"Your Majesty has realized the original mystery, and is going to make a breakthrough?"

Fire Ancestor was worried about the severe situation that followed, and he was also delighted to hear that Chu Yuan was about to break through.

He had long been looking forward to the day when His Majesty became a primitive god.

The original **** is walking an eternal path.


Chu Yuan replied with two words and gave the courtiers an affirmative answer, which kept the empire's luck.

"Once your Majesty becomes primitive, you can turn things around and all dangers will be eliminated."

Fire Ancestor said: "It is a blessing or a curse, it is a curse that cannot be avoided. Whatever should come will come. If you want to fight, then come to fight. I will continue. If a great dynasty wants to reach its peak, it cannot be peaceful. Rise will inevitably experience countless hardships and obstacles, only the empire created!"

He is a person who has died once, and he has a thorough view of all this.

If he can assist the **** emperor in this life and achieve world-wide glory, his life will be extremely wonderful.

"Fight against!"

Although the group of officials knew that their strength might not be a big deal, but for the sake of the gods, they would die without regret!

The cohesion of the gods has reached its limit at this moment.

"The deity of my true body will attack the primitive **** realm, and will leave the national fortune clone to preside over the overall situation."

After Chu Yuan said all this, he himself left, and an infinite national destiny incarnation stood in the gods.

And in the day of Ferry.

The news of the Tianmeng shocked them first.

They never expected that the final winner would be Shenwu. After so many powerhouses seized the final inheritance, the strength of this Shenwu skyrocketed again.

Originally Shenwu was very difficult to deal with.

This time it will be more difficult to deal with.

"What are those people doing to eat, so many people can't stop a magic weapon, a bunch of useless waste!"

The lord of crossing the sea went mad. Since he was resurrected, his temperament has changed drastically, and his eyes have been like wild beasts.

"Calm down, don't worry!"

The troublemaker said: "Shenwu's seizure of the inheritance this time is indeed an unexpected thing. No one expected it. However, this also shows that this person is more difficult to deal with, and we will pay a greater price for attacking against him. He has the inheritance of the heavenly alliance, and there will be more backgrounds of suppressing heaven and earth in the gods!"

There was also a great anger in his heart that could not be expressed.

"This kind of opponent is too difficult to deal with." The Earth Dragon Emperor was not in a good mood.

"Friends of Long Shentian, I don’t want to say more about it. Shenwu, you have also seen it. If we are immortal, not only will I have a big trouble crossing the Eternal Heaven, but you will also not feel good about it. Therefore, we must work together and use the strongest strength to destroy him, the treasure in Shenwu, and we will share it together. Perhaps if he is destroyed, his luck will be taken away by us!"

The owner of the disaster also knew that he had to pull on the Dragon God to deal with Shenwu.

"We know that we all agree with Mie Shenwu." Earth Dragon Emperor said: "The great fortune man divides his luck, but it is also possible that it will be eaten back by the luck."

"You all only saw the inheritance of Shenwu, but you forgot one thing, that is, he was remembered by many people."

It was Wu Shang who spoke, and he said: "The inheritance of the Tianmeng is too jealous. For example, Yushentian, and Yan Tianxiong in the multi-polar north direction are also staring, and there are even a group of scattered powerhouses who are watching If given the opportunity, they will pounce like a pack of wolves and evil tigers. If they can use this power, how can Shenwu resist?"

"But if this group of people are pulled, Shenwu's treasures will be divided up." Sea Dragon Emperor frowned.

"Hmph, if we don't let him have more enemies, we will pay a higher price!"

The Lord of Difficulties doesn’t care much about Shenwu’s treasures anymore. What he cares about is that Shenwu will threaten their 33-day position, saying: "Let those people consume the power of Shenwu. We have God of Duer and Dragon God. Now, are you afraid of not getting the most benefit?"

"That's right, what should I do?" Earth Dragon Emperor said.

"This is very simple."

Wushang has become a primitive **** and is qualified to participate in this kind of decision-making, saying: "You and I have issued a war order in two days, threatening to send troops to martial arts. As soon as we move and the situation arises, there will be more powerful people, unless they don't want heaven. Alliance inheritance."

"Yes, just do it." The Earth Dragon Emperor also nodded.


At this moment, the will of God Du'e appeared.

He said: "This is the best opportunity to conquer Shenwu and destroy them. It is the best opportunity to gather many powerful people. The God of Yanshen has discussed with the owner. In this battle, they will send the strong to join this war."

"Yan Shentian wants to send people to fight?"

Upon hearing the words, the master of the disaster laughed loudly: "Okay, Yanshentian, Dragonshentian, and I cross the Evil Heaven, who will die if you do not die this time!"

He also knew the reason why Yanshen God participated in the war.

In the Great Ancient War, Yan Shen Tian was the main force to attack Gu Yuan Tian, ​​and Gu Yuan God supported Shen Wu. Once this dynasty grows again, Gu Yuan God will not let them go.

Therefore, Shenwu must be destroyed.

They want the ancient source **** to become a lonely person again, and no one can help her in the future to seize the secret of her reincarnation.

Do you think that Long Zu really spent such a large amount of Zhou Zhang to deal with Shenwu to enlighten those things in tomorrow?

This is only one of the reasons, and the bigger reason lies with the ancient source god.

The God of Ancient Origin is a big treasure that can move, and Longzu wants to get the secret of reincarnation from her. He even suspects that Shenwu's rapid rise and possession of so many treasures are all because of her.

Even if he was given a little secret of the ancient source of god, he might become a greater existence than the ancestor of ten thousand demons ~ www.ltnovel.com~ Duertian really wanted to fight them because of the threat of Shenwu.

And Yan Shentian and Long Shentian joined in, to a large extent, it was for the ancient source god.

Of course, even though Chu Yuan knew this, he didn't care. Goddess Yanran did give him even more help. After he became a primitive, he could join forces with Goddess Yanran to sweep the world.

"We also got Long Zu's instructions!"

The earth dragon emperor and sea dragon emperor got the order with the dragon blood in their bodies, and said at the same time: "My Dragon God Heaven will also send more powerful men to attack Shenwu and cut off the wings supported by the ancient source god!"

"Yan Shentian's friends are preparing and will be coming soon. This time our three-day union, the three beings are also targeting the ancient source god!"

The Lord of Difficulties said fiercely: "The heavy siege of Shenwu, I want to see how they survive this catastrophe, he is very strong, but to blame him for being too sharp, and having a relationship with the ancient source of God! "

"I think Shenwu has a big shock, it is very likely that Shenwu is breaking through the original god!"

Wu Shang said.

"Never mind this, let the universe know our will, and soon there will be a group of people coming to take advantage of the fire. Well, they want to take advantage of the fire. We welcome them and let them drink soup, but the greatest treasure is in our control. Hands!"

The main way to overcome difficulties.

Because of the inheritance of the Tianmeng, their war was launched ahead of schedule.

Many masters are already deploying the siege Shenwu, this time, it is really true, and start a war to attack Shenwu.

Chu Yuan also learned about the three-day alliance and wanted to launch a stormy attack on his empire.

But he was in a very calm mood at this time, and the whole person was caught in the breakthrough of the original god, and he was not affected by external affairs at all.

Nothing can defeat his undefeated heart.

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