Many of his companions who fought with him died one by one, and fell by his side, and there was endless sadness in his heart.

"The **** emperor has collected the gods from this place, and we will go to the next battlefield." The Lord of the Sky said.

He knew that the era that belonged to the emperor had passed, and let him pass the past.

And as Chu Yuan searched in the ancient battlefield, he found a lot of treasures, beside him, there was a long river flowing, and countless divine artifacts were floating up and down, emitting colorful lights.

These artifacts were combined with a unique mana.

"Just use countless artifacts to refine a Wanbao River."

Chu Yuan manipulated this Wanbao river that was gradually taking shape.

This special artifact of Wanbao Changhe is really not difficult to refine. It does not require proficiency in the art of art. Its essence is that there are many artifacts in Changhe, too many to make the opponent tremble in terror.

Now Chu Yuan is about to refine a long river of ten thousand treasures.

The most important weapons in Changhanei are Half-Heavenly Dao artifacts, which contain the fluctuations of the Heavenly Dao, and a small number of Heavenly Dao artifacts, plus a few original artifacts.

"Thousands are just imaginary fingers, and there are still too few divine tools. I want to have an endless number of them. After returning to the empire, I will use the power of the empire to refine a large number of divine tools.

Chu Yuandao.

Wanbao River, he refines it, it is used for consumption.

Think about it, the enemy is deeply trapped in Wanbao Changhe, and artifacts are exploded around him, and consumption can consume him to death.

But this requires terrible financial resources to support it, which is very expensive.

However, there are not many people who are proficient in the art of the gods. The fire ancestor controls the flame, and he can count as half, but the fire ancestor's time cannot be used to refine the artifact.

He needs the kind of powerhouse who is proficient in the art and way.

"Acquired with Yuandan, and issued a recruitment order to recruit talents."

Chu Yuan has an idea.

He also knew very well that it was too slow and too difficult to train the strong of the independent town, and now it is better to use this simple and rude method to improve the strength.

With the Great Devouring Technique, he carried the Wanbao River and moved quickly in the ancient battlefield.

There are more and more artifacts gathered in Chang Hanoi.

"Divine Emperor, the more you go in that direction, the more violent the fluctuations, I seem to sense the breath of many powerful people!"

The Lord of the Sky suddenly made a sound.

"I also noticed it!"

Chu Yuan frowned.

This wave of strength has surpassed the aftermath of power brought by the ancient battlefield itself, and then quickly passed to that place, and really saw a large number of strong people across a long distance.

"They are all powerhouses of Fengshentian!"

Hundreds of heavenly gods, under the leadership of nine primitive gods, swept into the ancient battlefield. They are invincible, and their tyrannical power is not afraid of various risks.

Wherever you go, everything becomes empty.

The danger of the ancient battlefield, the primitive gods had to be a little more cautious in the past, but the Conferred God Heavenly powerhouse did not care.

They formed a great formation of the Conferred Gods, and at the core of the great formation was an altar of the Conferred Gods. The Conferred God God was actually in it, presiding over it personally, and pushing the ancients.

The strength of the Conferred God is sufficient to rank in the forefront of the entire multiverse.

The founder of the God Realm, Ming and other eras that can't exist, are respected by them.

In the past, it is not that no strong people have thought of pushing the ancient battlefield horizontally in this way, but the battlefield here is the burial ground of the strong people of every day, and they dare not be so presumptuous. up to date

However, Fengshentian has been fearless since Fengshen Great Emperor, nor is he afraid of revenge at all.

They will inevitably start an era dispute that will affect the entire multiverse.

And they came here, obviously not for the peripheral treasures.

"God, we swept from the periphery, and the power penetrated the depths of time and space, but strangely, we still didn't find the trace of the sky city, it seems to have completely disappeared."

A primitive god.

"The City of the Sky had appeared on that day, but it disappeared strangely. The Lord of the Sky had an extremely profound understanding of the power of time and space. He would inevitably leave behind the moment before he fell."

The Conferred God contemplated, "The city of the sky can be found better. It doesn't matter if you can't find it. As long as it exists, the emperor can calculate it. We will level the ancient battlefield. Our ultimate goal is the human world!"


Their Conferred God Formation was shocking in all directions, the world was shaking, and the power swept over, no strong man dared to approach them, for fear of being swept over and destroyed.

Today's Fengshentian is not the same as before, but I am not afraid of the strong of every day.

Fengshentian's unscrupulous horizontal push naturally also caused the reaction of other powerhouses in every day.

A strong person is watching them from a distant time and space.

"Huh! Fengshentian is too unscrupulous, this is to collect all the treasures outside the ancient battlefield, we can't let him continue like this!"

"Fengshentian is for the Human Realm Heaven. Clear out an area in advance!"

"Since Fengshentian's sweep cannot be stopped, then we can't let them go on like this. We also take action and fight with them for treasures in the ancient battlefield!"

This powerful person is also moving quickly.

"The appearance of Fengshentian is a good thing for me now."

Chu Yuan also saw it, and said, "Lord of the sky, they swept across the ancient battlefield, trying to find your sky city. They don't know the destruction of the sky city."

" I also know their purpose."

The Lord of the Sky said coldly: "I want to use my city of the sky to calculate the position of the Lord of the Earth. The Lord of the Earth has taken away a precious treasure in the human world. They want to get it at the least cost. Open up the human world."

"Divine Emperor, it's actually a good thing that you destroyed the Sky City!"

"I know."

Chu Yuan is so wise that he can see through, saying: "If the Sky City is still in my hands, Fengshen Great Emperor will be able to calculate whereabouts. This is very unfavorable to me. It has been ruined now, and what is missing will naturally not be calculated. Whereabouts."

"Yes, after all, no one would have expected the Fengshen Great Emperor to live in his second life."

The Lord of the Sky said: "Now I am most worried about the Lord of the Earth. Without the Conferred God Emperor, no one can predict his whereabouts. However, in the second life of the Conferred God Emperor, his methods are unimaginable, and he may not be able to sustain it. live."

The Lord of the Earth is strong, but how can he contend against the Heavenly Conferred God.

With the character of the Lord of the Earth, he is not willing to give in to death.

"It's useless to worry. Now we can only hope that the Lord of the Earth can last longer."

Chu Yuan understood his worry.

"It's okay this time I came to the ancient battlefield in time, otherwise, I won't even be able to drink soup."

Chu Yuan was also somewhat fortunate.


The power is shaking.

Finally, Fengshentian's unbridled recklessness caused a backlash, and the world was turned upside down. The power of many powerful men penetrated the world and joined forces to kill the Fengshen.

They are too arrogant, and the powerhouses of every day intend to suppress their arrogance.

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