"Haha, okay, Wushang, you did not disappoint me and God, and you have also been promoted to the original gods. Now I will be stronger and stronger in the battle of heaven!"

The owner of the disaster couldn't help but laughed at him cheerfully.

Double happiness is coming.

This is a happy event.

Since the rise of Shenwu, they have been very happy.

The Lord of Crossing was resurrected, and Wu Shang successfully broke through, so that the gloom that had accumulated in the hearts of the strong for many days was wiped out.

"Wu Shang, you have just been promoted to the realm of a primitive god, and you need to consolidate it. You have a complete practice experience in the day of crossing. You don't need to rush to fight to consolidate your strength."

A smile appeared on the face of Lord Du'er. The more powerful in a day, the greater the effect on him.

"God is right!" said the master crossing the sea.

"Double happiness is here."

Long Zu said: "The original ancestor is here to congratulate God Du'e, and another primitive **** appeared in the universe."

"Long Zu, you are looking for the owner if you have something to do this time."

God Du'e looked at him with a dazzling light, and said: "If I see it well, it is not your real body, but your second dharmakaya, the Chaos Dragon, which will die in a lifetime, the power of the Chaos Dragon and your own body. no difference."

Long Zu is strong.

The slightly weaker Lord of the Day would not be Dragon Ancestor's opponent without the power of heaven and earth.

"The true body deity stays in the Dragon God Heaven, to deal with the Ten Thousand Demon Heaven and all the monsters."

Long Zu said lightly.

In the past, his deity was seen so hard by the demons that it was difficult to make big moves, but now it is different.

The deity looks after the house, and the Chaos Dragon is the main battle.

"Longzu, you have chosen a more difficult road, otherwise you could have become the lord of the times long ago, and you have great ambitions."

Crossing the God Road.

He also knew that Long Zu was not here to trouble him this time, but to cooperate with him if he had something to do.

And he knew better that if Long Ancestor relied on Ten Thousand Demon Heavens, he would have long been able to achieve the Age of Dragon with his strength, but he did not do so, and he was unwilling to have any contact with Ten Thousand Demon Heavens.

He fights alone, develops the dragon system, and wants the dragon to become the same great existence as the gods, demons and monsters.

The founder of the gods represents the gods, the ancestor of all demons represents the demons, and the ancestor of all demons represents the demons.

They are so powerful and incredible.

"Anyone who has no ambitions to achieve with the power of ten thousand demon heavens is still a demon, not a real dragon. There is only one chance to achieve the age. If it is wrong, there is no chance to regret."

Long Zu is indifferent.

"With your strength, Long Shentian should be promoted for 33 days first." Du'er God said.

"It's not anxious for thirty-three days of promotion. The Emperor Fengshen will return. He will inevitably start a greater war. This is undoubtedly. When he moves, those ancient existences will be willing to see him succeed, as long as the battle of the times is fought. When I was promoted for thirty-three days, I didn’t need to start a war ahead of time and be the target."

Long Zu is very patient.

He could endure not to become the lord of the age without the power of the monster clan, let alone one of the 33 gods.

"Furthermore, although the Fengshen Great Emperor is powerful now, his return has also become the most eye-catching. It is the real winner who laughs last. He was so powerful that he was not also defeated by the rising star, so some things Don't worry, the final result is the most important."

Long Zudao.

"Emperor Fengshen!"

God's eyes flickered sharply.

At their level, if you want to go further, you can only open up the era and become the master of the era.

"His appearance has caused the shock of the multiple air luck of the heavens." The God of Du'e said: "However, the Fengshen Great Emperor has not yet affected the Lord for a while. Shenwu is the enemy of the bed!"

He knows his opponent well. 89 Literature Net


As soon as he mentioned this person, Long Zu was angry and coldly said: "This person also has great luck. The original ancestor speculates that he must have mastered the treasures of the ancient era, otherwise he cannot explain his strength in a short time. Enhance so fast."

He knew that the time for the Shenwu God Emperor to achieve the Heavenly Dao God was not very long.

But it was this person who became the first in heaven.

"If there is no ancient source god, Shenwu will break early." Du'er **** said: "The ancient source **** is too secretive and supports Shenwu, making me passive."

"I am here this time just for the God of Ancient Origin."

Long Zu finally stated his true purpose: "The ancient source of God is too mysterious, and the ancient source of God is just her identity in this life. She exists in the cycle of epochs, breaking certain boundaries, and I have received many epochs. It is recorded that the ancient source gods are active with different identities."

"She controls the secret of reincarnation!"

Crossing the God Road!

"Yes, she can reincarnate in one era, immortal, and she is too mysterious. If we can get the secret of her reincarnation, the benefits will be unlimited."

Long Zudao.

"But she is extremely strong, and neither I nor Yanshen God was able to suppress her that day."

God Du'er knew that God of Ancient Origin was a great treasure in itself, but facing the destruction of this treasure, he felt powerless to start.

He clearly remembered that the ancient source God urged a reincarnation method that day to break all blockades and leave directly.

"If you want to suppress the ancient source of God, you need stronger power to get the secret of her reincarnation!"

Long Zu said coldly.

If it wasn't for the ancient source of God to frighten him outside the Dragon God Heaven, he would not suffer a heavy loss in Qi Ming.

"Wait a minute."

A message from the God of Duer.

After a period of time, the God of Yanshen came, and he said: "Longzu, you are also here, Du'e, is this time for me to come here for the God of Ancient Origin? Recently, the situation of my God of Yanshen is complicated, and the **** The return of the Great has caused great pressure on me."

Yanshentian is not too far away from Fengshentian. Once the dispute of the times erupts, they will be under great pressure.

"Yes, this time it is for the ancient source god."

The God of Du'er said: "Long Ancestor come over and invite me to deal with the ancient source god, Yanshen, I know you are under a lot of pressure, but if we can understand the mysterious means of the ancient source god, it will be of great benefit to us. ."

"But the ancient source **** is difficult to suppress." Yanshen **** frowned.

"There is no need to really suppress her."

Long Zu said: "My ancestor has a way to besiege her. She is definitely not our opponent with ordinary means. If we fight against us, we must use her mysterious power. We can use this to understand her mysterious power and absorb her. the power of."

"If it were in the past, it would be extremely difficult to find God of Ancient Origin, but if she wants to shelter Shenwu, it will be much easier to find her. This is also the best opportunity."

Long Zu added.

"Yes, Long Zu is right!" Yanshen said.

"And Shenwu can't let them continue to live."

Murderous circulation in the eyes of God Du'er.

The growth of Shenwu's strength also made him feel a huge threat, from a small figure to a tiger that could threaten him.

"Shenwu~www.ltnovel.com~Naturally can't let it go." Long Zu said: "Except for some of the power, the original ancestor needs to guard against the Ten Thousand Demon Heavens. I will send the strong to help you overcome the evil sky."

"Unfortunately, if it's not for Fengshentian, I can also help you destroy Shenwu." Yanshen Tianzhu said.

"There are many treasures of Shenwu, how do you plan to divide Longzu?"

The God of Transience spoke of a crucial issue.

"My ancestor has heard the story of a human race. A group of hunters hunted geese. The geese were still flying in the sky, but the hunters killed each other. In the end the geese flew and they got nothing."

Long Zu said indifferently: "All the treasures will be distributed after the attack on Shenwu. Don't worry about this, the ancient source **** himself is the greatest treasure!"

"We form three alliances of heaven and earth." God Du'er said: "Go, I know where God Guyuan is!"

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