Chu Yuan is changing.

With every divine calamity, an eternal divine light bursts out, condensed into a substance called eternity, bringing him one step closer to the realm of the original divine spirit.

"Primitive divine power, eternal matter!"

During the divine calamity, Chu Yuan looked at these primitive gods with great power and power.

His five fingers shook together, his hand could destroy the world, a punch was blasted out, and hundreds of millions of divine lights rushed out, and the moment he reached the four dragon gods.

"I'll stop him!"

The Earth Dragon Sovereign rushed out, booming, his mountain-like body suddenly exploded and shook, and he was blown out with one blow.

The King of Light opened the huge dragon mouth, the white light was dazzling, and there was a light dragon shadow flying out, flying freely, but when the kill was on Chu Yuan, a swallowing force immediately operated and collapsed.

"He has a big swallowing technique. As long as his power does not exceed the limit he can bear, he can't be killed by bombardment!"

The powerhouses who control the big swallow technique are very difficult to deal with.

At this moment, Chu Yuan stepped into the emptiness of the gods and stood in the air. The aura of his primitive **** became stronger and stronger, and his aura was vast and immortal, and he could enter this realm almost anytime and anywhere.

"Desperate God!"

The two primitive gods of Yanshentian both held golden artifacts in their hands. They attacked the soul with a single blow, but they felt as if they had bombarded a huge rock and could not be shaken.

With the guard of the soul gate, Chu Yuan's soul, unless the Yanshen God takes action, otherwise it is impossible to harm him.

"Gather stronger mana!"

Their faces are very ugly.

How powerful is the lineup this time, not only was it unable to obtain a devastating offensive, but it brought him closer to the original realm.

On Chu Yuan's body, there seemed to be the sound of the shackles breaking, and he could feel the eternal and immortal matter.

This shows that his original divine body is fulfilling.


These primitive gods gathered stronger power and bombarded Chu Yuan.

But Chu Yuan was like a thousand catastrophes, and no force could obliterate him. He burst out with a strong killing intent, his eyes locked on one person, and he took the initiative to attack, and the emperor was domineering and shocked.

He was locked in by Chu Yuan when he was overwhelmed. The fierce power made him horrified. He couldn't bear Chu Yuan's move, and he was blown away immediately.

Bang bang bang!

too fast!

In just an instant, Chu Yuan blasted hundreds of punches. The gathering of these tumbling powers smashed the difficulty into flying, spurting blood in his mouth, he was no longer an opponent.

"He is crossing the robbery, why is he still so strong!"

The Lord of Distress roared wildly.

"The destiny is like a sword, it will be wiped out with a single blow!"

Chu Yuan needed to maintain this kind of dominance. He raised his palm and slashed it away, like a knife that cuts off fate, containing the path of time and space locking, and he stroked the chest of the troubled lord.

He was smashed into the air, and there was a wound on his chest. If it were not for his tyrannical cultivation, he would be cut in half.

"This person is refining the power of the divine calamity, blending it into one, making him more ferocious, is there really such a person in the world!"

The Dragon Turtle King shouted.

The Emperor Chu Yuan will only endure more power when he is passively beaten. Only when he takes the initiative and firmly controls the initiative in his own hands is the real hegemony of the emperor.

He looked at the Dragon Turtle Emperor.

Zhu Tian's three swords, three swords in one, erupted even more terrifying Zhutian power.

The sword light fell, time and space locked, and the Dragon Turtle Emperor immediately retracted the dragon head and limbs into the turtle shell, leaving a deep sword mark on his turtle shell.

"The sword of Emperor Zhutian is so sharp!"

The Dragon Turtle Emperor was also deeply jealous at this time, if his simple defense was still above the Earth Dragon Emperor.


His original divine calamity power skyrocketed again, and he had advanced another level on the original road.

Clang clang!

There was a deafening bell ringing. This bell penetrated the soul's bone marrow. It was a kind of divine calamity, but Chu Yuan didn't seem to hear it, and he was not moved at all.

Originally, although his strength was strong, it was impossible for him to resist so many primitive gods. However, his divine calamity would be restricted, and it became his help.

Divine Tribulation cannot do anything to him, but can only sharpen his primitive divine body.

"The three-day primitive gods acted on the Shenwu God Emperor, and they couldn't help him!"

"There will be such things, the strength of Shenwu is too fierce!"

"Could it be that his achievement of primitiveness is already unstoppable, and there will be an invincible existence that will shock the world in the pluralism of the heavens. This world is getting chaotic!"

Shrouded by the divine calamity, they could not fully see the internal situation, but they could also know based on the situation that the three-day offensive did not achieve the desired results.

On the battlefield, the most unhappy person is the three-day powerhouse.

They had tried their best to launch an attack on Chu Yuan, but it had no effect.

"Don't be the last moment!"

The troublemaker said very calmly: "The moment before everyone becomes a primitive god, the multiverse will condense a wave of power that is ten times stronger than now, or even a hundred times stronger than it is now. How many amazing and gorgeous existences are just downsides. At this last pass, he can now refine the vitality of the tribulation, and the final step of transformation is when he is most dangerous and vulnerable!"

"Yes, this is our greatest opportunity!" Long Shentian's expert also said. UU reading

They also understood that it was useless to attack now, and the opponent's offensive with Divine Tribulation was too great.

Only by waiting for the most critical step, the moment before success can he destroy his Tao fruit.

"Let the gods of the heavens be prepared, even if the origin is burnt, and the cost is huge, they will condense the strongest wave of attack for us, the more power the better."

The order was given and they all stopped the attack.

The atmosphere was weird in an instant, and he didn't continue to make a move, only the voice of Chu Yuan's tribulation was in his ears.

"More trouble!"

Qing Huo frowned and said: "They won't take action anymore. They are gathering stronger strength. They want to launch a lore and destruction when the most critical transformation of the **** emperor. They are even willing to burn the original source, and their last step is to face the world. The big interference, coupled with their power, makes the situation unimaginable."

Fire Ancestor had also experienced this step, and naturally knew the terrible part of this step.

"There is no other way, they fight, and we fight, as long as the **** emperor does not die, and Enron achieves primitiveness, all crises will be solved, and Shenwu will enter a new era!"

Huo Zu looked firm.

"If you fight it, it is impossible to succeed without paying the price. They can fight, can't we not fight?"

The **** emperor was crossing the catastrophe, and the fire ancestor ordered, "Everyone in the gods is ready to fight for the **** emperor!"


Mingyue Island Master, who has always been elegant, was also savage at this time, shouting: "I can become a primitive because of the help of the **** emperor. At this time, if you don't wait for any time, you have reached this point. There is no way back!"

Qing Huo was moved, and said: "I am willing to fight with you again, but I can only help only, and whether I can succeed in the end depends on your God Emperor."

They are just assistance, and ultimately it depends on Chu Yuan.

Time is passing, and finally the most critical moment has arrived!

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