The protagonist of heaven and earth, Chu Yuan became the most eye-catching existence at this time.

No one would have thought that someone really had to comprehend the mystery, and this person was the recently famous Shenwu God Emperor.

"Stop him, can't let him in!"

Yan Tianxiong stared at Chu Yuan closely, this man was amazing, and he knew how to get in without making a sound.

But as a peerless man, how can he tolerate others to seize the opportunity he wants.

God fights the world!

He stepped forward, his burly body brought shocking oppression, his power was devastating, and a set of extremely powerful ultimate moves exploded, and the peerless power exploded, simple and direct, to interrupt Chu Yuan's entry.

He can't get in, and others will never want to get in!

Chu Yuan did not back down. This might be the fastest way for him to become a primitive god, even if he faced various enemies.

He blasted out with a punch, shaking the earth, the emperor's divine fist, and the surging emperor's glory instantly fought with Yan Tianxiong, and there was a devastating wind around the two, which was terrifying.

The road is still there. I don’t know how this road appears, and naturally there is no way to destroy it.

But Yan Tianxiong knew that he only needed to stop this person so that he could not enter.

With continuous bombardment and power dominating the universe, Yan Tianxiong showed his strength as a hero, and with every hit he could hit an ordinary primitive **** and vomit blood.

In an instant, the two bombarded hundreds of moves, but no one could do anything.

"It's hard to deal with!"

Yan Tianxiong has not forgotten that this person is still a **** of heaven.

"Heaven is broken!"

Yan Tianxiong slashed out, Tianduan with a blow, he wanted to cut off Chu Yuan's path to inheritance in nothingness.

"The Eternal Road, unbreakable."

Chu Yuan saw Yan Tianxiong stab through the Golden Light Avenue, as if he was slicing on the reflection in the water, and it didn't affect much.

"Can't be entangled."

Of course Chu Yuan was not afraid of a Yan Tianxiong, but his opponent was all the primitive gods present here. Few people would watch him go in and would definitely stop him madly.

Moreover, behind the road of inheritance, there are more powerhouses coming.

This is a test.

The Dao of Time and Space erupted with full force, and Chu Yuan was uncertain at this moment. He walked to the Golden Light Avenue in one step, and quickly moved towards the end, while in the eyes of others, he was walking towards a emptiness.

"You can't get in!"

A demon master attacked, the monstrous devilish energy erupted, he played the destructive magic power, and even attacked with Yan Tianxiong.

Chu Yuan's hand fell and the sound shook the world. He also raised his power to the limit. As long as he walked this way, this group of people would have no choice.

His eyes were cold and sharp.

Three Heaven-Zhuking Divine Swords swept across all directions, shooting infinite murderous auras, killing the world.

"You all have to stop me!"

In the face of so many primitive gods, Chu Yuan still did not show weakness at all, but was extremely strong.

"Inheritance can only be obtained by one person. I will know that you are powerful, but if you have to move forward, you are the enemy, and you can't take it!"

Yan Tianxiong held a battle sword and shouted: "Shenwu, tell us how to see that road and move forward together!"

"Yes, you can't get the benefits alone. Too greedy, it's not good for you!" Another strong man shouted.

"Even if I tell you, you won't be able to provoke it. The eternal path set by the Heavenly Alliance cannot be dictated."

Chu Yuan was cold, his voice boomed, and the thunder rang: "My road is unstoppable!"

"Then kill you!"

More than half of the strong players in the field are attacking, shining brightly, to cut off this path and deal with an existence that has not yet become a primitive, this kind of momentum is really extremely exaggerated.

"I have no chance with this opportunity."

There were also people who did not take action. It was the Taoist of Wan Daotian. He ignored and said: "Before coming, Yi Tianzun told me that if you can't realize this path, you can't force it. Forced to have only misfortune, no benefit, look. Come and miss me, I can't help but believe Yi Tianzun's words, and I can't help but listen."

"Aurora, let's do it too!" Yushentian's powerhouse was also anxious.

Yu Jiguang watched: "Wait, wait a second, something seems to be wrong!"

"The direction of the heart is only eternity. There are many disasters on the road to eternity. There are friends, more opponents, and countless hindrances!"

Chu Yuan was expressionless, this group of people was holding back their legs for not letting him get the final inheritance.

This is also true on the road to true eternity. It is more of your opponent who cannot get eternity by yourself, and will not let you eternal.

People are selfish and think for their own interests.

Thinking does not work in an instant.

Of course Chu Yuan knew that it was okay to fight a few statues by himself, and it was impossible to be an opponent of so many powerful men, and he never thought of fighting against them, that would be seeking his own death.


The mana of these primitive gods gathered together and directly drowned Chu Yuan. This terrifying power, even the true primitive gods, would instantly disappear.

"If you don't die, you will get hurt!"

Yan Tianxiong sneered.

But in the next instant, his pupils suddenly enlarged violently.

The incomparably huge wings of light, propped up the divine light guarding the sky, it was the sky wings that Chu Yuan had obtained, the supreme primitive artifact, and blocked this wave of fierce attacks for him.

"The supreme primitive artifact!"

The strong present were shocked.

Someone awakened and said: "It turns out that he got the inheritance of the third deputy leader, not Fengshentian, so deep hidden!"

"I've said that it's not me to Fengshentian."

Feng Huanyu finally washed away the black pot on his body.

But he would rather carry the black pot on his back, the treasure is obtained by himself, this is the supreme primitive artifact, there are not many every day.

The next level is an epic artifact that can only be refined by the existence of Fengshen Great, which gathers the power of civilization of the times.

"He wants to protect himself with the Supreme Primal to let him in safely!"

The strong shouted.

Indeed, with the guardian of the sky wings, without the equivalent bombardment of the same level of artifacts, they don't want to stop Chu Yuan.

"It's not that easy!"

Yan Tianxiong was the craziest, he shouted: "Do you have the supreme primitive artifact? I have it too!"

He flicked, and a big golden clock flew out. It was the highest primitive artifact of the same level, and he had obtained it from a deputy leader of the Sky League. It immediately pushed it to the limit and competed with the Sky Wing.

"With me, can you get in!" Yan Tianxiong shouted.

"Well, Yan Tianxiong restricted the pair of wings with the supreme primitive artifact. The Shenwu can't get in. He will eventually be blocked by us. Haha, he wants to get in too. Let's talk about it after he is primitive!"

The strong laughed.

The demon lord was greedy in his eyes, "Don't say whether you can enter the final inheritance. It is to kill Shenwu first. The treasures in his body can make us a lot of money. Hehe, I don't know how many good things are in this person. "

Chu Yuan urged the Heaven-Slaying Divine Sword, and his killing intent burst to the strongest. Holding the world-breaking Tissot, a gathering of sharp shuttles, specially used to break the blockade, actually broke the power of these primitive gods.

The Wanbao River was condensed and concentrated, turning into a light belt around him.

Encountered by the bombardment of those strong men, the artifacts exploded one by one, including the original artifacts he obtained in the Celestial League were also shattered, but it also bought him time.

Reluctant to let the child catch the wolf.

Chu Yuan was very willing.

"He's going in!"

Yan Tianxiong was also furious, but his clock could at best limit, but could not stop it.

"It's time to shoot!"

Yu Jiguang also flickered.

Just when he was about to do it, he stopped abruptly.

"The Faceless Man has appeared again!"

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