At this time, the goddess Yanran walked to Chu Yuan's side, a reincarnation power revolving, with a voice that only two people could hear.

"The road to eternity is difficult, one era and one cycle, one cycle has more memories of one lifetime, forgetting more eras, who can get true eternity in countless epochs? Although I have reincarnated forever, I have also forgotten my true identity? Who am I? Where do I come from?"

The goddess Yanran said in a trance: "I am looking for something that is hopeful for eternity in every epoch of reincarnation, but no one is eternal, even if it rules an era, it is not true eternity."

She does not fight for hegemony and do not rule the roost. She reincarnates only to find eternity.

On this road, she reincarnated too many times, and even forgot who she was.

"What kind of crisis is contained in the eternal road." Chu Yuan is also very curious about the eternal road. "I don't know, the eternal road is endless. This is a long road. Practice step by step and explore step by step."

After she said these words, she disappeared directly, and the situation disappeared.

She had seen too many peerless heroes, one by one from her memory, one by one disappeared.

For eternity, she has been pursuing for too long, maybe only forgetting a lot will make her relaxed.

"If there is no way for eternity, then create a way."

Chu Yuan just thought for a while, not too immersed in it.

Although he has become a primitive god, he has not yet reached the time when he urgently needs to pursue this path.

Although the goddess Yanran left, Chu Yuan seemed to be able to feel her everywhere.

As long as I feel her, it will reappear.

"Mingyue Island Master, you shouldn't leave our gods too far, otherwise you may encounter revenge, it is best to stick to the gods."

Chu Yuan reminded the owner of Mingyue Island.

Qinghuo belongs to the true sun sky, he is not afraid of any revenge, but the island owner of Mingyue is different, Chu Yuan is worried about what accidents will happen to him.

"I know."

The owner of Mingyue Island nodded.

He also had a foreboding that the times had changed. The Great Conferred God was consecrated to the gods, and all the heroes would rise together. It was another era of chaos, and it was no longer possible to be as free as before.

"The Creation of Chaos."

Chu Yuan stepped forward at this time.

The Great Swallowing technique was swallowed with the power of the original gods, the territory of the gods was expanding in a large area, and the stars were born, and the secrets of the universe were generated everywhere.

He is the master of creation!

Eventually form a new world pattern.

Shenwutian and Duertian are bounded by time-space islands, dividing their territories.

Within days of Ferry.

"God, your decision is right, we were almost calculated by Shenwu!"

After the disaster, he was shocked in a cold sweat, and the other party actually ambushed a Primitive Fifth Realm, and they were stupidly ignorant.

If they really get their heads hot and fight to the end, then the Fifth Realm will come out and they don't know how much they will lose.

"That Shenwu is really difficult."

God Yanshen is also frowning, he can't figure out why there is a fifth realm under his command.

"Even Guyuan God, the reincarnation existence, helped him, there is nothing I can't figure out."

Long Zu was very calm at this time, "We have played against Gu Yuan God many times this time, although she has not been sealed, but from her power mystery, we have also experienced a lot of mystery originating from reincarnation, which is of great benefit."

"This time the Shenwu is not dead, and that Shenwu has become a primitive god, it is no longer a serious problem, but a real enemy."

They all knew that Duertian and Shenwu would have a fiercer battle, but now, the opponent is no longer weak and deceptive, and has become a giant.

Longzu and Yanshen God didn't care too much. "By the way, Du'er, what are the major issues you invited us to discuss?" Yanshen God asked. "In the Eternal Road, I once found an eternal corpse."

Crossing the God Road.

"Eternal God Corpse!"

Yanshen God, Long Zu's face moved. "Yes, it is an eternity. His realm must have reached the peak of the sixth state, or even the seventh state. The existence of the origin of heaven and earth contains a lot of eternal matter in the body, and is trapped in a forbidden place while drifting along the path of eternity. Inside."

Crossing the God Road.

"Contains a lot of eternal matter!"

The God of Yan God is also very excited. The cultivation of the Primitive God is to accumulate more eternal matter to counter all eternal disasters.

"So, you are looking for us for that eternal corpse." Long Zu said.

"I don't need to say more about the importance of the eternal god's corpse. It is very slow to accumulate eternal matter by oneself, and it is very fast to refine others."

God Du'e looked at them with an expression of affection.

"It is true that everyone needs eternal matter, but I am curious why you don't take it yourself, but tell us."

Long Zu was not dazzled by the news of the eternal corpse, but was very calm.

"Because I'm hard to seize by myself!"

God's eyes were sharp: "I don't need to say more about the danger of the Eternal Road. If I act hard, I may even fall, and my appetite will sometimes crush myself to death. I didn't tell anyone about my plan, but Shenwu The threat made me have to find a helper. Is this reason enough?"

Both Longzu and Yanshen nodded.

The eternal road is too dangerous. There are masters of many eras. They are invincible in the multiverse, but the eternal road may also fall.

Eating alone is good, but the risk is too great.

The God of Crossing shared it I would certainly go two-thirds less, but it is better than not getting at all.

"I understand."

Yanshen Tianzhu said: "It seems that Shenwu poses a great threat to you. If you run out of your background and besides Shenwu, heaven and earth will also become extremely weak, and you will be robbed of luck by others. You want more eternal matter. Crossed the peak of the fifth realm and achieved the original sixth realm, an epic realm."

They are standing at the pinnacle of the multiverse, but they are still trapped in the fifth stage, unable to break through for a long time.

Even Long Zu is not the sixth stage.

But his deity and the Chaos Dragon are both the peak strength of the fifth stage. If the two dragons are one, they can also display a terrifying mana comparable to the sixth stage.

But this is not the real state after all,

Can't run smoothly.

"You are betting that you can become the sixth realm. Once you reach this realm, Goddess Yanran can't stop you. She can even kill the martial arts, and then the big troubles can be eliminated."

Long Zu said: "Okay, my ancestor will go with you once!"

"We formed a three-day alliance for three days, and we vowed that we cannot attack each other. Some opportunities can be shared. Now that the world has changed, the Conferred God Emperor has appeared, and there are many unpredictable existences. Even if we wait, there are also deaths. crisis."

Yanshen God suggested.

He also knows that their alliance will not be so strong, but now, it does need to be united. "I have no opinion." Long Zu nodded. He also has his own threats, Wan Yaotian has been pulling his hind legs.

His ambition is very big. If the deity and the Chaos Dragon are in the sixth stage, it is truly invincible, and almost no one can stop him.

At that time, he will seize Ten Thousand Demon Heavens. "It should not be too late. We go to the Eternal Road. The more the Qi movement period, the more divine objects and easier breakthroughs. There are too many divine objects in the Eternal Road, and we can jointly sweep!"

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