Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 1495: All things have anims, ancestors

Pieces of treasure in the sky rained down everywhere in the holy spirit world.

How powerful is it doing this?

Chu Yuan didn't go crazy to seize it. In his eyes, although there were many treasures, in fact, many of them were not good enough. There was no need to expend huge efforts to seize them and let more powerful people pay attention to him.

He just maintained a small swallowing area.

Suddenly, a divine light flashed in his eyes, and he grabbed it, and he grabbed a divine stone about one foot long and grabbed it into his hand. With a fierce grasp, it withstood his power without being crushed.

You know, Chu Yuan's power is stronger than ordinary primitive gods.

"This is the eternal **** stone!"

Chu Yuan knew that this kind of sacred stone could only exist on the path of eternity, and it needed a breath of eternal vitality to condense, extremely strong, and immortal.

Ordinary primitive gods cannot be broken at all.

This kind of sacred stone is very precious and can be used to arrange various large formations and build various shrines.

It is said that in the days of the gods, the temples of the gods built by the founders of the **** realm were built with eternal gods stones. The materials used are so much that they are simply pointed.

"And the Eternal God Stone."

Chu Yuan saw the following dumplings falling down, with some eternal divine stones mixed in them, and he absorbed them with the power of devouring them.

"Bold, this place is under the jurisdiction of the lord of the three islands, who dares to seize it!"

But at this moment, a violent shout came, three auras flashed at the same time, and three people appeared.

One of these three people was an old man, one was a middle-aged man, and the other was a woman in a palace costume. They were all cultivated in the fifth stage of the Heavenly Dao. Seeing that Chu Yuan was actually taking the Eternal God Stone, he immediately stopped.

As soon as the power of these three people came out, there were three auras immediately, forming a spiritual formation.

But their power hit Chu Yuan, as if sinking into the sea, they didn't play a role.

"Our power has no effect on him!" The middle-aged man's face was immediately ugly.

"Who is this person, why have I never seen him? He doesn't have the breath of a primitive god, and he is here, we can't get any of these precious treasures!"

The old man dared to do it because Chu Yuan didn't exude a primitive aura.

"Test his power again!"

The woman's eyes flowed.

However, as soon as her voice fell, an extremely powerful hand of God suddenly fell and controlled everything. The woman let out a scream, and her whole body collapsed.

After she collapsed, her body turned into a river.

"Lingzhi born in a river of spirits."

No matter how distorted and changed this water flow was, it was swept away by Chu Yuan with a palm, and sealed in a small space.

"Rui Yao!" The old man and middle-aged man were also startled.

Rui Yao was sealed by this person in an instant.

"Don't run away either."

Chu Yuan's peerless power swept across and turned into the galaxy universe with one palm. The old man and the middle-aged man wanted to escape, but in just an instant, Chu Yuan was subdued.

"You... are you going to kill us and seize our spiritual power!"

Chu Yuan's invincible power shocked the three of them with extreme fear and regret. This was something terrifying existence they encountered.

"Soul control!"

Chu Yuan looked at them without being verbose. He actually directly used the great soul technique to force their soul control and not give them room to deal with.

Feeling the invasion of the Great Soul Art, the three of them were all in horror. They had a strong premonition.

If they forcefully don't let the great soul technique control them, they will completely collapse and there will be no place to bury them.

Is it for dignity, or for life.

At the last moment, they chose life.

Their knowledge and interest also made Chu Yuan nod his head. The soul was controlled. He grabbed three soul seals. This was the thing that controlled their life and death. As long as they were crushed, the whole person would burst open.

"It is said that the soul ancestor of the multiverse horror, his great soul technique can not only control the soul, but also control the consciousness of destiny. That is to say, even if you break the soul, take the death to survive, the resurrected divine body is still controlled by his soul. "

Chu Yuandao.

He still can't control the destiny consciousness with the great soul technique. 27KK

"grown ups!"

The three elders, after being controlled by Chu Yuan, also admitted to being planted, obediently by the side.

"This old man."

Chu Yuan's strength investigated him.

This old man is not flowers, trees, or strange things that give birth to spiritual wisdom, but humans, but the mana in his body is a kind of spiritual power operating, which is different from the human race in the multiverse.

His core is not a soul, but a spiritual crystal.

The power of this spirit crystal fluctuates strongly, like a star, lasing extremely bright divine light, there is his soul.

"Different cultivation systems create different bodies and different strengths."

Chu Yuan said to himself.

He knew that, for example, he knew a little about the age of immortals, and he also cultivated the method of protecting the body of the soul.

The woman is a river of spirit born out of wisdom.

The middle-aged man is a fierce beast.

But this fierce beast is also very different from the monster beasts in the multiverse. What he prepared is a spirit beast.

Spirit man, spirit river, spirit beast.

In the holy ancient spirit world, everything has anims.

"Who is the strongest person in the holy ancient spirit world?" Chu Yuan asked.

"My lord has such a shocking strength, he doesn't even know this?"

The middle-aged man is strange.

"My lord is not a strong man in the holy spirit world!"

The old man suddenly realized that he was called Wuhai.

"I am not from the Holy Ancient Spirit Realm."

Since he was controlled by his soul, Chu Yuan had nothing to hide.

"No wonder."

The old man Wuhai looked bitter, regretting that he had provoke this evil god, but the matter was over, regretting was useless.

He honestly said: "In the Holy Ancient Spirit Realm, there are occasional strong men from outside the sky, but every strong man from outside the sky is very powerful, and they are all primitive gods."

Outside the holy spirit world is the eternal road, and only the primitive gods can enter.

And this world is open and does not exclude others from entering.

"You know what Tianwai." Chu Yuan said.

"It's a bit clear, but we haven't gone out. We only know that it's extremely dangerous outside. We can't get out without the original god."

Wuhai obediently said.

"My lord, the strongest person in the holy ancient spirit world is the spirit ancestor. It is the spirit ancestor who opened up the holy ancient spirit world and has a chance. Every period of time, there will be a lot of treasures in the spirit world for us to practice!"

The woman Rui Yao rushed to answer.

"Lingzu gifted treasure!"

When Chu Yuan heard this answer, he understood everything.

The Holy Ancient Spirit Realm is created by the Peerless and Powerful Spirit This is the world of the Spirit Ancestor, and the Spirit Ancestor should be on the path of eternity, looking for opportunities for immortality and eternity.

As for lowering the endless **** treasure, it is better to understand.

These treasures are not important to the spirit ancestors, just like when Chu Yuan wandered through the heavens, the things he got would also be put into the gods for the cultivation of his people.

The truth is the same.

The spiritual ancestor bestowing these treasures into the spirit world is also strengthening the spiritual ancestor's strength.

"Record your understanding of the Holy Ancient Spirit Realm as a brand. If you do well, I have a reward."

Chu Yuandao.

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