"Heaven Protector, bombard him for me!"


It was because he was overwhelmingly unwilling to admit that Chu Yuan had become a primitive god, he gave a long scream and ordered the protector god.

Suddenly this **** of heaven protection came out.

His whole body was feathering, infinitely dazzling divine light, the mighty power of the world, very powerful, and the erupting divine power was actually comparable to the existence of the original fifth realm.

This is also the bottom line of Du'ertian.

And there is not only one of them, but also an invincible being sleeping.

However, the God of Heaven Protector is not a real living being, and it will cost a lot to move it.


There was a loud noise.

The power of the God of Heaven Protector did not bombard Chu Yuan. The emperor ship appeared that day, carrying the ancient divine might and infinite power into it, and he just took his blow.

"This big ship!" they exclaimed.

As soon as the three-day powerhouse saw the great ship of the Emperor of Heaven, he could feel the majesty of the most powerful and supreme primitive artifact. It was more powerful than what they had seen before. Only the artifact that exists and refined like the founder of the gods can surpass it. .

"Could it be obtained from the Heaven Alliance!"

They guessed that they didn't know exactly how much Chu Yuan got from the Celestial League.

But that's okay, just let them guess randomly and make up their minds slowly.

With more than a dozen mana powers, all of them bombarded the Emperor's ship in an instant, but their power fell on the ship and did not destroy it. They were all resolved by its powerful defense.

"Only an epic artifact can break this ship!"

Long Zu suddenly looked over, and his power was boiling. Of course he could see the strength of this ship, even he was very excited.

This battleship is emitting its ancient divine might, and the might of the emperor is released. If I come in person, in the future, as long as anyone in the universe sees this battleship, they will know that the Shenwu God Emperor has come.

How to fight next?

All eyes were on these three heaven and earth overlords.

Shenwu achieves primitiveness, and the general trend has been achieved.

Although he has just achieved this, his mana is at least ten times stronger than before he broke through, and there is a breath of palpitation.

To be original is to embark on the path of eternity, which is not the same.

Without the presence of Gu Yuan Yanran, the three major overlords would join forces to kill even if they didn't face any face.

God Du'er was expressionless, his palms were tightly clenched and then loosened. There was a terrifying power brewing in the days of Du'e, but in the end it was not completely unexploded.

Because he saw a person appear.

"Guyuan God, we meet again."

The ancestor of the phoenix came, she looked at the ancient source god, in the era of the demon, there was a goddess Yanran, and she had also seen it.

The goddess Yanran almost runs through the epic of the epoch, and every era has left her traces.

"Phoenix ancestor, you will also come here."

Yanshen God frowned.

He knew that the ancestor of the phoenix was the leader of the Ten Thousand Demon Days, the number one powerhouse when the ancestor of the ten Thousand Demon was absent, and his strength was not inferior to the overlord who controlled a day.

"You also want to help him?" Yanshen said.

"The original ancestor did not come here for Shenwu, but for your dragon ancestor, the traitor of Ten Thousand Demon Heaven, absorbed the resources of Ten Thousand Demon Heaven, and formed a world of her own, trying to subvert the Ten Thousand Demon."

The ancestor of the phoenix came this time for the dragon ancestor and also for the goddess Yan.

"The pursuit of strength is unscrupulous."

Long Ancestor said very indifferently: "In order to become a dragon, the ancestor must break away from the Ten Thousand Demon Heaven, and the ancestor also helped the ancestor of Ten Thousand Demons. , The ancestor of the Phoenix, the ancestor also welcomes you to join my Dragon God Heaven."

"You are too ambitious."

The ancestor of the Phoenix was indifferent.

Also because of the arrival of the ancestor of the Phoenix, the situation at the scene became confusing again.

"Is it really impossible to destroy Shenwu?"

At this time, the three-day powerhouse was also very unwilling.

"You are attacking the dragon **** of the ancestor!"

Long Zu stared at the ancestor of the Phoenix, and he also had a cold killing intent in his heart, "Well, the ancestor knows your purpose. Use any means to interfere with the ancestor and pull the ancestor back."

His deity guards the Dragon God Heaven, and of course he is not afraid of Ten Thousand Demons Heaven.

"What should I do now?" Yanshen God also frowned.

The biggest accident this time was not the arrival of the ancestor of the phoenix, but the Shenwu God Emperor really broke through to the primitive realm. He was no longer a heavenly god, although he was lower than their realm, but after all, he was at the same life level.

"Guyuan God, they want to take action, and I can block Longzu for you."

That endless phoenix, the ancestor of the phoenix is ​​extremely beautiful, she said lightly: "I won't let him fight such an unfair battle, Dragon ancestor, since you want to create a dragon civilization, then the ancestor must first understand your power. ."

"You have to fight, I am waiting for you."

The prestige situation of Emperor Chu Yuan shook the heavens.

He is now raising his hands, and just breaking through, his wings are completely full, and he really has the capital to build a foothold in the multiverse.

The war is about to start.

"This battle cannot be extinguished."

Yanshen God sighed.

The best time to exterminate Shenwu has been lost, Goddess Yanran, the ancestor of the Phoenix is ​​here, and now there is no way to use the strongest power to fight Shenwu.

And Shenwu is also very powerful.

"God Du'er, what do you think?" God Yanshen said.


The God of Ferry also ordered the retreat.

Indeed, there is no way to destroy it, and his subordinates alone cannot destroy Shenwu. UU reading www.uukanshu.com has become a general trend, and it will no longer be as humiliating as before.

"God, do you really want to retire?"

The owner of the disaster is very unwilling.

"It's not that it's immortal, but it's indestructible at this time."

The decision made by God Du'e was also very difficult.

Because he knows that the Shenwu climate is already established and cannot be humiliated. In the future, within 33 days, due to the geographical locations of both sides, a battle will inevitably break out with him.

But what can you do if you don't return.

Even if more than a dozen primitive gods attacked together, it was impossible to slay a divine weapon. If the ancestor of the phoenix did not come and block the next heaven and earth overlord, he would still be willing to fight again.

"Longzu, God Yan, first go to this lord to cross the emperor, this lord has a unique opportunity and is willing to share with the two."

The God of Du'er spoke to Longzu and God of Yanshen.

In fact, they have been in the alliance for three days.

"Okay, let's go back too!"

The army that had gathered in Shenwu for three days quickly retreated.

The God of Du'er already knew that Shenwu had become his peerless disaster, and there was still the threat of the ancient source of God behind him, but he didn't panic at all. There were too many catastrophes on the road of cultivation.

His goal is not only to be a martial artist, but also to be invincible in the multiverse.

After stepping through Shenwu, he will be stronger!

"Their retreat is just the beginning. In the next period of time, there will be more confrontational wars until they fall completely in one day, but I am not afraid!"

Chu Yuan also had an invincible heart like the God of Du'er.

Of course he knew that the opponent had retreated easily this time, although the goddess Yanran and the ancestor of the Phoenix were there, but the bigger reason was that he had become a primitive **** and could not take him with absolute certainty.

The strong from both sides retreated, which was shocking and menacing, but they temporarily ended the battle in an anticlimactic manner.

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