In the end, the inheritance is bizarre and unbelievable.

Chu Yuan was majestic, and he stepped in.

Booming, a boundless force locked him, as if a person entered the sea, surrounded by the sea, that suffocating force would sink people in and drown them alive.

This is the case within the inheritance.

The dazzling light in his eyes, opened his eyes to see, it turned out to be a huge space-time, what he saw before his eyes did not see any chance, but a vast void.

Yes, it was nothingness, there was nothing, there was no road, and the surroundings were empty.

But in this emptiness, Chu Yuan could deeply feel that the power of a torrent, surging all the time, contained a kind of shocking mystery.

He couldn't know what was here, and the inheritance was really secretive in the end. He entered so many people just now, but he didn't see any of them.

Of course it was also because he did not unite with others and stepped in alone.

He also knew that he had to move forward.

He took a step, and suddenly a great **** came, as if there was boundless power bound him, dragged his body, and prevented him from going forward. Every step forward requires a great deal of effort. The price.


Chu Yuandao.

He continued walking, rushing towards him like a sea tide, pushing him back into the boundless abyss.

"It looks like there is no way, but there is a way!"

Chu Yuan suddenly felt that this place gave him a sense of familiarity. He had never experienced it before, but had seen it wherever he was. His thinking turned in an instant, and he was surprised: "The eternal road, yes, it is the eternal road!"

He guessed it.

The weirdness in the final time and space is somewhat similar to the eternal road!

"But this is not the real eternal road, but the eternal road constructed by the Tianmeng with the simulation of great supernatural powers!"

Chu Yuan wanted to understand everything.

This method is really shocking. Even if it simulates a path, it is also very popular. Even if it is thirty-three days, it is impossible to achieve this.

The path of eternity here is not even a ten thousandth of the mystery of the true path of eternity, but it is also shocking, and even allows people to appreciate the real horror of the path of eternity.

"After simulating this path, the Celestial Alliance also wanted to break through eternity, but they did not succeed. However, the real path of eternity is extremely dangerous. I took this path and realized my originality."

Chu Yuan smiled, he resisted the pressure and walked forward.

There is no way in front of me, there is way in my heart.

Chu Yuan only needed to go all the way, and when he reached the end of this road, he would have the opportunity to obtain the ultimate inheritance of the Heavenly Alliance.

Now, not only did he see it alone, there must be more powerful people who saw it.

"It's worthy of inheritance. Even if you can't get the ultimate treasure on this path alone, the experience you can bring from this path is infinite."

This is a road that does not allow backing, and can only move forward.

Retreat on the true path of eternity is death, and on this road, retreat also loses the opportunity to compete for the final inheritance.

Chu Yuan's invincible posture, striding forward on this road is like a rehearsal. With every step, the pressure is like advancing hard in the mud of a swamp, and it is difficult to reach the end.

"It's just a simulated road."

Chu Yuan had regarded this road as a primitive road.

He felt that walking on this road, his own insight was great, and the places where he hadn't understood in the past were broken again and again, and he even knew how to achieve his primitive gods.

"Go to the end."

Now, it's only halfway. Read the book

He is very adaptable to the environment here.

"Time and space photo!"

During Chu Yuan's journey, a picture suddenly appeared in front of him, similar to a picture in time, space and ocean, an invincible strong man rushing through the barrier. This is an image from before the ancient era, which was recorded.


This invincible figure seemed to sense the existence of Chu Yuan. He suddenly turned around and his face was unclear, but the power from a palm shook the century, like a rumbling across time and space.

"The test set on the road honed!"

There was an earth-shattering explosion in the surrounding area, which was shattered, and the chaotic storm was raging.

Chu Yuan stood steadily. He looked at the figure, and he also made a move. The wind was surging and the atmosphere was majestic.

The two forces confronted each other, and Chu Yuan defeated them strongly. Who would fight for the front of the universe.

Walking on this road, his mind is getting calmer and calmer. No test can stop him. He has not been promoted yet, but his spiritual perception makes him feel closer to the eternal realm.

There were many opponents on the road, but all of them were broken by him.

"The test, on the true path of eternity, I am afraid it is not a photo taken, but a true opponent!"

Chu Yuan carried an extremely strong breath.

Zhutian Divine Sword slashed, three pictures appeared in front of him, swept by his sword.

"Huh? There is also the aura of the Heaven-Player God Sword!"

At this time, Chu Yuan suddenly felt the appearance of the same source of stock, which made his face change, and it was also the Divine Sword of Death.

"Look for!"

Chu Yuan didn't stop for half a step. Based on this induction, he even saw the God Slayer on this road!

This Excalibur was suspended in mid-air, shooting all over the sky with murderous aura, and there was a terrifying will dormant.

"Okay, another divine sword. The more the Heaven-Zhuking Divine Sword gets, the stronger the power!"

Chu Yuan soared into the sky, grabbing with his big hands, and the hand of God forcibly shook the Heaven-Shuking Divine Sword, in order to pack this extremely powerful artifact.

Ninety-nine Zhutian Divine Swords were scattered all over the universe following the fall of Emperor Zhutian.

The moment he seized it, the one he had previously controlled wanted to break free, Chu Yuan did not stop it, let it fly out, and the convergence of the two divine swords immediately produced a more terrifying picture.

A great phantom image of the Great Emperor Zhutian condensed. He picked up the Divine Zhutian Sword and slashed it at Chu Yuan.

The power of this sword is stronger than when it was subdued before.

Chu Yuan knew the reason.

This is because the Divine Judgment Sword has the great will of the Great Divine Judgment. The more the Divine Sword gathers, the more powerful this will will awaken. Without the tyrannical strength, let alone control, you will be killed directly.

This Emperor Zhutian's cultivation has reached an incredible realm. U U Reading

"Give me all control!"

Chu Yuan covered the sky with a palm.

His palm is simply a vivid interpretation of the supreme emperor of a majestic emperor. The universe and the world are all in the midst of his palm.

The Great Emperor Zhutian was indeed powerful, but his deity had fallen a long time ago. This was just his remaining will, and how could he be Chu Yuan's opponent.


In the power of Chu Yuan's palm, this phantom of Emperor Zhutian was defeated in an instant, and the two divine swords were also swept by his big hand and directly fell into his bag.

"More powerful."

With Chu Yuan's thoughts, the divine swords could be merged or separated, and the killing intent was endless and enraged forever.


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