"In the holy spirit world!"

Chu Yuan used the portal of teleportation to reach the Holy Ancient Spirit Realm, as if he had merged into it, naturally without any hindrance.

He didn't feel the slightest pressure either.

At the beginning, when he first went to Yuanchentian, he immediately noticed the lock-in of the will of heaven and earth, but in the holy ancient spirit world, he did not have this feeling.


When he moved his mind, he could feel the shadow of the teleportation gate, he could break through the air anytime and anywhere, and return to Shenwu.

Still very new to this world, Chu Yuan had to figure out the situation first.

"This world is so vast that it is so big that it is unimaginable. It's like being in a place for thirty-three days, even larger than a weak thirty-three days. Where is this world?"

Chu Yuan looked at the world.

He is in a dense forest with lush trees.

The rich spiritual energy turned into spiritual fog, all kinds of giant peaks, countless vegetation and giant trees, and even more spiritual beasts, at first glance it was like in the fairy world.

But speaking of mountains and forests, in Chu Yuan's perception, these continuous mountains are like galaxies, very large, and there is a very rich spiritual energy in the breath.

No matter what kind of breath, it is transformed by the original energy.

"It gives me the feeling that there is vitality everywhere here, even a single stone can inspire spiritual wisdom, possess its own wisdom, the Holy Ancient Spirit Realm? This is a world containing powerful life."

Chu Yuan crossed this mountain.


A large area shook suddenly, and he saw a mountain range that had been standing still on the ground before his eyes, but suddenly it moved and moved on the ground.

"A mountain has its own wisdom, similar to the mountain giant in the gods of the beginning?"

Chu Yuan watched the mountain move.

Then, what is even more surprising is that the trees here seem to have long legs, and their roots can be moved even after they are uprooted from the ground.

More behemoths also move in groups.

"It's very different from what I thought."

Chu Yuan was exploring very interestingly.

"It's really a treasure of geomantic omen, the aura is too rich, even if it is an originally inanimate object, it is easier to give birth to your own spiritual wisdom. I think the reason is the aura here."

Chu Yuandao.

With a grasp of his hand, a quaint aura in his palm seemed to have life, which made him even more surprised by the world here.

Suddenly he stepped on a piece of very hard metal, which looked like a piece of gold iron with the size of a fist. What surprised him slightly was that it was actually a golden iron.

This kind of golden iron is also very precious in the gods, and the big piece of fist can be melted into the artifact to add sharper attributes.

"Can you step on the treasure on foot?"

Chu Yuan was strange.

He continued to walk in the vast mountain range, searching with his tyrannical soul, and found a lot of treasures scattered in the mountain range.

In a short time, he found hundreds of them.

"It's a bit weird. There is no place of life here, but I can easily find so many treasures. It shows that the treasures only existed in a short time, otherwise they would have been taken away by others."

Chu Yuan guessed.

This holy ancient spirit world reveals weirdness everywhere.


Chu Yuan saw an even more shocking scene.

It is the mountains, and the trees have moved. This horrible look is like the movement of land plates. In this mountain range, even an ordinary mountain may have its own life.

This horror looks like ten thousand beasts galloping.

"I want to see what mystery is in this world!"

Chu Yuan suddenly rose up right now.

The sky seemed infinitely high, but Chu Yuan knew that it was limited. He almost reached the limit of the sky. Looking forward, it was a void.

In his eyes, the sky and the earth are constantly changing, and it has evolved into a portal.

This portal is the door to leave the Holy Ghost World.

But within the portal, there is an extremely terrifying power that is sealed, and it requires the power of the primitive gods to blast through this gate and see the world beyond the heavens and the earth.

"What kind of terrible world is this, you can't leave without being primitive!"

Chu Yuan was surprised and quickly calculated: "No, it's not that heaven and earth are not allowed to leave, but that heaven and earth are too dangerous. Without the strength of primitive gods, there is no doubt that they will die outside. Could it be that heaven and earth are the eternal road!"

The most dangerous place in the entire universe is the eternal road!

Although he had never been to the danger of the Eternal Road, he knew that the primitive gods could fall there, and contained the highest secret of eternal detachment.

Throughout the ages, there are countless records, and no era can last forever.

No matter how strong it is, it will die.

Chu Yuan didn't know the deeper secrets, and only when he reached a higher realm would he think about contacting them.

And this is strange.

The place where the holy ancient spirit world is connected is on the eternal road, that is to say, this world is likely to exist on the eternal road.

From the various traces.

Chu Yuan could clearly conclude that this world was not born naturally, and it was probably a world opened up by the strongest.

To be able to open up a realm here, the mana of this existence is simply unimaginable, I am afraid it is another existence comparable to the founder of the gods.

Chu Yuan is now using his mana, of course, he can easily break through the blockade of the door and enter the path of eternity.

But he did not do so.

He really wants to enter the path of eternity, he doesn't need to go here, he can go from the side of the primitive gods.

"I already know the position of this world, it is very likely that the opening is attached to the path of eternity."

Chu Yuan returned to the mountain, thinking carefully.

"What I want to do is not to enter the eternal road from here, but to explore the value of the holy ancient spirit world, whether there is any possibility of exploration and experience."

Chu Yuan has a teleportation door.

This is two-way transmission.

Everyone who enters the Holy Ancient Spirit World from Shenwu will have a return mark that belongs to his brand.

If the value of this world is great, Chu Yuan can send people here to explore and find their own opportunities.

"Leaving this mountain range first, there must be many powerful cultivators in this world."

Chu Yuan didn't stop, he was shuttled quickly.

This mountain range is also very dangerous, and there are too many powerful creatures. Sometimes what seems to be peaceful contains extremely deadly killing intent.

"This is a poison ivy!"

Chu Yuan grabbed a million-long black vine ~www.ltnovel.com~ to stab, murderous and hideous. It could easily pierce flesh and blood, inject toxins into the body, and turn into pus.

This poison ivy doesn't have eyes, and he wants to restrain Chu Yuan, but it is easily sealed by him.

"Take it back, it will make a big difference."

Chu Yuan saw that there were many peculiar lives in the Holy Ancient Spirit Realm, which were hard to find outside, so he was also moved, and shot them one after another.

He didn't value the strength of these peculiar lives, but wanted to take them back and put them in the gods to study them.

"There are countless treasures in the mountains, even in the entire Holy Ancient God Realm. It's as if an invincible and stalwart existence opened the world's passage, and the treasure came here for the creatures of this realm to take it."

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