A strong man in the holy ancient spirit world is like a cloud, a stone god, the lord of all souls, a holy ancient tree..."

Chu Yuan looked at the situation in this world, and he was also very moved. He deserves to be a powerful plane in the path of eternity.

That spirit ancestor is also a shocking existence.

The Eternal Road is the most mysterious place. Chu Yuan also knows a little bit. It is said that there is a pre-Eternal existence here, but for some special reasons.

They seem to be unable to leave the eternal path. "Let's go to the Holy Ancient Spirit Tree!"


Chu Yuan flashed through the clouds, and took the three powerful men to the Holy Ancient Spirit Tree.

A fabulous scene, extremely magnificent. Even though Chu Yuan was so knowledgeable, he was shocked to see this scene.

"This is the Holy Ancient Spirit Tree!" He looked at it from a distance.

Where is a tree, it is a plane, a huge universe, that infinite ancient branches and leaves spread like light years, forming a huge plane.

What hung on that branch were not fruits, but small universes.

A city can be built on every leaf.

The holy light is dazzling and magnificent.

Surrounding the holy ancient spirit tree, there are more descendants and grandchildren of it. Although they are not as powerful as it, they also spread to build a plane.

"This is a masterpiece!"

Chu Yuan felt.

He knew that this holy ancient spirit tree also had its own life and gave birth to a powerful consciousness. It is a primitive god, and it is also the peak primitive **** second only to God.

He had seen the God Tree of Taichu before.

In the beginning, the sacred tree compared with him was like a comparison between a small sapling and a towering tree. "Magnificent."

This is Chu Yuan's first impression.

"My lord, the holy ancient spirit tree is the number one strong under the spirit ancestor. It exists too old, and the holy ancient spirit tree is kind, it is very tolerant, but those who enter its spiritual realm must not make trouble."

Wuhai Road is on the side.

"Unparalleled powerhouse."

Chu Yuan saw that countless different kinds of strong men, all kinds of strong men had entered the Holy Ancient Spirit Tree.

"Let's go to Spirit Tree City."

Chu Yuan entered the Spirit Tree City.

This is the most magnificent giant city in the spirit tree area, gathering a large number of powerful people.

"The world of spiritual cultivation has opened up different cultivation systems."

Chu Yuan's observation gave him a lot of inspiration.

He came here not to seize anything, but to wait and see various miracles, to reflect on his original Shinto, and to comprehend his originality.

"My lord, recently the ancestors of the spirits opened the door to the spirit world and descended on many divine treasures. Here, as long as you have enough wealth, you can exchange them for it. Spirit Tree City is also the largest trading place in the holy ancient spirit world. ."

Na Rui Yao said.

The Holy Ancient Spirit Tree suppressed a realm. It was safe here, and no one dared to make trouble here.

"Also, I have a lot of divine objects in my hand, you can replace me with divine tools."

Chu Yuan took out a large number of sacred objects, and let Wuyin replace them with artifacts of more than half a day. he

There are many gods, but there are not many powerful refiners, which makes him a little helpless.

Rui Yao and the others went to work, and soon exchanged a large number of artifacts for Chu Yuan, saying: "The first one in the Holy Ancient Spirit Realm is the ancestor of the Spirit Ding. It was originally a Spirit Ding that gave birth to spiritual wisdom. The greatest preference of the ancestor Ding is to refine the artifact. As long as the artifact is sent to Lingding City, it will be built for you."

"This is the way of cultivation of the ancestor of Lingding." Wuhai added: "The ancestor of Lingding didn't stingy with his refining skills. If you want to practice, everyone can go to Lingding City. He announced his thoughts. Skills are also taught every once in a while. As for how much you can comprehend, it depends on your understanding."

"It's really a unique place, go to Lingding City to see." Chu Yuan said.

"My lord, are you leaving the Holy Ancient Spirit Tree so soon?" Wu Hai was taken aback.

"No need to ask so much."

Chu Yuan didn't want to stay long when he came to the Holy Ancient Spirit World.

He straddled the endless distance and soon reached the Lingding City.

He saw that Lingding City had a very hot aura, and there was a giant cauldron in the city, that was the body of the Lingding ancestor, and it was emitting a flame of flames all the time.

In the spirit cauldron, there are endless materials, ups and downs, one after another tyrannical artifacts are refined.

Outside the city, there are still many small cities, and countless strong people are learning from the ancestors of Lingding. "One thought!"

A smile appeared on Chu Yuan's face.

The ancestor of Lingding doesn't refuse others to learn from him, and Shenwu is short of powerful master craftsmen. Can a group of people come here to learn art?

He came here to see Lingding City.

The situation made him very satisfied.

Perhaps his plan can be implemented.

"There is also a pill city in the holy ancient **** realm. It is the ancestor of the spirit pill. It is best at refining all kinds of pill, but to ask him to refine the pill requires a great price.

Careful Rui Yao found out that this adult was very interested in various situations in the Holy Ghost World.

Chu Yuan lacked interest in Dan Dao's words.

Looking to cultivate a powerful alchemist, he might as well promote Taiyi Pill Furnace to Heavenly Dao Divine Tool earlier.

"My lord, there are two holy places in the Holy Ancient Spirit Realm. One is the Holy Ancient Spirit Hall, which was left by the Spirit Ancestor, but without the call of the Spirit Ancestor, ordinary people cannot step into the Holy Ancient Spirit Hall. That is our most sacred place. , Can communicate with the spiritual ancestor who is outside the sky."

Wuhai has supreme respect for the ancestors of the spirit: "There is another place that is not a strong man in my holy ancient spirit world, but is left by a stranger. It is called the Changsheng Emperor Palace." "The Changsheng Emperor Palace!"

Chu Yuan's eyes suddenly flashed sharply, "Say!" "We are not very clear about the Changsheng Emperor Palace. It is a forbidden place. It is said that it was left by a friend of Lingzu's. I don't know when it was left."

Wuhai said: "By the way, it seems to be an ancient existence called the Great Emperor Changsheng." "Eternal green, immortal."

Rui Yao added.

"Eternal green, immortal!" A person suddenly appeared in Chu Yuan's soul.

That person is the Emperor Aoki Changsheng.

Emperor Aoki Changsheng is an opponent of his Shenwutian.

Chu Yuan had long felt that he was a little weird and mysterious. After he reigned over Shenwu Heaven, the Great Qingmu Changsheng did not die and left. He still remembers the last words that Emperor Changsheng Aoki said to him before he left~www.ltnovel.com~ He said that they would see each other in the multi-faceted area. This sentence reveals mystery.

But Chu Yuan didn't pay much attention to it at that time.

Now, hearing Wuhai mentioning Emperor Changsheng again, he suddenly remembered that the Great Emperor Qingmu did reveal a very strange thing.

"The word changsheng is not something ordinary people can use, and if you can become a friend of the ancestor of the spirit, then the emperor of longevity will definitely be of the same level as the ancestor of the spirit, but whether it is him or not, I can go and see.

Chu Yuan had no interest in the Holy Ancient Spirit Temple, but was very interested in that longevity empire.

"Let's go to the Emperor Palace of Longevity."

Chu Yuan immediately went to the Changsheng Emperor Palace.

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