"Shenwu, if you reject my proposal, you will regret it!"

At the last moment when Yan Tianxiong's will was shaken away, he let out an angry shout at him.

"This Yan Tianxiong really has a good calculation. He doesn't want to make any effort. He wants to get all the inheritance. He really dares to think about forming an alliance. God Emperor, this is to intimidate you into submission."

Chu Yuan convened a memory, and suddenly the powerhouse of the gods and Qinghuo, the owner of Mingyue Island arrived.

Qing Huo didn't bother, he didn't even dare to think like this in the true sun.

"Although Yan Tianxiong is whimsical, but the alliance behind him can't do it, the wall is pushed down by everyone, he is also right, the **** emperor is now so confident in the difficult situation."

Mingyue Island Master said: "I've heard that he is contacting powerful people from all walks of life, with him as the leader, and the power is mighty. These people may have different levels of strength, but if they come, they will be very difficult to deal with, and I am afraid they will overwhelm the camel. The last straw..."

"I have a countermeasure."

Chu Yuan Guoyun incarnate said: "Everybody is innocent and cherishes his sins. I have a heavenly alliance inheritance. This is a sin in their eyes. They dare to kill nothing more than seeing that crossing the Evil Heaven is the main force, and everyone wants a share. ."

He doesn't regret it, and seizes the inheritance of the Heavenly Alliance.

He doesn't seize this heritage, he doesn't know when he wants to become the original.

"The **** emperor has a strategy, please tell me." Qing Huo said.

"I decided to gather the strongest strength first, attack and attack Yan Tianxiong, destroy and disintegrate the will, and let them know that attacking Shenwu is not a good thing. It may not make them completely collapsed, but it will also make some people. Don't dare to act rashly."

Attacking the weak and letting people see their strength will cause scruples.

Now Du'ertian and Long Shentian have not made a move, they are waiting for the arrival of Yan Shentian, and even Yan Tianxiong, the fourth force, will come with the most powerful force.

"Yan Tianxiong, I know that he has big ambitions, is in the same situation as me, and fought head-on. I am not his opponent. He has the supreme primitive artifact, but I have also brought the supreme original artifact of the old God on the order of God. , You can pester him."

Qing Huo was not arrogant, and said his strength.

"This time I will trouble Qinghuo and Mingyue Island Master."

Chu Yuan ordered: "Fire Ancestor, you take my Sky Wing, Wanbao Longhe, and the elites of the gods to fight against Yan Tianxiong, we are here!"

His Wanbao Longhe has obtained too many divine objects in the Heaven Alliance this time, as well as the bones of the Nirvana Demon Lord, which is extremely powerful.

The sky map, Huo Ancestor can't control it, otherwise he will be taken with him, but this is enough.

"it is good!"

The Fire Ancestor's fighting spirit is boiling, and he is also looking forward to a big battle, and the supreme primitive artifact, this kind of magic weapon is also under his control.

"lets go."

Chu Yuan waved.

He has realized the original way, only a little short of it, condensing eternal matter, and completely achieving the original divine body.

"And I."

It was Jiuyou, and she had also left the barrier. At this time, her cultivation reached the fourth stage of the Heavenly Dao, shrouded in the power surrounding Wangchuan River, with a unique temperament, like a peerless empress.

"Jiuyou." Chu Yuan looked at her, but did not refuse, "You and Huo Ancestor and the others are going to fight."

"Just dealing with a Yan Tianxiong will not be too much trouble."

Qing Huo was calm, and his support this time was also a force that no one else knew.

In the multiverse, a united tyrannical force is moving fast. Let's play

"Rejected my proposal. It was fierce, but it did not deviate from my expectations."

Yan Tianxiong said coldly: "Several people, Shenwu can't agree to our request. This Shenwu would rather contend with our soldiers than hand over the inheritance of the Heavenly Alliance."

In front of him, there are five primordial gods, all of whom he has drawn in, and are not the strong men of the thirty-three days.

"This Shenwu is really like the legend, there can be no compromise."

A woman with a gloomy face and a deep chill at all times is called the Lord of Frost and Snow.

"It's not surprising that this person's personality is like this, he doesn't eat hard and soft, but the inheritance of the Heavenly Alliance is too important, we must get it, so that we can promote our cultivation."

An old man said: "We are uniting this time to gather greater momentum. Since the negotiation with Shenwu fails, we will turn our goal to Duertian."

"Fu Meng Mountain Lord, but it is not so easy to grab food from their mouths." The Frost Snow Lord said.

Fumeng Mountain Lord said: "It's not impossible. To cross the emperor, we must destroy Shenwu, so as to avoid future troubles. This time we only need Shenwu's Tianmeng inheritance and no other treasures. I think they will agree. Although the Tianmeng inheritance is precious, But for them, it is not impossible to give up, Shenwu itself is the most important."

Of course, the Lord of Mount Fumeng knows that the inheritance of the Heavenly Alliance is jealous, but in the Tianxue Mine Area, there are the Common People's Divine Empire and the Hunyuan Daozong.

Shenwu itself is the most mysterious.

This empire has become a major force that alarms the multiverse in a very short time, and it has even greater secrets. There is no doubt about it.

He also wanted to get it, but he understood the truth that greed is not enough to swallow an elephant.

This time, if it hadn’t been for Duertian, Dragon God’s Heaven, and Yanshen Heaven to send strong men, the alliance of these people would not threaten Shenwu’s rule at all.

"The Lord of Mount Fumeng is right. This time our six primitive gods are united. This force is enough to move Duertian, and they will try their best to meet our requirements."

Yan Tianxiong smiled and said, "Nadu Hetian is still waiting for our arrival."

"Yan Tianxiong, there are still a group of powerful players, it is better for us to contact them and unite more forces."

The main road of Frost and Snow.

"This is not right."

Yan Tianxiong shook his head and said, "We are already a powerful force in the five-member union. If we join in, when Shenwu is destroyed, there will be more people to share the benefits. It is better to let them continue to swim. Scattered."

He thinks five people are enough.

No matter how much it will threaten self-interest, it will not be controlled, and it will not benefit him much.

He got in touch with the four big beings, and his strength was the strongest. When the time came, he would give them some benefits and take the biggest one himself.

He doesn't want more people to participate in ~www.ltnovel.com~ He also knows that they are not the main force to attack Shenwu this time.

Fumeng Mountain Lord also nodded. They are all beings who have lived for hundreds of millions of years. I don't know Yan Tianxiong's thoughts, but he knows it well.

They were also very clear that among the five of them, they really needed someone like Yan Tianxiong, possessing the supreme primitive artifact, and could speak in front of 33 days.

"Everyone, urge the strongest force and take our forces to Shenwu quickly!"

Yan Tianxiong was afraid to miss this feast.

"I saw them, right there!"

Huo Zu and the others and Yan Tianxiong met in the multiverse. There would be no communication between them. They had direct mental arithmetic and unintentional and launched a shocking offensive against them.


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