"Shenwu cannot be dealt with simply by blockade. There is only one way to destroy Shenwu!"

The Sea Dragon Emperor said sharply: "Giving up any illusions, any means of suppressing the blockade is useless, friends who cross the emperor can only gather the strongest strength, strike the strongest attack on Shenwu, and defeat their dynasty in a battle, my dragon **** wants To deal with the Ten Thousand Demon Heavens, we will gather more elites to help you as far as possible!"

Shenwu has a big secret, and it is not easy to get the support of the ancient source god.

Although Long Shentian is not thirty-three days, Long Ancestor is also the most powerful person who assisted the ancestor of ten thousand demons to open up the era of ten thousand demons.

Back then, it was laid out in the Ten Thousand Demon Heaven, and the blood of the dragon was sprinkled.

It was not blocked by the Ten Thousand Demon Heaven, it was 33 days earlier.

"Okay!" The master of the tragedy has endless killing intent: "I am ready to cross the sky and can send troops at all times. Last time I just miscalculated their strength. This time we will use our real power to sacrifice ours. The foundation of the sky!"

To become a day, there must be a stunning background.

"We are ready, and then wait for Long Zu's order!"

The Earth Dragon Sovereign said calmly: "Although the antenna closure cannot be completed, we still have to blockade as much as possible, send a large number of powerful men, and arrange a large number of war equipment outside. As long as they dare to go out, we will start to kill. How much is it, this magic weapon is not simple, destroying them is good for us, and if you can't destroy them, the most troublesome thing will be you crossing the hell."

He was telling them that Shenwu was too close to Duertian, so don't think about using Dragon God as a target.

"We understand."

Dealing with a Shenwu, letting both Long Shentian and Du'ertian dispatch troops, is too much for them.

In the gods, Chu Yuan once again inspired people's hearts by destroying the fortress this time.

"The road of eternity, in my view, is also a road that is constantly getting stronger, step by step to the sky, step by step, step by step, step by step, the era of the heavens, why has no one succeeded, it is because they are not strong enough!"

Chu Yuan knew that the path of eternity was the path of the strong.

This road is too strong, so that no one can succeed since the ancient era.

He quietly comprehended the original way in the gods.


Just three months after the end of the Battle of Destroyed Fortress, a person appeared in the portal. It was the Fire Ancestor. He had not been to the Holy Ancient Spirit Realm for a long time, but he had benefited greatly.

"Huo Zu, you broke through."

Chu Yuan could feel the changes in his power.

"Breakthrough, God Emperor, I have reached the original third realm!"

Fire Ancestor was in a happy mood, "The Holy Ancient Spirit Realm is strange. I have never seen so many soul-changing things. I have not dared to absorb that kind of spiritual energy. I am afraid that there will be hidden dangers, but I understand the change of temperament, let The barrier that trapped me was completely broken."

Before he fell, he was at a breakthrough and went through life and death.

It's not surprising that there is a great opportunity in the Saint Gu Ling world this time.

"Fengtian Fortress disappeared!"

He wanted to see the situation of the Fengtian Fortress, but it no longer existed, and suddenly knew that this must be done by the God Emperor.

"Although the closed antenna disappears, it also means that the war will soon come. The fire ancestors, the next battle will be more cruel, and I am also ready to prove the original in the cruel war."

Chu Yuan said calmly.

Primitive is a path to the strongest.

He wants to break through in an invincible mind.

"Proof of primitiveness."

Fire Ancestor was startled.

"Yes, the **** emperor should also achieve primitiveness. Once primitive is achieved, all crises will be solved, and it will truly rise within a multiplicity. It should be able to compete for the position of thirty-three days, and the ancient source gods are willing to help the **** emperor."

Huo Ancestor said: "Now that the Fengshen Great Emperor lives in the second life, the multiverse will be caught in the flames of war, and the battle of the times has begun."

When he was talking with Huo Ancestor, his eyes suddenly flashed with fierce murderous intent, and a message fell into his hands.

"The Great Emperor Fengshen is about to open the Conferred Gods Conference, gather a diverse group of powerful people, and participate in the conference. He has built the Conferred God Gate, and those who enter the Conferred God Gate will be his invincible heroes."

This is the latest news that Chu Yuan has received.

"The Conferred God Conference, the gate of the Conferred God!"

Huo Ancestor was startled, and said: "This Fengshen Great Emperor has such a big ambition, and the meaning is also very obvious. Those who participate in the Conferred God Convention and enter his Conferred God Gate will belong to his Conferred God Era. This is to build momentum in advance. "

"Not bad." Chu Yuan said.

"But I don't think other ambitious people will be willing to watch the Conferred God Conference successfully convene. I think a war will break out on the day the conference opens and face the Conferred God War."

Huo Ancestor seemed to have seen the **** storm at the Conferred God Convention.

"Of course, but the Conferred God Emperor should also be waiting for this moment. He wants to use his invincible strength to tell all the powers of the heavens that his Conferred God era is unstoppable, and he will tell everyone to be strong."

Chu Yuandao.

This is the battle of Fengshen Great Emperor.

"When will the Conferred God Convention be held?" Fire Ancestor asked.

"It's not clear yet. Soon after the news was released, the multiverse was too big, and there were more powerful people in the Primitive God Realm, and even in the path of eternity. The Emperor Fengshen needed time to ferment and gather more powerful people, but it won't be too long. "

Chu Yuan slowly said: "The eyes of the heavens are all attracted to the Conferred God Convention, and some of my strategies can be activated."

"What do you plan to do?"

Huo Ancestor certainly knew that the Conferred God Convention had nothing to do with Shenwu. Even though the times were fighting, it had nothing to do with Shenwu for the time being.

"Open the Tianmeng heritage!"

Chu Yuandao.

He had long wanted to open the Tianmeng inheritance.

In fact, waiting for his Primordial Empress had greater confidence, but time did not wait. The severe situation had already made Chu Yuan unable to wait. With a token of trust, he would definitely be able to obtain a heritage from the deputy leader.

The inheritance of the main alliance will appear after the three deputy leaders open at the same time.

He didn't know what was in the main league, but someone had opened two inheritances in the past, and there were countless treasures and powerful inheritances, which made people fascinated.

"It must be opened." Chu Yuan said.

"Divine Emperor, what do I need to do?"

Fire Ancestor Road.

"Your cultivation base has reached the three primitive realms. You are guarded in the dynasty, and the Heavenly League inherits me to handle it."

Although the fire ancestor is strong, it is most suitable for him to collect treasures and inheritance by himself.

"it is good!"

Huo Ancestor nodded.

"It shouldn't be too late, and there should be no delay. I must go immediately to see what is left in the alliance that day."

He knew that for himself, the treasures in the Tianmeng were actually second. According to the information collected, the primitive gods of the Tianmeng had left their heritage.

What Chu Yuan values ​​is these inheritances~www.ltnovel.com~ He does not practice the inheritance of others, but only learns from their experience, inclusive of all rivers, and finally achieves his own original way.

Back to the Tianxue mine area again.

The three strongest inheritances of the Tianxue Mine, the Huntian Dao Sect, the Tianmeng, and the Common People God Dynasty, were left by an ancient epoch before they were likely to perish because of the Eternal Road.

The place he was standing at this time was nothingness.

Looking around, there was nothing, even if the original god's spiritual thoughts searched for it, there was still nothing to be found.

"It's here."

Chu Yuan locked the position.

The token in his hand was urged by him, and a divine light shuttled out toward the front, suddenly a strange change appeared, a sealed space and time was opened, and an open door appeared in front of him.

Chu Yuan walked into this portal, the place of inheritance of a deputy leader of the Heavenly League.

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