Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 1481: To cross the sky, double happiness is coming

The fire ancestor is powerful, and a single primal **** stuns multiple primal gods. In the end, no one takes much advantage. This golden river is also divided between Duertian and Shenwu.

Although Du'ertian didn't suffer much, they were all very dissatisfied. In their strategy, they didn't want Shenwu to get any benefit.

Chu Yuan didn't pay much attention to the war on the time-space island. There were fire ancestors there to deal with it, so he was relieved.

And in the day of Ferry.

At this time, there is a strong fluctuation.

The Lord Du'er stood in the air, and in front of him was a gray altar with a soul orb. This was the original imprint of the Lord of Du'er left in the day.

One day, many powerful people gathered at this moment.

"Crossing the sea is about to be resurrected, and God will use his invincible power to sacrifice and resurrect the lord who crosses the sea!"

After a long preparation, the Lord of Crossing finally began to sacrifice to the Lord of Crossing.

This is where the foundation of the day lies. Even if the primitive gods fall, they still have enough strength to resurrect. Unlike the lonely family like the Fire Ancestor, no one sacrifices to him after death.

"Crossing the sea....crossing the sea..."

The God of Crossing calls for the destiny consciousness of the Lord of Crossing.


Above the altar, a burst of sacrificial light suddenly burst into the depths of the multiverse. In the land of life and death, the infinite gods suddenly began to burn, refining into billowing energy.

In this sacrifice, the destiny consciousness of the lord crossing the sea began to reunite, with countless shackles on his body, binding him, and the law of life and death made it difficult for him to truly resurrect.

Crackling...More divine objects exploded, and the original energy from heaven and earth was instilled into him.

"Live, I want to live!"

The lord of crossing the sea let out an earth-shaking roar, and the body of the giant strode violently towards the day of the crossing.

"The cross-sea resurrection is not a problem, it is just a matter of the cost of the resurrection."

The lord of the distress knows that the lord of the sea must live, but this is too costly.

On that day, Chu Yuan resurrected the Fire Ancestor and consumed countless treasures. Although the foundation of Du'ertian was much stronger than Shenwu, he had to be born and peeled off.

"Long Zu."

When the Lord of Crossing was resurrected, God of Crossing suddenly looked at one place, a chaotic dragon with endless thunder light, controlling the power of life and death.

"Longzu, what's the matter when he descended to this **** to cross the heaven today?"

The main way of crossing E.

Although Long Shentian was less than thirty-three days old, Long Ancestor's strength could not be underestimated. He assisted in the demonic civilization of the era, and his strength was earth-shattering.

His arrival caused the Lord of Evil's brows to frown.

"God Du'er, the ancestor did not intend to come this time."

When the dragon ancestor moved, proud of the world, he smiled faintly: "Free from the law of life and death, sacrifice to the dead, cross the emperor, the ancestor also controls the power of life and death, and can help you resurrect and cross the sea at a lower cost. Lord."

Although Duertian only became 33 days after the Great War, but who can become one day, can it be a simple person?

Back then, the heavens collapsed, and there were many ambitions.

Long Zu knew that the strength of Du'ertian was far less simple than it appeared on the surface, and the God of Du'er still controlled a stronger power than he had seen.

"No, I can bear the resurrection."

God Du'er directly rejected Longzu.

This kind of thing, he does not need others to intervene.

That earth-shattering great mana, the input of God's origin made the Lord of Crossing the Sea more and more real.

The last sense of horror comes from the counterattack of the rules of the multiverse

When it came down, the God of Crossing directly manipulated the wheel of Crossing, and directly blocked the Lord of Crossing.

"I'm alive!"

A large amount of primitive energy, let the **** of the sea lord condense.

Like a dream.

This time, although the lord of crossing the sea did not fall for too long, his consciousness has been sacrificed, but he was beheaded. This is an unforgettable memory.

"Thank God for resurrection!" said the master crossing the sea.

"You also fell for my heaven. Resurrection is a matter of course, but if you fall next time, you will have to pay ten times the price, and the third time you fall, a hundred times the price, the heaven and the earth are hard to support."

Crossing the God Road.

The resurrection is not really omnipotent, but also has limitations. Although the resurrection crossing the sea, although there are some wounds and bones, it can be supported by the power of crossing the sky.

If crossing the sea and dying again, he would have to pay ten times the price to resurrect him, and the origin of the entire crossing would plummet, and his vitality would be greatly injured.

The third time a hundred times the price.

Unless God Du'er is willing to risk the price of letting the heaven and earth collapse, it is impossible to do so, and only the tomb of the gods and gods can resurrect a primitive **** many times.

Such as why the trial of the Lord fell so hard.

The fundamental reason is precisely because the Lord of Judgment has actually fallen many times, and even the gods and heavens require a long time of power accumulation and operation to achieve resurrection.

Every time he dies, he is judged to be dead by the rule of will. The stronger, the stronger the brand.

The resurrection is to compete with the rules and will, and the backlash to endure is enormous.

"This God of Transcendence is stronger than I thought!"

When Long Zu saw the Lord Du'e resurrecting the Lord of Crossing, he could guess his strength without any major turmoil in the whole world.

Just when Long Zu was about to speak to the God of Du'er, in the depths of Du'er, in a mysterious place that the Long Zu could not see, the power of the original divine calamity was fluctuating.

"Someone is going to cross the Primordial Divine Tribulation!" Long Zu's eyes moved.

The terrifying primitive divine calamity came down, breaking through any obstacles, a figure bathed in the divine calamity, he struggled through the robbery, trying to break the most difficult step.

"It's Wu Shang who is crossing the catastrophe!"

The resurrected Master Crossing the Sea was surprised, "He has realized the original power!"

"Wu Shang, entered the depths of ancient civilizations and received inheritance." God Lord Du'e said.

"What, he actually entered there!"

The lord of crossing the sea was shocked: "The inheritance of civilization in the ancient era has made him unable to suppress his own power of heaven. He must overcome the catastrophe. If he succeeds, he must succeed. Even if God can resurrect you, you will hardly become The possibility of the original Because of the resurrection, your calamity will increase tenfold!"

How can you resist the calamity of ten times the power?

The whole person who flees the sky is very nervous.

Every minute is suffering.

How many times have they seen Wu Shang being overthrown by Divine Tribulation, and when everyone thought he could not stand up, he stood up stubbornly and fought against Heaven and himself.

This kind of divine calamity is too terrifying, and no one can help him.

"Original God Realm, Heaven Witch God Light, Heaven Breaks Realm!"

At the last moment, Wu Shang withstood the most terrifying divine calamity. All his vitality was incorporated into his body, and the damaged body was quickly repaired.

He became a primitive god!

This time, with a will to die, he entered the depths of the ancient era controlled by Du'ertian, and he really succeeded in breaking through the cocoon and becoming a butterfly, achieving his original way.

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