Chu Yuan held the Divine Sword of Death, slashed away with a single sword, without any sword moves, but this sword, instantly blooming, killing intent rose to the sky, a terrifying will awakened, locking the dragon king.

The killing intent is like a sea, and the power will be broken before the sword.

The earth dragon emperor's mind suddenly changed, and he couldn't avoid it under the lock of this sword.

"Hard resistance!" The Earth Dragon Emperor roared.


With this sword cut, the proud defense of the Earth Dragon Sovereign was broken in an instant, bones were visible in the wound, and the dazzling dragon blood dripped out, injuring his flesh and blood.

"How can my defense be broken so easily!"

The Earth Dragon Emperor was taken aback. He stared at the divine sword, and exclaimed: "Zhutian Divine Sword, you still have the sword of Zhutian Great Emperor, kill everything and eliminate the obstacles on the path of eternity, that was before the ancient era. The first strong, the last to die on the eternal road!"

He also heard of the prestige of Emperor Zhutian.

"With this sword, my defense has no effect on him!"

His face was extremely ugly.

Emperor Zhutian's sword, although it takes ninety-nine swords to explode the strongest power, but the existence of Emperor Zhutian, who dares to resist will be directly killed by him.

Before the ancient era, the number one strongest on the path of eternity.

No one dared to stop him when he drove the path of eternity.

Of course, there is only one, but the meaning of punishing the sky is enough to pierce his flesh and blood.

"Hmph, I will return to the fortress and stay here, see what you can do!"

Seeing that he couldn't get a bargain in front of Chu Yuan, the Earth Dragon Emperor returned directly to the fortress and stopped fighting with Chu Yuan.

"Even the sword of Emperor Zhutian, this person is indeed very difficult to deal with." Sea Dragon Emperor said: "Don't entangle him head-on, we are in the fortress, he has nothing to do."

"Hiding in the fortress, should you be a turtle?"

Chu Yuan's loud voice passed.

"No need to talk to him!"

They are very patient.

Chu Yuan's gaze swept across, he looked at the fortress, cut it off with a sword, rumbling, soaring to the sky, and bursting through the mask, but the antenna power penetrated, forming a powerful blockade again.

"I want to block Yu me too!"

In an instant, Chu Yuan rose into the sky, and a force urged the Heaven-Zhuking Divine Sword, and the infinite murderous aura burst out like a rainbow.

"How is he going to break my fortress!"

Seeing Chu Yuan's behavior, they were somewhat unpredictable.

"Space, time and space, seal!"

The three portals, appearing in the shape of a product, rose up into the sky at once, and the power of the seal of time and space turned an infinite and bright force against the power of the antenna.

"I want to break the blockade, no way!"

The Lord of Distress roared.

As for this person's thoughts, he also guessed it, nothing more than trying to use absolute brute force to break the blockade and tell the strong within the plural that he is unstoppable.

However, he will not let this person succeed.


In the sky, a portal reappeared, the door of destruction, with immense power of destruction.

Chu Yuan pushed with both hands, and this door became bigger and bigger, bigger than the fortress of Xiongguan, the destructive force, rumbling, smashing everything completely.

"This destructive power!"

Their faces changed drastically, their fortresses were actually cracking, cracking in some places.


Chu Yuanqi swallowed the world, he was the strongest Devourer. He swallowed all boundless energy and injected it into the door of destruction, doing the strongest destruction.

At this moment, his power is endless, if you want to break his swallow, you must first attack his body. 52 Literature

"Can't let him go on, come, let's gather a move to break his swallow!"

These great beings shouted at the same time.

Their power simultaneously killed them, shattering the sky, without bombarding the door of destruction, directly attacking the body.

"All the laws are one, all the laws are swallowed!"

Emperor Chu Yuan's body shook, and the torrent of torrents separated beside him, and the power of the great existence exploded immediately when he reached him, but all the power was directly swallowed by him.

He is infinitely powerful.

He is the strongest swallowing, swallowing male lord of heaven and earth.

Unless these few existences can have the power to kill him.

But this obviously didn't.

"Shenwu one heart, the power of all people!"

All the people in the dynasty of God are united in one mind, and their spirit is integrated into the imperial nation's fortune.

Suddenly a phantom of the emperor who ruled the sky appeared. It was the Emperor Chu Yuan who was also gathering the power of the imperial luck and blasted a covering palm towards the fortress of Xiongguan.

"Great Destruction, Destruction Door!"

Chu Yuan smashed the Ten Thousand Laws into One Magic Talisman into the door of destruction. In an instant, when he pressed his hand, this huge portal exploded with unimaginable power.


Xiongguan is broken.

Like the collapse of pluralism, the era is destroyed.

Chu Yuan's magical power is infinite, and as he urges, there are raging and violent storms of destruction, tearing everywhere, sweeping everywhere, everything, under the blessing of the destructive power, vanishes.

They looked at Chu Yuan.

The devouring power itself caused the collapse of multiple time and space, and the portal that led the destruction, leaving the entire world with only destruction.

But in the destruction, the majestic emperor remained unmoved.

When the door of destruction is pressed, it represents the great destruction of time and space. In the endless black storm, starting from the fortress of Xiongguan, all the antennas have disappeared from in that destruction, the fortress No, only the eternal matter is still shining with eternal light, indelible.

"He broke the sealed antenna we built!"

The lord of the tragedy roared with rage and jumped his feet. What kind of portal is that? He felt as if he had communicated with the origin of destruction in the universe, and he had used a great eradication.

"Hahahaha, Fengtian was destroyed!"

Countless people of God saw this scene, and the ability to break the antenna also contributed to their strength, and shouted: "The emperor is invincible, and the martial arts are eternal!"

"Damn, damn!"

The lord of crossing the sea was furious, his face twisted.

"This is your blockade, weak, too weak."

Chu Yuan's voice rang, thunderously resounding, and transmitted to the infinite plane. He knew that at this moment, countless people were paying attention to his divine dynasty.

"I also thought that your sealing antenna would surprise me, but it was nothing more than that."

Chu Yuan was building invincible confidence for his people.

"You are crazy!"

The lord of the disaster was trembling with anger.

This is mocking him, but the facts are in front of them, their plan to close the antenna has indeed failed, and there is nothing to do with him except to let out a weak and ridiculous roar.

The powerhouse of Long Shentian also had a bad face.

This Shenwu is too difficult to deal with, so they can't come up with a better way to deal with them.

"How many times you build the sealing antenna, I will destroy the sealing antenna as many times as possible, and I am waiting for you."

Chu Yuan's divine might was shocking, his aura shrouded the ages, and a word was passed on for a long time in time and space. Like myths and legends, his deeds will inevitably be known by more powerful people in the multiverse.

Duertian built the sealing antenna this time, and he was full of confidence.

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