For a while, the multiverse was also shocked.

Because the three-day power of a Shenwu, Crossing the Evil, Dragon God, and Yan Shentian is going to send troops together, this is too rare, especially Shenwu is not thirty-three days.

It wasn't thirty-three days that it caused such a big battle.

Nowadays, the multiverse is really all over the world. First, the Fengshen Great Emperor wants to open the Fengshen Conference, and many strongest people are watching and watching, speculating that there will be a shocking battle at the Fengshen Conference.

Because everyone wants to open up an era, and everyone wants to be the protagonist who is invincible and suppresses the eternal world.

And then, Shenwu got the inheritance of the Heavenly Alliance, causing a three-day conquest.

"Although Shenwu is not thirty-three days old, they are powerful, with giants like the ancient source **** supporting him, and the Shenwu God Emperor himself is extremely powerful, and there are not many primitive gods who can not hold him together."

"Shenwu itself has many artifacts to suppress the background, and now it has the heritage of the Heavenly Alliance, the background is more profound, it is not so easy to break through their empire!"

"It is said that the Shenwu God Emperor is attacking the primitive **** with all his strength!"

"Original god, let him succeed, that's fine!"

"Turn pressure into motivation!"

"This person is so good, the heavens are another peerless hero!"

"This battle is really hard to say, the biggest variable is that Shenwu Divine Emperor can smoothly promote to primitive!"

The news is like the spread of a hurricane, and many people are paying attention here.

U God within days.

At this time there was also a shock.

The supreme ruler, Emperor Yushen sat on a tall throne, with a majestic complexion, and he didn't know what he was thinking at the moment.

Below him is a primitive god, and many gods of heaven, convening the Supreme Court.

This day is really strong. After many catastrophes, it is always immortal, and every time he can seize the opportunity to strengthen himself.

Emperor Yushen may not be as sharp as other strong men, but his vision is very accurate, and he can make the most correct choice every time the heavens are turbulent.

"The Great Emperor, Du'er, Dragon God, and Yanshen have become famous for three days. They will send troops to deal with Shenwu, and Shenwu will win the inheritance of the Heavenly Alliance. With such attention, undercurrents are surging, and there are strong people who want to deal with him."

Yu Jiguang said.

"It seems that the death of Shenwu is imminent, and it is impossible for them to resist this attack."

The cold light flickered in Wan Qianshan's eyes, and said: "Great Emperor, give the order, this feast, we Yushentian must not miss this feast, the heavenly alliance inherits, we also want it!"

"Give an order, the Great!"

The powerhouse of Yushentian is gearing up.

Shenwu's dilemma, they naturally want to step on it hard, plunder others' opportunities, and strengthen themselves.

"Ushentian, I won't do anything this time, everyone, stay in Ushentian."

The Great Emperor U God gave an amazing order.


Everyone, even the right-hand man of the Great U God, was puzzled as to why the Great U God made this order.

"It's not when I make a move, but I make a move for him, but for his wedding." Emperor Yushen decided: "Although the heavenly alliance is precious, it doesn't represent an era. It's not worth it. The immediate benefits can't let Ben The emperor does it."

"Emperor, at this time, you should beat down the water dog and destroy the martial arts, only then can I show my majesty!"

Yu Shen was anxious. He hated Shen Wu. Seeing this trend, he thought that the emperor would send troops to destroy him, but the emperor made such a decision.

"Are you questioning this emperor's order?"

Emperor U God is boundless in majesty.

"I...I don't dare." Yushen channel: "It's just that I think now is the best time."

"Supernatural power, please ask the emperor to forgive you for your crime of collision!"

Wan Qianshan quickly said.

"You are chaotic, hate the world and jealous. You became a Dao earlier than Thor. This emperor thought that you would become primitive earlier, but you let the emperor disappointed and go to the universe of the universe. When will you break through the primitive and come out again. Bury yourself there."

Emperor U God waved his hand and opened a passage.

"Yu Shen Jing!"

Yu Shentong trembled.

The officials present also trembled.

That was a dangerous place created by Emperor U God, and it was also a sealed prison. This time, he had to lock up the power of U God to grind his temper.

However, the more cruel order is that he cannot leave until the original.


Yu Shentong gritted his teeth, not daring to complain.

But in Shenwutian, the atmosphere was suppressed and tense. All the people knew that whether they survived this time depends on whether their great divine emperor could successfully break through to the original god.

At this moment, Chu Yuan was surrounded by immeasurable primitive light, and the power of heaven was sublimating to primitive.

He has already realized the primitive realm. This is a path of constant evolution towards eternity. All cultivation is for eternity, and this direction needs to be firmly identified.

When he collided with the original bottleneck, an illusory eternal road also emerged in front of him.

"Yi Tianzun!" Chu Yuan said.

"Shenwu God Emperor, you really are extraordinary."

A figure appeared in front of Chu Yuan.

This was not Yi Tianzun's deity, but his mana was passed on to Shenwu and was led in by Chu Yuan. The person who met him was also the incarnation of Chu Yuan's national destiny.

"It is rumored that Yi Tianzun can't be counted as ordinary people. Calculating the way of heaven and earth, I have already understood some of the mysteries of destiny. In this world, there are not many things that Yi Tianzun does not know."

Chu Yuan Guoyun incarnates.

"How can I understand the fate of horror, even if it is calculated, it is the most probable thing in countless possibilities. The future is changeable, and a careless move will cause a huge deviation of cause and effect."

Yi Tianzun smiled.

Chu Yuan also knew this person a little bit, Yi Tianzun acted unpredictably, he wandered in the secret of fate, and he could not be judged by ordinary people.

"Then you may have calculated that this time I am a blessing or a curse?" Chu Yuan said.

"I can't figure this out."

Yi Tianzun seemed to be running a wheel of heavenly secrets, and countless future possibilities appeared. He shook his head and said: "The path of the **** emperor is chaotic, there is no secret secret, no destiny, and the same is true if I reckon Fengshen Great Emperor. That is because of Fengshen Great Emperor. His power is too strong, he has cultivated an epic power."

This chaotic fate is most likely caused by the system.

"Then Yi Tianzun, are you here this time to help me through this disaster?" Chu Yuan said again.

"No, I only calculate the future, run the heavenly secrets, and will not participate in the fight. Even if the Conferred God Emperor wants to become the protagonist of the heaven and earth, if I help you, the divine emperor's danger may become even greater."

Yi Tianzun's words were obscure, and said, "But I can tell the **** emperor that Yan Tianxiong has gathered a group of strong men here, and has become the fourth major force to invade the gods."

Yan Tianxiong, such a, how can I miss this good opportunity?

Chu Yuan was expecting his attack.

"I see."

Chu Yuan still didn't know the purpose of Yi Tianzun's appearance this time.

"The news I told your Majesty is not a speculative calculation, but something that will happen."

Yi Tianzun's figure disappeared: "He will definitely come to negotiate with the emperor first."

"Negotiating, what is there to talk about, I know exactly what he wants to talk about."

Chu Yuandao.

"Mingyue Island, Mingyue, see your Majesty!"

"True sun, please see your Majesty."


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