"The strength of the **** emperor is getting stronger and stronger."

Huo Ancestor sighed that what he is looking forward to most now is not his own breakthrough, but he wants to see the day when the **** emperor becomes the original **** and shakes the heavens.

That must be very exciting.

And even though he had joined Shenwu, in fact he didn't know what opportunities the **** emperor got, and various powerful artifacts appeared in an endless stream.

"Fire Ancestor."

Chu Yuan said, "Although they retreat temporarily this time, they also bring a worse signal. Dragon God and Duertian are united. They not only have to deal with me, but also the ancient source of God."

"The God of Ancient Origin is extremely mysterious and controls the secret of reincarnation. She is like a drifter, drifting in epochs."

Huo Ancestor nodded.

"The support of the ancient source of God has shared a lot of pressure for me, and our **** dynasty is here, in fact, it has also attracted a part of the power for the ancient source of God, and all the glory of the ancient source, the loss of all."

Chu Yuandao.

He and Goddess Yanran are now on the same front.

Goddess Yanran also has many opponents.

"The war situation in the future will be even more tragic. They will form a great formation outside Shenwu Tian, ​​blocking the development of the Shen Dynasty by all means, and do everything they can. If the strong Shen Dynasty goes out, they will suffer a blow."

Chu Yuan knew that war was to do everything, and to win, all means could be used.

The situation in the future will be more severe, but a dynasty cannot stay in its own world forever, being forcibly shut down by others, and must be in contact with the outside world.

"I will also guard against this when I act." Huo Zu concentrated his head.

"And they absolutely dare not break into my world casually."

Chu Yuandao.

The Heavenly Pagoda of Ten Thousand Realms, the Cauldron of Ten Thousand Things, the Divine Rune of Returning One, and the Wangchuan River in the Nine Nethers have built a strong defense for the gods and forcibly attacked. This cost is too great.

Many resources have also been distributed.

The strongest obtain resources for the weak, and then the weak grow into the strong. Follow the strongest to obtain resources for the gods again, forming a virtuous circle.

In the next period of time, the fire ancestors led the team to continue to fight on the island of time and space.

Although Duertian wanted to block the Fire Ancestor on Time and Space Island, on the one hand, the Fire Ancestor was indeed very strong, and on the other hand, it was too close to Shenwu, and any disturbance could be immediately noticed.

And in the gods.

Time accelerates, time flies, and a large number of strong men have emerged.

God of War breaks through the origin of the third realm.

To Chu Yuan's satisfaction, he brought a few Nine Aperture Tongxin Pills in the relics of the Heavenly King this time. The Time and Space God also drew a lot of time and space power on the Time and Space Island and successfully reached the fifth stage.

The periphery of Shenwu is an ocean of time and space. In this environment, the **** of time and space can even get entangled with the weakest primitive **** like Duhai.

Half of the nine martial gods have transformed into heavenly gods.

The title of Nine Martial Gods represents glory as well as life and death. Once you reach this position, you must hit the realm of heaven in the shortest time.

"The situation is grim. Although our strength is strengthened, crossing the sky will become stronger. The return of the Fengshen Great Emperor will start another era and set off a storm. I must achieve primitiveness in the shortest time to dissolve the current dilemma. ."

Chu Yuan was very calm.

Blindly retreat is useless.

He was in a medicine garden at this time.

Here is full of aura, the fragrance of medicine is everywhere, there are giant trees growing to the sky, and the flowers are competing with each other. They are all rare magic medicines.

In that piece of medicine garden, there is a woman who is busy cultivating magical medicine.

Medicine Linger.

This piece of heaven and earth was specially developed, and it was the place where she cultivated magical medicine.

Chu Yuan looked at her and smiled. At this moment, he is not like the emperor who kills coldly and ignores hundreds of millions of sentient beings. He is more like an ordinary person, in the medicine garden with Yao Linger~www.ltnovel.com~ network

In the fields, there are bright medicines all around, this kind of scene is very peaceful.

Chu Yuan was looking for his original path.

He also knows that there is no rush.

"It would be great if I could be calm like this forever."

Yao Ling'er looked at Chu Yuan next to her, and she also understood that she could still plant medicine calmly because of the guardianship of this man, in this multiverse universe where the weak and the strong.

Only with strength can you be qualified to enjoy peace.

"I can't do much for your majesty, I can only do my best."

Yao Ling'er also knew that there was not much she could do, but every bit of meager strength was her support.

She enjoys this kind of years of working with Chu Yuan in the pharmacy.

Her mind is getting calmer and calmer.

But at this time, there were layers of robbery clouds in the medicine garden suddenly, and the light was overwhelming, bombarding Yao Linger.

"I... My God Tribulation."

Yao Ling'er was also dumbfounded, she hadn't ignited the tribulations of the heavens at all, and was not ready to overcome the tribulations, but suddenly came and made her feel a little at a loss.

"Ling'er, it's not that you were not ready, but your spirit was in a state of selflessness, unknowingly aroused. Now that it is here, then welcome the divine calamity, and I will protect you!"

Chu Yuan immediately reminded Yao Ling'er.

Divine Tribulation is triggered in an unintentional way.

Fortunately, he created the tomb of the Yinling, which is her last line of defense. Even if the triumph fails, her soul can be sucked in to save the hope of resurrection.


Yao Ling'er nodded heavily.

At this time, she can only bear it.

The tribulation boomed, Chu Yuan guarded her.

This is a transformation of the heavenly way, and he can't forcefully interfere, otherwise even if the divine calamity is dispelled, Yao Ling'er will have no heavenly way and hope.

Since it was unconsciously aroused, then go to cross the catastrophe.

Shangguanxian, Luo Yueying, Blood Rose, and Chu Chenxi, Chu Chenxue, and Chu Chenyao also came.

"She can definitely get through it!"

They are silently cheering for Yao Linger.

The Heavenly Path and Divine Tribulation lasted for half a month, and Yao Ling'er was always very confused during this period.

The divine calamity suddenly came, and she was able to survive without waves, just naturally, and passed the flow very easily, becoming a **** of heaven.

"Heavenly Gods!"

Yao Linger absorbed the last force of divine calamity, and said with joy: "I succeeded, great. I will become a **** of heaven. Many seeds of magic medicine that can't be cultivated can be cultivated by the **** of heaven!"

After she succeeded, the first thing she thought about was not to check her own cultivation level, but to care about being able to cultivate more magical medicine.

She makes it easy and enviable ~www.ltnovel.com~ and although she is very low-key in the gods and only knows how to cultivate magical medicine, it actually goes out of her way and is a kind of practice.

Everyone’s Tao is different.

Chu Yuan's way is to fight against the heavens and achieve invincibility.

"Congratulations, Ling'er, from now on, you are a **** of heaven. From then on, you will be in control of heaven, and you can see the original heaven in the future."

Chu Yuan saw that his beloved concubine went smoothly, he was also happy for her and stepped forward to congratulate her.

"Well, I made it!"

Yao Ling'er succeeded, and she also rose to the level of heavenly gods in the empire's stars.

She knew that her breakthrough would not be of great help to Shen Chao's combat power, but she could do better in logistics.

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