"Make a way!"

"Look at what the Tianmeng left behind!"

"If there is no way for us to inherit, then we will open the way. As long as the Tianmeng leaves the treasure here, we can get it!"

Sixteen primitive gods shot together, and the world was shocked. This scene was only seen during the world wars. It was really rare in the past.

The primordial gods were mighty, shocked the ages, and attacked forward. They were all speculating that the Tianmeng must have imitated a divine path that requires power to clear the way like the eternal road.

These sixteen forces attacked, how shocking, the entire inheritance time and space was swaying crazily, the sky collapsed and the earth cracked, causing a series of bursts of heaven and earth.

Wave after wave of power, even a primitive **** dare not take such an attack, otherwise it will be blown up.

The internal space-time destruction was so severe that it turned into an initial general chaos.

But what made the faces of the primitive gods present ugly was that no matter how they impacted, no matter how time and space are shattered, they will not be able to show the method of inheritance.

"what happened?"

Yan Tianxiong shouted.

"Do not worry!"

Yu Jiguang is very calm: "There must be something left. Maybe our strength is not enough. You can add more strength to open up the path of inheritance. I seem to have felt something!"

"it is good!"

These strong men continue to take action.

However, the situation is not as they thought. The time and space are shattered, but everywhere is shattered, and the shadow of the inheritance is invisible. There is a vast space in front of it, and nothing is left at all.

Going forward?

It is the scene of vanity and broken, and you can even leave the inheritance directly, there is nothing in it.

"There are no treasures, the time and space ahead was overturned by us, and we didn't see anything, even if it was just a trace!"

No one has a good face.

They have the power to penetrate the sky, and time and space can only be broken in front of their power. If they can see even a trace of miracles, they will gather stronger power to bombard.

But there is nothing, what to fight.

"Maybe Tianmeng is playing with us!"

A strong man shouted angrily: "There is no ultimate inheritance of them here. To build a road, tease the primitive gods, and without leaving treasures. We have worked so hard and will not get anything in the end!"

Don't blame him for thinking this way, it is very likely that this will be the case now.


Some strong people retorted: "Just constructing this road will consume endless effort. This mysticism will benefit me immensely from walking along the way, just like walking the real eternal road, these powerful forces will come to play you specially. It's just that we haven't found the right way."

"Then what do you say?"

This group of strong men put away their strength.

The time and space that had been completely shattered was being repaired by itself at this time.

"It may just be that the power is not enough, and the inheritance must be in time and space, but if you want to fully control it, very people can do it, unless the founder of the gods and the leader of the heavenly alliance can do it."


"The road is endless, the road is endless."

There is an old white Hu, the bones of immortal wind and Dao, who is a Dao deity of Wan Daotian. He pondered: "The true eternal road is so desperate, but the eternal opportunity is only available in the eternal road. Even if you are desperate, you have to go. The Tianmeng inheritance has this artistic conception. The Tianmeng inheritance is to make us feel true despair, but there must be a ray of possibility in the despair."

"No need to try, we are not strong enough!"

The wisdom of this group of strong men is so great that they did not try again.

But all of them were unwilling, they walked to the end first, and finally had to stop, waiting for the arrival of the follow-up strong.

And all this is not like, in the ancient era, there were many people who went on the path of eternity without success, and there would be latecomers who followed this path.

"The first one may not succeed."

The powerhouse of Fengshentian has the most sentiment.

At that time, the Emperor Fengshen clearly had the age to be the protagonist of the heaven and earth, but he was defeated by the Emperor in the end, leaving him unwilling forever.

"It's not wrong, it does leave a legacy and a way to get it!"

There was the light of understanding in Chu Yuan's eyes at this time.

"This road is not such a rush, tyrannical force can destroy it, but you will not get the ultimate inheritance!"

Chu Yuan said in his heart.

"There is no way ahead, but there is a way in my heart!"

At this time, Chu Yuan's will was like Lang Lang, shining everything, his spirit was integrated into the space of inheritance, and in his eyes, a golden avenue appeared looming.

He saw the road of inheritance!

This is a spiritual path, and it needs to be understood with heart.

"There is another startling mutation!"

The slight change in the time and space of the Tianmeng was immediately noticed by the strong on the scene. Their eyes were still nothing but nothing, but it was indeed different.

"The Tianmeng is pursuing an eternal path. They are exploring and looking for a way."

Chu Yuan spoke, but no one of the strong on the scene could hear it. This was the voice of the soul, speaking to the power imprint left in the time and space of the Tianmeng.

"There is no way in the sky, UU reading www.uukanshu.com then open the way, if there is no way open, then create a way, this way is eternal!"

Chu Yuan burned the raging spiritual fire, and his will merged into the world. The golden avenue in front of him became more and more brilliant, and the rainbow that only belonged to him could be seen, turned into colorful rain.

"Although the road ahead is blocked, my heart is eternal, immortal, and the road in my heart is the eternal road. No one can stop the eternal front!"

Chu Yuan smiled at this moment.

The Golden Light Avenue was already solidified, and he was leading him. Instead of bombarding with power, he used his soul to show the path of the Heavenly Alliance.

my heart Will Go On.

"The road seems to be open!"

Yu Jiguang's cultivation base is tyrannical, said.

"Where is the road?"

Yu Shentong couldn't see it.

"Not everyone can see this road, this is the inner road, I understand!"

Yu Jiguang wanted to understand, and said: "But I can't see this path either. My soul hasn't moved. Who is it? Someone seems to have moved the path of inheritance!"

His eyes moved on all the strong, and finally fixed on Chu Yuan.

Shenwu God Emperor, could it be him!

"The road of inheritance is now, the fate choice, the eternal road is different, it is my own choice, this is the eternal road I have chosen!"

The light and rain in front of Chu Yuan were colorful, and he stepped onto the Golden Avenue.

"Different auras, there is a mysterious power, the inheritance of the Tianmeng has appeared!" The old Taoist suddenly shouted: "Someone has realized the eternity left by the Tianmeng, and he is going to go in!"

Of course they know this, but this golden road is not to attract them.

"who is it!"

Yan Tianxiong swept across his stern eyes, seeing Chu Yuan walking into a void of time and space, and violently shouted: "It is him, Emperor Shenwu, he has seen the path of inheritance, and is walking in to seize opportunities for all of us!"

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