The most critical and dangerous moment has finally arrived!

Chu Yuan's original divine light traversed the sky and the earth, and the power of the divine calamity suddenly shrank, turning into the last beam of light and shrouded in it.

"Original road, eternal road, eternal immortal!"

Chu Yuan also uttered his great voice, his will shaking time and space.

"Kill, it's now!"

At this moment, the three-day powerhouse was ready to go, burning the original light all over, and mobilizing his power to a limit.

The first is the four dragon gods. The origins of their dragons are intertwined, and a giant dragon that traverses the heavens and the earth appears, condensing the original origins, the dragon fought for nine days, and the mighty impact of Chu Yuan.

"Instill power into the Heaven Protector God, with his body, burst out the strongest power!"

The three primordial gods of crossing the disaster, crossing the sea, and Wushang transferred their power to the **** of heaven protection. Suddenly, an incomparable giant palm covered the sky and fiercely, and the violent power was almost to destroy everything.

Yan Tianxiong also gathered his strength between the swords, and then urged the big clock to suppress it together.

The sky and the earth are turbulent, not only that, the army they brought has also all blasted out the strongest force, although it is not as good as the original gods, but it is also so huge when gathered.

"Block them!"

The entire celestial dynasty was shining, and the fire ancestor roared. Regardless of the danger, he directly burned his eternal matter, the original source, and turned into a flame giant to stop him.

Qinghuo and Mingyue Island Master also decided to fight this one and stop the past.

"If you want to stop us, the Emperor Shenwu will die for us!"

The three-day powerhouse made an incomparably hideous sound, and they were all crazy. The flame ancestors only insisted on a few breaths before they were directly blown away, and their strength was almost weak to the extreme.

Bang bang bang!

Throughout the gods, a large number of strong men also flew backwards, severely injured and vomiting blood. If it weren't for the guardianship of the gods, I don't know how many people would fall due to the barriers of these breaths.

Although their power had been weakened a little, the power that bombarded Chu Yuan was still extremely fierce.

"Shenwu God Emperor, can the transformation be successful!" Many people were surprised.

At this moment, there were three lasing beams coming from heaven and earth, coming down from hundreds of millions of time and space, carrying the world-destroying power of the overlord of heaven and earth, all fell to Chu Yuan.

This is a blow from the God of Du'er, Longzu, and God of Yan.

As the masters of the heavens and the earth, they naturally couldn't watch Chu Yuan crossing the catastrophe safely, they saw the opportunity and killed them. ,

The goddess Yanran also appeared. She was like a reincarnation for all eternity, with a bright light in her palm, blocking the attack on Chu Yuan by these three beings.

But even though she blocked it, she was no longer God after all. Although most of them were wiped out, some of the power still bombarded Chu Yuan.

"Do you think you can shelter him?"

Chaos and ancient spirit, Longzu descended, he looked at Goddess Yanran.

They have been fighting for this period of time, from the primitive gods to the eternal road, and from the eternal road back to the multiverse.

"He must die!"

At this moment, everyone's eyes turned to the place with the most violent fluctuations. Countless people wanted him to die, and more people wanted to see Chu Yuan survive.

"I believe in him."

Goddess Yanran doesn't need to talk to them too much.

One sentence I believe him is enough.

The people she valued won't just fall away.

The fluctuations of extinction, coupled with the ability of God's Tribulation to destroy everything, really made people unable to believe that someone would survive such a bombardment.

"I won't let you down."


But a primitive aura shook the world, ten thousand roars, astonishing power radiated from the center of destruction, and a giant that dominated the world came out.

The world has changed.

Chu Yuan appeared and looked down on the galaxy universe. His aura was completely transformed. He was no longer a **** of heaven, but a primitive **** of heaven, who was qualified to embark on the path of eternity.

He is immortal, the law is not broken, even the bombardment did not interrupt his eternal path.

"My road is invincible, my road is eternal!"

Chu Yuan issued a grand declaration. With a wave of his hands, the violent fluctuations all subsided at this moment, and the universe was under his control.

Now he, even if an era is destroyed, he will not die.

This is the original god!

The most powerful thing about every primitive **** is the possession of eternal matter!

"The Emperor is finished!"

Many people have seen that at the feet of Chu Yuan, there is a primitive torrent with all dhammas. He controls all dharmas and is the sole and most domineering existence.


The first to scream was the three-day powerhouse. They gathered infinite power and wanted to kill Chu Yuan just like this, but their power seemed to help him become a primitive god.

They looked at Chu Yuan.

Sacred and magnificent, but yet another force of lawlessness, terrifying.

And Chu Yuan ignored the exclaims of these people, his original gods did indeed become, and the moment he broke through, there was also the sound of system rewards.

"Ding! The current branch mission to break through the Primordial God has been completed, gaining one billion fate points, Primordial Healing Potion x1, Supernatural Fruit x155072, Primordial Artifact Advanced Card, Heavenly Emperor Battleship x1, Tianyuan God Pill x3, Three Thousand Avenue’s Great Chaos Art x1, the gate of chaos x1, the gate of teleportation-the nine-layer abyss, random lottery chance x1."

"Ding! The current branch has been released, UU reading broke through the second realm of the original god."

The realm of the primitive **** is a realm that is constantly searching for the eternal path.

Fire Ancestor is the third realm.

Qinghuo and Yan Tianxiong are both in the fourth stage.

And the God of Du'er, the Lord of the Day, such as the God of Yan, are actually the peaks of the original fifth stage, and they are called the hegemon of heaven and earth.

The Lord of the Sky is also the pinnacle of the original fifth realm, but he is not the Lord of the Day, and his strength is not as good as the Lord of the Day.

And the existence like the founder of the gods and the human emperor is no longer the original fifth realm.

They are the strongest in the heavens and the earth, cultivated with the power of epic origin, and are also primitive gods. They are invincible existences that have stepped out of the fifth realm, reached the sixth realm, and even the seventh realm.

But how difficult is it to make a breakthrough in the sixth state, 33 God, how many people are in the sixth state?

There are not many of them.

Thirty-three days represents the orthodox of heaven and earth. Once achieved, it will be blessed by infinite aura and become a gathering of light from multiple universes.

But it will be much easier to evolve Taoism in one's own world, create an era, step into the sixth realm, and achieve epic realm power.

This is also the reason why a strong person wants to be the 33 God.

His gaze swept across various rewards in an instant. What made Chu Yuan most concerned about was the Emperor's battleship that day. It was so huge that it looked like a battleship, like the universe.

This battleship is also the supreme primitive artifact, but its power is not the Sky Wing at all, it is comparable to the big clock.

Think about how much effort it takes to build a warship of this size, and how much cherish the materials it points to.

It is almost completely safe to hide inside.

Moreover, the speed of the Tiandi battleship is also very fast. With its own defense, it can enter various traps like nothing.

"The Emperor of Heaven battleship, if I come here in person!"

Chu Yuanshen is vast!

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