Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 1488: Coming to the human world again

"Congratulations, sister Ling'er, today some of our sisters have achieved the supreme way of heaven, and since then they have been the gods of heaven, which makes us really envious."

Shangguanxian's age is older than Yao Ling'er. Seeing that Yao Ling'er has achieved the Way of Heaven, it is fake to say that he is not envious.

But I also know that the difficulty of this level is not so easy to break. Failure to succeed is to fall.

"I don't know how to break through." Yao Linger said.

She herself was very confused, obviously she didn't think about breaking through, but she succeeded naturally.

She is not clear, but Chu Yuan is very clear.

She cultivates elixir, absorbs the vitality of all things, and the spiritual power of all things. If things go on like this, the foundation will be deposited and extremely firm.

"Everyone has heavenly hope."

Chu Yuan looked at her with a gleam in his eyes, and said, "Ling'er, today I will give you a gift. You will control this cauldron of the origin of all things. The power of the first birth of all things is of great benefit to your practice. "

This tripod is extremely precious.

However, it was not very useful for Chu Yuan. He cultivated the emperor's hegemony, was in charge of killing, and he had an imperial sword on his body, and a magic rune that could be used in very few places.

And by handing to Ling'er, by using this cauldron to practice, she will cultivate in the realm of Heavenly Dao easily, and lay a primitive foundation.

Moreover, Yao Linger Su Rili is in the gods, and can also be used to stabilize the gods.

"This...this is the top-notch primitive artifact, I'm afraid I can't control it."

Yao Ling'er didn't dare to pick it up immediately.

"You need to say these things with me?"

Chu Yuan smiled and said to him: "The power of all things is the most suitable for your cultivation. The ancient aura of all things is used to cultivate magical medicine, which is a very precious energy breath. Not only is the cultivation of magical medicine, your own cultivation will get twice the result with half the effort."

He shot out an ancient spirit, and suddenly a miraculous medicine that took ten thousand years to mature was formed in a short moment.

"okay, I get it!"

Yao Linger nodded, "I will definitely cultivate more magical medicine for your majesty!"

She took the cauldron of the source of all things, and this cauldron was in hand, she was the lord of all things, controlling the power of all things, and even soon could cultivate the limit of the gods of heaven.

"You don't need to be too envious. Practice hard. If there is something suitable for you, I will give it to you."

All his family members were present, and Chu Yuan would naturally not be stingy.

"Go, let's practice!"

Yao Ling'er's breakthrough also stimulated them.

"Jiuyou is still cultivating."

Chu Yuan's gaze fell into a Wangchuan River, and Jiuyou was still practicing.

He smiled.

Jiuyou is like this, with a heart of the most powerful.

"Huo Ancestor, you guard the dynasty, I want to leave once."

Chu Yuan called the Fire Ancestor.

"Well, with me, with the background of God's dynasty, even if you come to attack here, you can't break through it in a short time. Your Majesty can go forward without worry."

Huo Zu understands that the emperor has important matters.

"With you guarding, I feel relieved."

Chu Yuan nodded. He also knew that if there hadn't been the previous time, space, and sea battle, Duertian and Dragon God Heaven would have launched a battle soon, but now it has been suspended.

He left the gods in an instant.

"Lord of the sky, I will go to the human world again this time."

Chu Yuandao.

"The **** emperor is going to the human world?"

After the idea of ​​the Lord of the Sky was sacrificed, he said: "However, the **** emperor should not be going to open the human world, but has another purpose."

In this world, only Chu Yuan can open the human world without damage.

"Good." Three k

Chu Yuan replied: "The Conferred God Emperor is back. I guess that it is him who wants to open up the heavens of the human world the most, and he will take action to clear the aftermath of the war outside the heavens of the human world. Before that, I will take action first to kill the year. All the treasures of the powerhouses outside the human world are taken away first to strengthen the power of the gods."

The movement caused by taking away the Sky City last time was too great, and he didn't take away all the treasures of the Heavenly Strong Human World from the Ancient Battlefield.

"Fengshen Great Emperor will definitely do something about Human World Heaven!"

The Lord of the Sky gave an affirmative answer.

"Human Emperor defeated him in the past, and now Huadao Human World Heaven, Fengshen Great Emperor cannot have no idea about Human World Heaven. He even wants to seize the power of Human Emperor Hua Dao, control Human Emperor civilization, and achieve his greater era. Conferring gods and people, turning the era into a greater civilization!"

The ambition of Fengshen Great is very big.

The King of Humans defeated him last time, instead of letting him sink, but inspiring his greater ambitions.

"However, if the Human Realm Heaven is so easy to open, it would have been opened long ago. The Human Emperor transforms into a Tao, and the power of the whole body and the entire humanity is in the Human Realm Heaven. The Fengshen Great Emperor wants to forcibly open it, and the backlash is unbearable ."

The Lord of the Sky has confidence in the power of the Emperor.

"That said, but there is no perfect world, there are always flaws."

Chu Yuan hurried away quickly.

"Yes, the **** emperor will search for treasures first this time."

The Lord of the Sky nodded: "The ancient war, I held on to the last moment, the entire battlefield left traces of my shots, I am very clear there, with my lead, the **** emperor will be able to get more divine objects!"

The ancient battlefield is his battlefield.

The lord of the sky fell on the battlefield.

Human Emperor Huadao within the human world.

"This is also why I sacrificed you."

Chu Yuan has the Lord of the Sky, which is equivalent to having a guide, and then cooperates with his strength, and there is no disadvantage.

"When the **** emperor achieves the original god, he can call the Lord of the Earth, and then open the human world sky. What is left outside the battlefield is incomparable to the human world day. The human emperor once sealed the relics of many ancient eras."

The Lord of the Sky is also looking forward to this day.

"It will open."

Chu Yuan traveled to the human world at the fastest speed.

The extremely ancient battlefield surrounding the human world is still so dangerous, and there are traces of broken time and space everywhere, but the current cultivation base of Chu Yuan can't come to the third realm for the first time.

"Sweep directly!"


His Big Swallowing technique does not care what is contained in this time and space, as long as it is seen by him, it will all be absorbed into the system space with the Big Swallowing technique.

The system space is boundless, it can be called infinite, Chu Yuan has cultivated in this way, and can't measure the internal limits.

The system is the most mysterious.

More mysterious than any secret.

And the danger that ordinary people need to be careful about, he ignored the past.

"That location is a battlefield of a hundred gods, where hundreds of gods and gods are fighting."

The Lord of the Sky shows the way.

He is the commander-in-chief of the War of the Ancients and knows the terrain of the entire battlefield. Although time has passed too long and many places have shifted, it is still easy for Chu Yuan to find out if he is guided Little stuff.

"A fallen primitive **** in the human world."

Chu Yuan went into a broken world.

The world is dim and bleak, and it is still raining. Chu Yuan didn't see any remains of bones, but the rain seemed to condense a woman's face.

This is the mark of a woman's remnant in the world.

In the falling rain, there were several primitive artifacts, quietly buried in this world.

"Hey, this is Huayu Tianzun, the primordial **** who follows the human emperor, who was deterred by the humane civilization of the human emperor, and fell here. Back then, I watched her fall with my own eyes and disappeared into this world without the power to stop it. "

The Lord of the Sky sighed.

He saw the fall of too many companions, making him numb.

Only a part of what has fallen in the ancient battlefield, in the human world, more with the emperor.

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