"Ah, the Human Sovereign Sacred Sword!"

The moment the Demon Lord of Jixi saw the Human Sovereign Sacred Sword, the entire skeleton was trembling crazily, and the humane power above was completely drawn out, as if Guanghai completely drowned him in.

His resistance, his struggle, have lost their effect.

"Seal of Eternity."

Chu Yuan descended from the emperor's power, sacred and magnificent.

With a beating of his hands, a long river of humanity flew out, as if Wang Yang had sealed the Nirvana Demon Lord in an instant.

The struggle of the Nirvana Demon Lord was useless, and the humane force exerted by Chu Yuan broke his balance.

With a wave of his hand, the Nirvana Demon Lord disappeared.

"He is not simply in control of humanitarian forces!"

Seeing this power, the lord of the sky said to himself: "He controls the power of humanity. He not only represents the glory of the supreme humanity, he is a martial art, and is no longer the emperor I imagined."

Not bad.

Chu Yuan is Chu Yuan, and his ambitions are even greater, to control all power in the world, gods, gods, monsters, everything.


The extremely ancient battlefield is also shaking continuously, and the battle of the many powerful is shifting. Spread to the entire battlefield, countless time and space are being torn apart, and gaps appear.

"This battlefield will soon cease to exist. It's okay to take advantage of this last time to seize some more treasures, and then return to the gods to sacrifice to the Demon Lord of Nirvana."

Chu Yuan was very clear about every move he made.


He stayed in the ancient battlefield for about half a month, and after getting a lot of benefits, he left this battlefield.

And this time.

This battlefield that had existed for a long time was smoothed out, and the human world remained untouched.

"God, the entire battlefield has been turned upside down by us. We still haven't found the Sky City. It seems that the Sky City is no longer here.

The powerhouses of Fengshentian gathered together.

"Indeed." The Conferred God nodded: "The city of the sky disappeared, who took it? Could it be that the Lord of the sky's mind revived? Knowing that we were looking for him, he self-destructed and did not let us find it?"

"It is also possible. After all, there is a city in the sky to find the Lord of the Earth." The strong man next to him said.

"Don't care about this, let's return to the Heaven and Heaven. Human Realm Heaven cannot be opened for the time being, but the emperor has other plans. Before setting off the Great War of the Age and God, what we have to do is to build momentum and gather all the power between heaven and earth!"

The Fengshentian powerhouse also left.

Shenwu Shenchao.

"Don't obliterate my spiritual wisdom, I can take refuge in you, make the original vow, you can expel the humane force from my body with the human emperor sword, I can restore the body of the devil, accept me, and kill me More value!"

Nirvana Demon Lord is still making the final struggle.

But Chu Yuan ignored him at all.

This time I can control him mainly because it mobilized the humane origin in the body, and if you believe this kind of demon master, you may even bring you boundless disasters.

What oath.

Even if the great soul technique is applied to him, it will not have any effect to condense the stars of his life. Once he breathes out, it is equivalent to putting a tiger in his nest.

Chu Yuan would not do such stupid things.

A billowing sacred fire descended, Chu Yuan covered the sky with one hand, and the soul of the Nirvana Demon Lord was being wiped out in the suppression of the entire empire, until it completely disappeared.

This skeleton is the most powerful body, and when integrated into Wanbao Long Hanoi, it is equivalent to having a stable core.

Seeing Wanbao Longhe gradually showing its power, Chu Yuan also showed a smile on his face.

"Start a random draw."

Chu Yuan called out the system panel. Dance God eBook

"Ding! The host opens a random lottery and gets a heavenly artifact x1."

"Ding! The host opened a random lottery and won the Book of Saints x1."


In the several lottery draws, the book of sages that caught Chu Yuan the most attention.

This is a scripture written by an ancient sage, with dazzling white light and mighty power. After he opened it, there was a phantom of an ancient sage, explaining the holy way and being a great saint on earth.

"A book written by an ancient sage."

Chu Yuan pondered for a moment, and then let the Book of Qi Ling come to see him.

"See Your Majesty."

The Book of Enlightenment is in awe.

"I have a book written by ancient sages. It may be useful to you. You are a book spirit. Learning this knowledge may enable you to achieve heaven."

Chu Yuan gave him the book of sages.

"Book of Saints!"

After receiving the Book of Enlightenment, I flipped through it for a while, and I was shocked: "A lot of knowledge, this knowledge is what the minister wants. If I thoroughly understand this knowledge, I can succeed in heaven!"

His practice is unique.

He needs to learn more knowledge.

"I heard that you are currently compiling the history book of Shenwu, the legend of the empire."

Chu Yuan asked.

"Exactly." The book of Enlightenment: "Every powerful empire is a legend, and everyone may become a legend. The minister is to record every legend and gather it into a bigger legend. epic."


Chu Yuan nodded.

Recording the legend of the empire with the situation of the book can not only be seen by the people of the empire, but also by the strong in other places.

"Your strength cultivation will become stronger with the compilation of the empire epic."

Chu Yuan said, "You are knowledge, my book of the Spring and Autumn Period, and the book of epics must be well compiled. The civilization of the empire must be spread in many ways."

"But the current cultivation base of the minister is still too weak."

The Book of Enlightenment was also annoyed, saying: "The minister has consulted many ancient books and heard that there is an ancient existence. He is incarnate as the book of epic poetry of heaven and earth. He has recorded every era and every era. He began to belong to knowledge. The world of books, the world of books, if you can find that world."

Although he had opened up the book world before, it was completely incomparable with the legendary book world.

"Don't worry about these things, you can find everything when your strength is reached."

Chu Yuan said: "You draft an imperial decree for me. I want to recruit talented people and issue recruitment orders. I want the powers of the heavens to gather the gods to serve me."

Hearing the words of the Book of Enlightenment, his expression was solemn: "The situation of the gods is now precarious, and the recruitment of talents is coming. The minister speculates that many people dare not come to my martial arts. After all, the opponents we face are too terrifying, and those who dare to come are all Those who have great courage, great perseverance, or some unknown reason."

"The recruitment order is issued now and it will last forever."

Chu Yuan was preparing.

"Yes, the minister will go now!"

The Book of Enlightenment Retired ~www.ltnovel.com~ Soon after the recruitment order was issued, the Book of Enlightenment merged with the book of sages to achieve Heavenly Dao. In the realm of Heavenly Dao God, his thinking ability increased tenfold and a hundredfold.

He is based on the gods.

The more legendary epics of Shenchao and the more he recorded, the stronger his cultivation base will be. It can be said that he and Shenchao are already bound together.

If the dynasty is destroyed, his epic is cut off, and even if he becomes a primitive god, he will fall.

The **** is strong, he can even turn into an epic book, a primitive god!

Chu Yuan teleported within the gods in an instant, he came to a place of the gods, and in front of him was a towering giant tree, colorful, with ten thousand dim brilliance like a child.

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