will also be shaken. The Conferred God God does not appear to be here, but in fact he is shocking other God-level existences.

"We are not afraid of you being a god!"

Facing the ferocity of Fengshentian, the primitive gods present didn't care about Tao.

"My tomb of the Heavenly Emperor is taboo. If you want to disturb the Emperor, step on my bones first!"

Feng Huanyu's tone was fierce.

The Emperor Fengshen lost to the Emperor of Humans and was buried in the primitive gods. He also left the most powerful record of the Fengshen in it. Even Fengshentian did not know the whereabouts of the emperor's tomb.

Now that the long years have passed, the Emperor Tomb suddenly appeared.

This is a big sign.

They firmly believed that Fengshen Great Emperor would not fall here.

This time the Emperor Tomb was left by the Great Emperor Fengshen to live the second life.

For the return of Fengshen Great Emperor, they are willing to pay any price.

Fengshen Great Emperor is their belief!

The murderous aura on the scene was awe-inspiring, and the Conferred God Heavenly Powerhouse exploded with strong power in the face of the heroes.

"Fengshentian is strong, but it wants to stop me waiting to step in, but I can't do it!"

The strong on the scene did not give in, the Emperor Tomb was too critical.

Although Feng Shen Lu is important, it is actually second.

They are even more worried that the Conferred God Emperor is really immortal, and is planning a certain overall situation, to resurrect during this period, to fight the heavens again, to create the Conferred God era, and become the master of the era.

There can only be a master of the age in an era.

The God of thirty-three days, various ancient powerhouses all want to become the lord of the times, and they all dream of creating a great existence.

As soon as Fengshen Great Emperor came out, he himself was very close to that step. It was a disaster for them to really live.

Some who have experienced the Fengshen Great Emperor's period know more about his horror!

"Then speak with blood!"

Feng Huanyu directly took out the weapon and made a grinning noise.

He believed that the Fengshen Great Emperor was immortal!

He wants to welcome the second life of the great emperor.

"I'm afraid you won't make it?"

The strong on the scene made cold drinks.

The breath of the primitive **** has collided in time and space.

They wanted to destroy the emperor's tomb so that the Fengshen Great Emperor would never have a chance to resurrect.

Yi Tianzun calculated at this time that he seemed to know something, and his brows were also frowned.

"Open the Emperor Tomb!"

The abyss ruler from the **** sky shouted, lest the world will not be chaotic: "The Emperor Fengshen wants to return without death, we will not give him this opportunity, if he appears, the heavens will usher in chaos."

"Fighting the Emperor of Humanity, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is his biggest calamity. If he really survives the second life, it shows that he has survived this calamity and will be stronger than before. The era of this period."

The purple phoenix demon said: "A Fengshen Great Emperor who lived out of the second life is too terrifying."

The heavens have gone through a long period of time, and have not ushered in a master of the age, and time has reached a limit, and it is time to appear.

The strongest member of her clan is the ancestor of the Phoenix, who is also a horror giant in the Ten Thousand Demons Heaven, and wants to achieve her own Phoenix Age.

But the ancestor of the Phoenix is ​​not the same as the ancestor of the dragon.

The dragon ancestor independent of the demon clan will open up the age of the dragon.

The ancestor of the Phoenix relied on the Ten Thousand Demon Heavens, and under the framework of the Demon Age, created the Phoenix Age. This great demon who chose Ten Thousand Demon Heavens supported her.

"Then fight, if you want to go forward, just step on my bones!"

The powerful murderous aura broke the world, and Feng Huanyu burst out endless waves of killing. He stood in front of the tomb gate, willing to protect the stability of the emperor's tomb with his own body.

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