The Faceless Man appeared, sinister and vicious, and specifically chose Chu Yuan to attack at the most critical moment.

His appearance also shocked the strong on the scene.

The Faceless Man directly killed Chu Yuan. As soon as his power came out, he wiped out all the vitality in the world. In his power, the world withered and the universe was destroyed, just like the destroyer of era civilization, extremely domineering.

In his ultimate move, everything will be shattered and no longer exist.

"What is he!"

The strong on the scene were all shocked, because when they shot, they also had a powerful aftermath to kill the Faceless Man, but they all died out strangely and did not cause any harm to him.

This is indeed very different from Slaughter's way of killing.

"you wanna die!"

Chu Yuan was so powerful that the killing of the Faceless Man also made him angry, booming, and there was a boundless radiance erupting in just an instant.

The Faceless Man didn't seem to be able to speak. He was merciless and swept out with a withering force. The golden avenue in Chu Yuan's eyes was gradually blurred and was about to disappear completely.

The Faceless Man can actually interfere with the Golden Avenue that cannot be shaken by so many powerful attacks.

If the road is broken, it will be impossible for Chu Yuan to get the final chance, and even if he becomes primitive in the future, it will be delayed for an extremely long time. Such a thing is absolutely unbearable for him.

"The breath of that path of inheritance is weakening!"

Many powerhouses are surprised and wonder about the power that the Faceless Man controls.

"The direction of the heart, the eternity of the heart, the road of inheritance, I control it!"

The fire of Chu Yuan's spirit is blazing, with golden light above his head, condensing the eternal scriptures, the flash of light and rain is colorful, gorgeous and dazzling, and the illusory road is solidified again, which comes from a spiritual confrontation.

"Whoever stands in my way, I will kill whoever!"

Chu Yuan's killing intent reached the sky. At this time, the three swords were one, and his will to destroy everything, unexpectedly broke out a great power of killing the sky, and there was a kind of anger that came from the unwilling anger of Emperor Zhutian.

When this force comes out, heaven and earth divide, like the reappearance of Emperor Zhutian.

The Great Emperor Zhutian must have been extremely unwilling to fail when he failed, and Chu Yuan's anger at this time had also triggered this anger and killing intent, making the power of the Heavenly Judgment Divine Sword explode to the strongest that three swords could explode.

And Chu Yuan had reached the most critical limit at this time.

His spirit, the flames of his will make the world bright.

His immortal eternal will broke the last obstacle, and a golden gate appeared on the way.

The power is too magnificent, this magnificent scene makes the strong on the scene clearly feel, as if a door has been opened, welcoming the entrance of the Emperor Shenwu.

Chu Yuan had no intention of entangled with them and stepped directly in.

The Faceless Man is stopping him. He gathers together, it is an invisible force that gathers in his palm, but once this force penetrates into the human body, the vitality and power in the body will be madly deprived.


Chu Yuan was cold and expressionless.

He turned into a vacuum black hole at once, like the gate of swallowing. The power of the faceless man entered, and he was directly swallowed by him, and an omnipotent swallowing force was dissolved.

My heart is eternal, and the Cotai Strip is solid again!

"Faceless man, I remember you, I will kill you!"

The moment Chu Yuan entered, he made a cruel voice.

There were only three things, and now it was two. Two attacks by the Faceless Man made Chu Yuan also murderous towards the Faceless Man.

"He went in!"

Yan Tianxiong and the others were also yelling, rushing towards the front frantically, but this door was not opened to them, and even if they bombarded, the power of this door could not be broken.

"Can't get in!"

The faces of all those present were ugly.

"Be guarding him, I don't believe he will not show up!"

Yan Tianxiong was furious to the extreme, "If he doesn't show up, then go to destroy his gods and see what he chooses!"

"Leave a legacy of multiple epochs, has someone finally opened it."

A void of time and space, there was nothing around, and within the vacuum, a voice suddenly sounded, and an old man in white appeared, looking at Chu Yuan with a smile on his face.

"Leader of the Sky Alliance."

Chu Yuandao.

This white figure is just a consciousness, not the true leader of the Heavenly League.

"I am the leader of the Heavenly League."

The white-clothed old man smiled. He used his methods to reach the sky. It is a very simple matter to leave a consciousness, "My name is Xuantian, but I can be called the old man Xuantian. The Tianmeng was created by me."

"Old Xuantian." Chu Yuan nodded.

"I left the two tokens in the inheritance, which were obtained by fate, but I gave one to her, you can open it, it is recognized by reincarnation, she is really different, and the person who gave it can walk here."

Old man Xuantian sighed.

Samsara refers to the goddess Yanran.

He didn't know the true identity of the goddess Yanran, and the goddess Yanran didn't know her origin. Samsara existed in the civilizations of eras, immortal, in an extremely strange state.

"If I didn't guess wrong, you haven't fallen yet." Chu Yuan said.

"I am on the path of eternity. This era of reincarnation no longer belongs to me. If you go to the path of eternity in the future, you may be able to see me, but I cannot come to the multiverse to see you. This is an eternal limitation."

The old man Xuantian said.


Chu Yuan had long guessed, just as the life things he brought in the Holy Ancient Spirit Realm could not be brought eternal and hopeless, what do you think? "

Old Xuantian asked.

"There is no road in the world. All roads are opened up. For example, every cultivation system is pioneered and perfected step by step. I have never been on the eternal road, but the road of cultivation should be an eternal one. Road, practice step by step, and finally cultivate into an immortal eternal divine body."

Chu Yuandao.

"Yes, cultivation is the search for eternity." Old man Xuantian smiled: "A mortal body, but a mere hundred years of life, fleeting at the fingertips, and a strong cultivation, thousands of years, immortality, this is also a kind of longevity. eternal."

"It is said that the path of eternity is desperate and cannot be crossed. I think it is insufficient strength and cannot be broken. There is eternity. Only when the realm of power is not reached that level, it will be hopeless."

Elder Xuantian also has his own understanding.

He said again: "What if you find that no way to open the road will last forever?"

"Only oneself can create an eternal way out."

Chu Yuan said lightly.

"What a big ambition, I want to create a path to eternity, yes, eternity, there must be a chance to be eternal, I firmly believe that, like reincarnation, she appears in the reincarnation of epochs, she is also looking for her own eternity , Already has its own way."

The old man Xuantian said: "There are many people with ambitions, such as the great emperor who takes common life as the way, but he failed, but I am still living on the eternal road. I don't have his courage."

When the common people collapsed, he survived.

"Since you have passed the test set by me, this virtual eternal road is the biggest treasure I have left. It will turn into a map of the sky and belong to you."

The old man Xuantian wiped out all the thoughts he left behind, "I hope I can see you on the path of eternity, I am waiting for you..."

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