"The demons of Wanmotian are plotting bad luck, they want to take advantage of us when we fight Shenwu!"

Eclipse looked at the Lord of Greed, feeling very upset.

"Hmph, these demon heads are like flies. If you don't care about them, they will disgust you, but it will take a lot of effort to control them."

The owner of the disaster was also very upset, threatening: "Are you going to intervene in the war between God and Shenwu?"

"Haha, you guys hit you, I just watched, ignore us, you continue."

The Lord of Greedy Demon naturally heard the threat from the Lord of Distress, but he didn't care either. He was not afraid of Duertian's revenge, so he would run back to Wanmotian.

"Yes, not bad." Wan Motian's demon laughed.

Finding the opportunity to take advantage is their favorite thing to do.

"Staring at them!"

The Lord of Difficulties let Eclipse lead a large army to stare at the Lord of Greed.

"Huo Zu, let me see how strong you are!"

The Lord of Difficulties suddenly stepped forward, hatred broke out, double fists, two black lights bombarded, the strength he showed was actually stronger than when he fought against Chu Yuan.

He was motivated by hatred, which trapped his bottleneck for eternity, and was loosened by the anger of that battle.


This is the real battle after the fire ancestor was resurrected.

Huo Ancestor's gaze suddenly looked over, time and space were burned by him, and his flame divine fist bombarded, the Heavenly Fire God Realm suddenly appeared, and a controlling force turned the boundless area into his domain.

He and the Lord of the Difficulties fight at the same time.

The Lord of Difficulty felt a ray of fire infiltrating his body, the original divine power in his body was consumed wildly, and he was burned to ashes.

"This fire ancestor is about to break through!"

The Lord of Difficulty blasted out once again, the gloomy black color, countless dark runes like black light hitting the fire ancestor.

At the same time, the primitive puppet attacked with a sword and cooperated with him.

The fire ancestor's mana is rolling, his shot is majestic, the flame descends on the world, and the battle interprets his strength, facing the troubled master and the puppet, he did not fall into the wind.

"Huo Zu is too powerful!"

"Yes, although the fire ancestor suffered a disaster, he survived, and the disaster made him stronger than before!"

"If the fire ancestor is not defeated this time, the battle to cross the Evil Heaven will not be considered successful, and Shenwu will become more and more difficult!"

Surrounding this golden river, there are many strong men who are watching this battle.

"Heaven and earth disaster!"

The Lord of Difficulties once again took out an ancient book, which was a special divine object. With his spells constantly urging, more black light swept toward the fire ancestor.

The tribulation of heaven and earth turned into a lore array, immediately surrounding the fire ancestors.

"Break it for me!"

Fire Ancestor no matter what weird moves the Lord of the Difficulty performed, in front of him, only the most powerful force can break it. With a split in his hand, a flame of knife light shook down.

But suddenly.

The sky suddenly washed away with a bright blade of light, like a galaxy, the ultimate blade intent directly smashed and killed the fire ancestor at this moment, and it was also a primitive **** attacking.

"Small bugs!"

Bang bang bang! The fire ancestor slapped and shook the blade light forcibly, and at the same time his divine body turned into flames, breaking the blade light directly.

A figure in grey clothes also appeared.

This is a middle-aged man, holding a sharp sword in his hand, and said to the owner of the disaster: "I'm here."

"Okay, you came just right, today we will join hands to deal with the fire ancestor!"

The lord of the disaster laughed.

"It's him, he is the plowmaster!"

The Lord of Greed was shocked, "Didn't Saint Plough have no power and scattered people exist? How could he help to fight through Hetian? What is going on?"


Huo Zu does not know the plow saint,

However, the Lord of Guangyu understood something, and exclaimed: "Sage Plough, why did you join this battle? Did crossing the heavens promise you any benefits?"

"You don't need to know this."

Li Sheng will not explain to them.

Others don't know, but the Lord of Difficulties understands that this plow saint had fallen into a life-and-death crisis before he became a primitive god, and it was the God of Duer who helped him.

After that, God Du'e gave him many help.

Although Saint Plough didn't directly join Duertian, he also promised that he remembered the kindness of God Duertian, and if Duertian needed him, he would take action.

This is the gratitude of the Saint Plough.

"Lord of Guangyu, let's withdraw!"

The Heavenly Dao God of Guangyu League also followed Shenwu to fight. At this time, seeing the arrival of Saint Plough, my heart was panicked, knowing that this kind of war was not something they could intervene.


At this time, Shenwu Shenchao was in need of help from the strong, and it would be too unethical if he withdrew, and he would never want to have any cooperation with Shenwu in the future.

In all fairness, he can't do this kind of thing.

However, he is just the leader, and there is no way to order death to demand this group of people.

"Those who mess up our military's mind will be killed without mercy!"

The Huo Ancestor saw that there was a God of God in the Guangyu League who was going to retreat, and he slashed away with a palm, and a flame gap suddenly appeared.

The strongmen of the Guangyu Alliance fought with Shenwu during this period, and it can be said that they have gained a lot of benefits. At this time, if they want to run, the fire ancestor will not spare them first.

"Can't retire!"

It was the deputy leader shouted.

"Yes, you can't retreat at this time. Who dares to retreat, let alone the Fire Ancestor not forgiving you, even I will not forgive you!"

Coslight Leaders stabilize the situation.

He knew that the Heavenly Dao God who was crossing the Evil Heaven had not launched a full-scale attack, because although they had many strong men, they would inevitably lose money once they rushed into the battle.

They are all waiting, when the original god's battlefield appears to be suppressed.

And now they retreat, they don't even want to get a foothold here.

"Sage Plough, join me to deal with Fire Ancestor!"

The master of the disaster, he repeatedly played imprisonment great supernatural powers.

The pure offensive power of Plow Saint Lun was above him, and the sharp swords continued to cleave, the waterfall-like light became more and more fierce, and the heavy knife light had enveloped the fire ancestor.

And the primitive puppet is also continuing to attack.

The situation of the fire ancestor looks very bad.


Saint Plough's knife traveled through time and space, and was extremely fierce. When it reached the front of Fire Ancestor, between the stabbings, it cut directly into his divine body.

He pours the sword energy in, to hurt his original origin.

Seeing this scene, the lord of the disaster yelled hello.

But Huo Ancestor didn't care. He was not a real flesh and blood body, but Heavenly Fire. He immediately transformed, and his body turned into a flame-like position.

In his body, at this time there was a divine pill emitting a sacred light.

The most holy pill!

This precious pill ~www.ltnovel.com~ obtained by Chu Yuan from the remains of the Heavenly King was directly given to the Fire Ancestor. He did not completely refine it, but turned it into a reserve of strength, which was continuously provided by him.

Saint Plough frowned.

"After the disaster, there is a strong force in his body to repair, and my knife did not cause much damage to him."

Plow Saint reminded.

"It must be the Supreme Treasure Pill, **** it, how many treasures does this Shenwu have!"

The troubled lord gritted his teeth: "Not only is their emperor difficult to deal with, this fire ancestor is also troublesome!"

"Haha, go on!"

The fire ancestor has the most holy and most divine pill. Before this pill is consumed, he can fight a war of attrition with the opponent without fear of any damage they may bring to himself.

Moreover, his perception of the original heaven is stronger than that of the Lord of Distress and the Saint of Plough.

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