Yan Tianxiong did not conceal his intention at all in this attack, but carried a huge momentum, as fierce as it was.

The goal is to put tremendous pressure on Shenwu and build momentum for his final gain.

Because of his momentum, the elite team sent by Chu Yuan found them easily.


The devastating fluctuations, the flame ancestors took the initiative to attack, and before they found it, they gathered the strongest strength.

This time Shenwu's Tiandaoshen all attacked, as well as a large number of elites from Zhenyangtian. The weakest who came with the team had the supreme five-layer cultivation base.

This force blasted out, and it almost turned the world into reincarnation, the endless star field turned into powder, and the heavens were shaking.

"not good!"

The moment before the attack was launched, Yan Tianxiong felt the fluctuation of power, his eyes crossed time and space, and he saw the most violent attack by a large number of strong men, and the roaring energy was instantly drowned.

"Quickly defend, Shenwu and the others have killed it!"

Yan Tianxiong shouted, and his magical instrument big clock was released immediately.

But he didn't worry too much in his heart. According to information, Shenwu was also a primitive **** of Fire Ancestor, and his strength was not as good as him.

The Shenwu God Emperor couldn't attack, he wanted to guard the gods.

"Huh! Shenwu didn't stay honestly in his own dynasty, but even dared to attack. They are killing themselves!"

"There is no need to be afraid of them, we will defend this wave of offensive first, and then directly kill them, let them collapse!"


They had as many as five primitive gods this time. No matter how many sacred martial treasures, the huge disadvantage of the number is difficult to make up for with the artifact alone.

The defense propped up and enveloped them all.

But in the next instant, their expressions changed, and when this torrent of power reached the front, it suddenly exploded with even stronger power.

"More than one primitive god, and more!"

Yan Tianxiong exclaimed.

A flame star that was billions of times brighter than the brightest star in the world rose into the sky. This was the supreme primitive divine weapon of the true sun heaven, and it immediately exploded with more violent power.

The green fire came across time and space, circling the flames and stars, and directly killed the clock.

"You are not a strong man of Shenwu!" Yan Tianxiong woke up.

Qing Huo was in the same realm as him, and he held the same level of divine weapon, the power shook his big bell's defense.

"It's my turn!"

The fire ancestor attacked, and the sky wing erupted to attend the storm of time and space. He was not only alone, but also many heavenly gods and a large number of troops attacked with him.


Only in an instant, the defense constructed by these five existences was broken, the force rushed in, a large number of people were beaten to collapse, and they were wiped out.

With this wave of shock, several heavenly gods were killed, and many more people vomited blood.

With mental arithmetic and unintentional, Yan Tianxiong and the others only thought that Shenwu had only one fire ancestor, but they did not expect that there was still Qinghuo, which entangled his strongest combat power.


Yan Tianxiong roared angrily, staring at Qing Huo, and shouted angrily: "In the same realm as me, you are not a man of martial arts, that flame star, you are a strong man from the true sun!"

That true sun **** is also a powerful man who is famous in the universe, and his original artifact is also famous.

"You guessed it." Qing Huo said lightly: "Yan Tianxiong, if you want to take advantage of the fire, you won't do it."


Yan Tianxiong also never expected that Zhenyangtian would send the strong to help, and said in a low voice: "You Zhenyangtian is fighting Hanhaitian. If you don't fight your war, why should you participate in the battle of Shenwu?"

"I have to explain to you when I do something?"

Green Fire Palm

Controlling the flames and stars, stunned Yan Tianxiong, just said: "With me, you can't do it."

"Fire Ancestor, attack, with the momentum of thunder, shock a group of Xiaoxiao, that woman is the Lord of Frost and Snow, leave it to me!"

The Moon Island Lord illuminates the universe with a bright moon, deducing his bright moon world.

"Mingyue Island Master!"

These primitive gods are all existences that have lived for a long time, and it is impossible not to know the Mingyue Island Lord on the previous Heavenly Dao list.


When the sky wings behind the fire ancestor was spurred by his mana, it ejected a magma-like skyfire storm, traversing one after another, saying: "I and Qinghuo, the owner of Mingyue Island entangled the primitive gods who stopped them. Go and kill them. The strong, this battle will destroy them and dare not attack my heavens!"

"Come on!"

The fire ancestor shocked the world with a blow. Among the remaining three primitive gods, the Lord of Mount Fumeng was in the same realm with him, and the other two were a realm lower than him.


Power shakes the universe.

The fire ancestor's attack is very simple, it is a direct attack, he shook the body of the Fumeng Mountain Master with a single blow, and only a momentary confrontation, a volcanic eruption, hit the Fumeng Mountain Master immediately back.

Fumeng Mountain Lord also trembled, not because of fright, but because the fire ancestor's power was too strong for him to accept.

The other two primitive gods also attacked to help the fire ancestors and fought a shocking battle.

But the results made them very frustrated.

Under the fierce force of the fire ancestors, they could only retreat in a row.


The edge of the sky wings of the fire ancestor was sharply cut out, and the billions of time and space had to be divided into two halves, a large amount of blood was spilled, and the universe was stained red. He was a primitive **** whose body was almost cut off on half.

"The highest primitive artifact!" The primitive **** gritted his teeth.

The pain was so painful that the blow of that wing not only hurt his body, but also his soul ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ Although they joined hands, they were not suppressed in the realm.

"Haha, this is the power of the supreme primitive artifact!"

The fire ancestor was happy, and the sky Tianyi Shengsheng raised him several levels, allowing him to suppress the three of Fumeng Mountain Lords in all aspects, and from time to time he could even explode with extremely lethal blows.


Yan Tianxiong roared in anger.

Of course he could see that Fumeng Mountain Lord and the others would not be the fire ancestor opponents who possessed the supreme primitive artifact. It would be good to be able to barely resist him.

If it weren't for the green fire to deter him, the fire ancestor would not be able to erupt with such power.

His eyes were burning with anger, and he roared: "Is Zhenyang innocent going to intervene in this battle? I'm not afraid that after Shenwu's demise, you will usher in revenge. I know your thoughts, but some people can't help casually. Be careful. You will not end well either."

"If you dare to retaliate, God will kill you!"

Qing Huo just replied like this.

Yan Tianxiong was taken aback, he really couldn't threaten Zhenyangtian.

The True Sun God was a comet-like existence after the Great War. At that time, his reputation was no worse than that of Shenwu. As soon as he ascended to the position of God, he resisted the fiercest offensive from Han Haitian.

Now, the strength of the True Sun God is unknown.

Today, he led another day of a strong counterattack against Han Haitian, even suppressing Han Haitian who was thirty-three days.

The eight primitive gods came from two sides. At this time, they fought each other and frightened, unable to interfere in other battlefields.


Shenwu's Time and Space God brought a large army out, and that day, Dao Shenzhou was also brought over, rampaging.

The goal of this battle was not Yan Tianxiong at all.

Primitive gods are too difficult to kill, there is no absolute suppressing force that can't kill them, but to kill their elite, those heavenly gods and great lords, and completely destroy their morale.

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