
A stalwart figure rushed out and shot frantically.

Infinite fluctuations and rainbows flooded the sky, shaking the entire ancient battlefield, but the human world still exudes the glory of humanity, unshakable.

Their power is also deliberately led to the human world to see if they can shake this world, but the human world is so powerful that those energy clay cows enter the sea and disappear.

The human world is unmoved!

"I still want to break through the human world. Even the Fengshen Great Emperor can't do it now. The power of the human emperor after turning into the Tao is unimaginable. Although he has fallen, his power remains."

The Lord of the Sky disdainfully said: "If there is not even this point of defense, the human world sky can still exist today? It has been broken by others long ago!"

"Yes, the Human Realm Heaven is temporarily unbreakable, and the Conferred God Heaven and the powerful battles, we will seize this opportunity to seize more treasures."


He left this position!

In the past, the large-scale treasures of the ancient battlefield were taken away, which would definitely attract the attention of some interested people, but in such a world environment, no one paid attention to them.

With his own strength and the guidance of the Lord of the Sky, he shuttled through the ancient battlefield, and many treasures were captured by him.

There are more and more treasures in Wanbao Long Hanoi, and Wei Neng has become more and more powerful, like the sky swept across the sky.

And Chu Yuan also knew that in order for Wanbao Changhe to exert its strongest power, in addition to being large in scale, it would be better to have a supreme artifact like the Ten Thousand Realm Heavenly Pagoda to suppress it, otherwise the battle with the strong would be collapsed.

"God emperor, go there again, and it will be the fall of a primitive god. If the position does not shift, it should be the Nirvana Demon Lord of Ten Thousand Demon Sky, who was struck by the sword."

The Lord of the Sky.

The strength of this nirvana demon is also very powerful.

"Okay, just go there and have a look!"

Chu Yuan went immediately.

In a confused world, his figure was shocked, and he leaped in, and saw the strangling storms in the depths of the shattered battlefield, and a tall body appeared.

However, there was no trace of flesh and blood on this body, but a skeleton, bone man, sitting there, there was a thick devilish energy on the bones, like black smoke.

This battlefield was hidden too deep. Without the guidance of the Lord of the Sky, Chu Yuan could not find it here.

"The power of nirvana, yes, this skeleton is the master of nirvana." The Lord of the sky affirmed.

"The bones of the primitive gods, even the bones, still have great value. With a little sacrifice, they can be regarded as a powerful primitive artifact."

Chu Yuandao, his hand from God suddenly grabbed it.


But suddenly, a tens of thousands of extinguishing powers counterattacked from the bones, and this pair of skeletons burst out with shocking power, and a tyrannical soul pressure was also coming.

"Not dead yet."

Chu Yuan was not surprised.

He had just noticed that there was an extremely strong soul power lurking in this pair of bones, and his action was only to force this power out.

He stood in the storm of silence, unmoved.

"You can resist my dying demon wind, you are very powerful."

The skeleton uttered his own voice and said indifferently: "But although I am no longer the peak power, but you want to control me, you can't do things, this seat will not let others seize my devil bone."

"The Demon Lord of Nirvana."

Chu Yuan was indifferent.

Of course he could see that even if there were only bones left, Nirvana Demon Lord could still burst out with a strength comparable to the original gods. 135 Chinese

"I have many ways to deal with you."

Chu Yuan believes himself.

"Really?" The nirvana demon master's hollow eyes burned with spiritual fire: "Then we can try."

As a demon master of a generation, a peerless hero, he will never tolerate being controlled in the hands of others.

"The Lord of Nirvana, we will see you again." The idea of ​​the Lord of the Sky emerged faintly.


The fire of the soul jumping in the skull’s eye sockets saw the Lord of the Sky, and his mood fluctuated violently, “It’s you, the Lord of the Sky, and the consciousness of destiny. The city suddenly disappeared, why did you follow him? Could it be that the city of the sky was acquired by him? You brought him to it, can it be said!"

At this moment, he vaguely guessed what.

"Yes, you are right."

The Lord of the Sky said: "Although you are not dead, your injury is left by the Emperor. Back then, the Emperor hit you with a sword. You are lucky. The power of the Emperor was blocked a lot, and you took your life. His demon body was also severely damaged by the origin of humanity. That humane force will not dissipate and is always attacking your demon body. This is also the reason why you can only maintain the body of bones over the years."

Amidst the fluctuations of his mind, such a picture seemed to appear.

During the Great Ancient War, Human Sovereign was at war with the strongest, and the Demon Lord of Nirvana killed him there. The Emperor of Humanity killed the Demon Lord with a single sword, and Setsuna destroyed his demon body. .

This is also the terrifying strength of Human Emperor.

After the devil body of Jixi Demon Lord was destroyed, he fell into this space and time.

He didn't dare to move at all, he could only sit here and maintain this balance. As long as the balance was broken, his soul would be completely destroyed.

He didn't dare to call the other demon masters in the Ten Thousand Demons to save him.

He is in such a weak state that once other demons refine him, he will definitely not be able to resist it.

The Lord of Nirvana was silent, his state was seen through by the Lord of the Sky.

"Divine Emperor, how do you plan to deal with him."

The Lord of the Sky said coldly: "He has killed too many powerful men on our side with Ji Ji Devil, and even Huayu Tianzun's destiny consciousness has been eliminated by him."

"I will refine him into an artifact like a bone demon, and place it in Wanbao Changhe."

A blazing fire was burning in Chu Yuan's eyes.

He didn't feel so much about the enmity between Nirvana Demon Lord and Human Realm, but he knew how to maximize his own interests.

"To refine me into a bone demon!"

The soul of the Nirvana Demon Lord changed drastically. Of course, he knew the meaning of Chu Yuan’s words, and screamed: "Even if I am no longer at the beginning, I still don’t want to refine this seat into a bone demon. Complete nothingness, I won't let you succeed!"

The devilish energy fluctuates to the sky, transforming into the eternal devil world.

The Nirvana Demon Lord had already ignored the outbreak of injuries caused by the outbreak of power, so he directly rushed away.

"The gate of the seal, the eternal seal!"

Chu Yuan ignored him, and UU Reading took the lead in using a sealed door to confine this space and time.

"Seal me!"

The devil energy couldn't rush into it, and the Demon Lord of Nirvana could feel the shocking power of Chu Yuan, and he was definitely not an opponent in his current state.

The presence of the Lord of the Sky has also fixed his weaknesses.

"Then all die, you seal this space-time, and the power after I abandon this life will be completely destroyed in this space-time!"

The devil bones of the nirvana demon master are emitting the magic light of destruction.

"The origin of humanity."

But Chu Yuan looked at him, and the power of the supreme humanity immediately caused the wounds of the Demon Lord Silence.

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