On this final inheritance road, everyone is struggling to advance.

Chu Yuan crossed, locked in one aspect, and never stopped for a moment.

On this road of simulation, only small gains appear, not small gains.

In one direction on this road, there was an old man, surrounded by endless thunders, inside an ancient ruins, thunderbolt shook the sky, thunderwater condensed into the ocean.

This old man is a primitive **** with magic power reaching the sky.

"Huh! I have been to the real path of eternity, and I am afraid that your false path will be destroyed by me!"

With a cold drink, the old man did not waver, he urged his tyrannical means and slapped it with a palm, and the sky was shattered by thunder, and then a big tripod made of thunder fell into his hands.

"Good, good, what a tyrannical primitive artifact, it was placed here by the Tianmeng!"

The old man also laughed: "This is the chance of my ancestors. This artifact is powerful and will greatly increase my strength. On this false road, there must be more treasures. This heavenly alliance is powerful. Such false roads can also be constructed!"

The old man laughed, he was about to move on.

But suddenly, his heart tightened, and a boundless killing intent enveloped him without warning.

By the time he realized it, a long and thin figure had already arrived in front of him. Peerless power had brought an extinct tragic song, making the primitive gods heartbroken when they heard it, as if singing an elegy for themselves.

The old man's instinctive cohesive strength resisted, but in an instant, he was slashed out by a sword, and blood flew across.

But in an instant, this person suddenly hurt a primitive god, this method is too strong.

"who are you!"

The old man roared, looked at this man, and turned to his face, and was shocked to find that this turned out to be a faceless man, his face was extremely smooth, without facial features, just empty.

"The Faceless Man!"

The old man shouted: "No, it's not faceless. This faceless is just a mask that conceals his true face. He doesn't want people to see his true face!"

He guessed right.

This faceless mask is an extremely special primitive artifact, the biggest function is to conceal the true face, even conceal his breath, it is impossible to detect.

"The attack method just now, such a powerful assassination, is it Slaughter Heaven!"

He thought a lot in an instant.

Everyone in Slaughter Sky is an assassin and a killer.

"If you really are the one who kills the sky, I and you don’t seem to have hatreds. It’s not easy to kill me. I don’t want to fight with you on this road, but it doesn’t mean I’m afraid of you and don’t show my true colors. Show others, it means you dare not expose!"

This series of thinking is just an instant, the old man fully guards against this person.

The Faceless Man didn't answer, he disappeared suddenly, and then appeared strangely in front of the old man in the next instant, still a sword, erupting a terrifying murderous intent, and directly hacked it down.

"The sword of Emperor Zhutian!"

The old man yelled in horror, the sword used by the Faceless Man turned out to be the sword of Emperor Zhutian, with a terrifying killing intent that penetrated the soul marrow, making him tremble.

He wanted to resist, but this force was too strong and he was still knocked into the air.


The old man knew he was not an opponent of the Faceless Man.


No matter how he runs, he can't escape the chase of the Faceless Man.

This person seems to be the strongest assassin. Every blow does not fight him head-on, but suddenly flashes and strikes, unable to predict where he appears.

Every move and every style is showing his killing methods.

The old man was covered in blood, and his whole body was weak and weak. He had been slashed continuously by the Divine Slayer Sword. If he hadn't been cultivated to be tyrannical, he would have died long ago.

The Faceless Man was very cold-blooded, he cut down with another sword, and the old man flew up with one arm in the air. 163

With a grasp of his pale hand, this arm was immediately robbed of life by him and withered like vegetation.

"Ah!" The old man was also screaming heartbreakingly. The flesh and blood on his body was taken away by the faceless man with a sword. His strength became weaker and weaker, and he felt that he was about to die.

A primitive god, unexpectedly ended up like this.

"no no!"

The old man fears everything.

At this time, the Faceless Man put away the Heaven-Zhuking Divine Sword, and a strange weapon that resembled a sword but not a sword, or a sword but not a sword appeared. He slashed the old man's head, and his soul was suddenly broken.

The palm of his hand was enveloped, the old man twitched, his strength was drawn.

boom! The old man is like a corpse, turning into fly ash and exterminating the world.

The Faceless Man didn't say a word from beginning to end, and after annihilating the old man, he left directly.

Another direction on this road.

At this time, there were also a large number of strong men moving forward. The leader was a woman wearing an emerald robe, hitting the sacred light of her debut and separating the power in the ancient road.

This turned out to be the strongest of Jing Shitian.


A woman's finger seems to be able to expel various negative attributes.

"My Lord, I don't know what will be the end of this road?"

A **** of heaven said in front of the woman.

"I don't know, the end may simulate the wonder of the eternal road."

The woman replied.

Dao Shen just nodded that day, he suddenly froze in place, his head and half of his body were directly split open, bloody.

"Jing Shi Fanghua!"

The woman was also taken aback. She enveloped her with a palm, and in an instant Fanghua, a faceless man appeared directly in front of her, but ignoring her power, using a killer to kill the **** of heaven in a short time. Kill all.

And the people killed by him are like dead trees, and he has absorbed all the essence of life.

"Evil people!"

The woman was too late to be angry, and the strangeness of the Faceless Man shocked her. A stream of pure world power can purify all evil in the world and bring Lang Lang to the world.

But what frightened her more and more was that the Faceless Man ignored this method and none of her power would work for him.

"When my mana reached him, it was directly annihilated!"

No matter how calm the woman was, she panicked when she encountered this kind of opponent. She knew that it was hard to be an opponent, so she flew in the air, turned and crossed deeper.

The woman was extremely fast, and after a dozen breaths, she could no longer see the Faceless Man.

"Who is this Faceless Man? Wearing a mask, is it someone who kills the sky? No, it's very different, because in the days of the killing, no one can be immune to my purifying power except the strongest Killing God!"

After seeing the safety ~www.ltnovel.com~, the woman also breathed a sigh of relief, and kept on thinking about the origin of the Faceless Man.

"It is impossible to speculate. After leaving, tell God the news, maybe you will know."


When she was flying, her head suddenly flew up in the air. The strange weapon was deformed, and it happened to be placed on her neck, and the head flew up.

Blood is like a fountain.

The woman didn't react at all. With her strength she didn't know how the opponent attacked, and the assassin's attack and killing methods controlled by the opponent were really too strong.

Her eyes were dizzy, trying to scream, but her power was taken away by the Faceless Man.

The Faceless Man was cold-blooded and merciless, cut the woman and disappeared again, not knowing which prey he was looking for.


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