The holy ancient spirit world is boundlessly huge, an extremely vast world, containing all kinds of mysteries.

Chu Yuan was not advancing fast. He was perceiving this world, making him feel that it was a world full of infinite lives.

"Leave this mountain."

After Chu Yuan walked out of this mountain forest, the world was cut off in front of him, and what appeared was an endless ocean, the sea radiating aura and strong vitality.

"Heaven and Earth Spirit Sea?"

Chu Yuandao.

He took a little bit of this sea water and deduced it carefully. The divine light flashed in his eyes, which surprised him that the aura contained in this sea water would greatly accelerate the growth rate if used to cultivate vegetation.

And this kind of spiritual energy can also greatly nourish the body and soul of cultivators.

"If this kind of power is used to cultivate plants and trees, all plants and trees can be transformed into human beings. It is wonderful and wonderful, really wonderful, a power of origin."

Chu Yuan was surprised.

The value of this kind of water is too high. It may not be very simple to be simple, but the entire ocean is this kind of water, which is terrible.

His soul perception.

The sea is endless, as if the whole world is shrouded in this ocean.


"It is definitely not a natural generation. It is hard to imagine how powerful it is to open up this kind of world, a world containing spiritual life!"

At the level of Chu Yuan, you can open up the universe at will, but you can never do this kind of wonder.

His spirits spread, looking down at the entire world, and he discovered the mountain range he had visited before. It was at best a small island in this ocean. In the Holy Ancient Spirit Realm, such islands are densely covered with stars.

"Don't worry about other things, it's best to plan out the map first. It's worth noting that it is worthy of great development."

Chu Yuan crossed the ocean.

Linghai was very calm and there were no waves.

Chu Yuan walked all the way, although he was also devouring it, but there was not too much movement. After all, this world would have extremely powerful energy.

Suddenly under the ocean, a black shadow appeared, jumping out of the sea, and swallowing spiritual energy substances, they also swallowed Chu Yuan.

"A big fish."

Chu Yuan's eyes moved, and it was a **** fish covered with black scales, whose strength was comparable to that of heaven.

He used the great soul technique, once he fell to the **** fish, he controlled it as his mount, and wandered in the spirit sea.

"There are so many strong people in this world."

Chu Yuan outlined it with his fingers, and the light gathered together to form a map with the places he walked.


Vibration occurred in the Linghai, and multiple terrifying mana powers converged in the void, crashing crazily, and there was a peerless power in the fight, with the power of a primitive god.

"The strong are fighting, not just one, okay, I finally see the real strong in the holy ancient spirit world."

Chu Yuan was not surprised and rejoiced, he controlled the **** fish to move in that direction.

"Stone Temple, you are not kind, this sea area is controlled by my Wanling Temple, your hands are stretched too long, I advise you to retreat, not to cause a war!"

Covering the sky and obscuring the sun, there are many huge shadows in the sky, and their aura is frantically confronting.


The sky and the earth shook, and there was a giant stepping in the sky. His legs were as thick as a sky pillar, his body shone like a mountain, and his strength was heavy and terrifying.

He said in a thunderous voice: "The sea you control is too big, and there are so many treasures. You want to swallow this place in the Pantheon, but you can't do it. , It’s time to re-divide the sphere of influence."

"Stone man!"

Because of the confrontation between these powerful people, many powerful people are gathering. Chu Yuan looked at the giant. He turned out to be a stone man, as if he belonged to a clan, very different from the mountain giants. Yipin Book

"The flowers, trees, and wild beasts in the Holy Ancient Spirit Realm can give birth to spiritual wisdom." Chu Yuan said.

He probably knew it too.

The stone temple behind the stone man wanted to expand its territory, and conflict broke out.

"Hmph, your appetite is too big!"

The endless golden waves rolled, and a huge golden river that was longer than standing was swept over, condensed into a man in gold, and sneered: "Be careful that your appetite is too big, you can't swallow it, so you will suffer!"

"Then you don't need to worry about it."

When the stone man waved his hand, a large number of stone temple powerhouses exuded murderous aura. There were not only him, but there were many such stone people, and he would immediately take action.

A giant beast flew, radiantly enlightened, it was actually a nine-headed giant bird, each head can spray different powers, and sternly said: "This group of stone men are looking for death, and they will expand their territory during the time of the treasure. !"

"Then fight with them and repel the Stone Temple!"

The earth-shattering battle was on the verge of breaking out, and the two forces talked and disagreeed, and immediately attacked.

In the entire Linghai, the strong aura said, and their fight was extremely tragic.

"Holy ancient spirit world, there are so many strong people!"

Chu Yuan watched the battle from a distance. In this conflict, there were three primitive gods, hundreds of heavenly paths, and a large number of powerful men under the heavenly paths.

The level is very high.


He also knew that this was probably just a part of the power in the Holy Ancient Spirit Realm.

Very peculiar picture.

Chu Yuan saw the composition of the strong on both sides, including stone men, giant beasts, giant trees, and weapons to unlock the wisdom and control oneself.

"That **** of heaven!"

Chu Yuan saw a powerful man who shot out nine rays of divine light, and said in surprise: "The original divine pill, the nine-aperture Tongxin pill, that is a heavenly deity cultivated from the original divine pill, the holy ancient spirit world is so interesting."

This time the conflict allowed him to better understand the Holy Ghost World.

In the holy ancient spirit world, there are gods, demons and monsters, and there are also dead things that give birth to spiritual wisdom.

"It should be because of the special aura in this world."

Chu Yuan saw that a stone figure was crushed, and his whole body collapsed into broken stones.

"The tyrannical martial arts civilization exists in the eternal road, but has never been heard of in the multiverse."

Chu Yuan thought about it.

While he was thinking, the sky suddenly changed, and the door seemed to be opened. Time and space storms hovered and violently oscillated, and many objects appeared.

"This wave of treasures is about to come!"

The battle on the Linghai temporarily stopped.

Chu Yuan also looked over sharply. In the Holy Ancient Spirit Realm, there seemed to be a shocking force controlling everything, and a stalwart figure appeared vaguely.

The power of this figure shocked The portal turned into a portal, and waves of treasures were evenly transported to the Holy Ghost Realm under the storm of heaven and earth.

Some have penetrated into the depths of endless time and space, while others have just floated on the sea.

"Sure enough, weird!"

Chu Yuan said: "So many treasures are not naturally attracted by the heavens and the earth, but someone is deliberately sending the treasures into this world. Get free!"

On the sea where Chu Yuan was, there were also many gods floating.

He also knew why these two forces would fought, and the more territories they occupied, the larger the territory, the more treasures would come down.

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