Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 1529: Lower your head when you should


Chu Yuan used himself as the gate of swallowing, scouring through with all kinds of vast forces, and the divine weapon of national luck was undergoing the most arrogant forging.

He is now a primitive god, possessing the ability of primitive creation, and he has used his boundless primitive energy to condense into pieces of divine objects, forging a divine sword.

The Shenwu sword is his symbol and the heavy weapon of the empire.

In the past, the power of the Shenwu Sword was extremely limited because he had not been promoted to the original gods, but now he has forged the Shenwu Sword into a primitive artifact, which can become the supreme primitive artifact in the future.

Covered by that monstrous flame, a sword can cut endlessly.

Inside the Gate of Chaos, there is also an egg of heaven and earth bred.

Chu Yuan was not in a hurry to let it be born, he was willing to spend a huge price to see what could be born in the egg.

"The Grip of the God of War and the Monument to the God of Prison and Seal can both be promoted to primitive artifacts."

Chu Yuansifu, "The war **** leader and the prison guard leader can have combat power comparable to the original gods, but every time they are destroyed, they need a lot of eternal material repairs, such as special puppets."

These two leaders are very special. They are not creatures like the sword god, and will become stronger with the promotion of the artifact.

It was awarded in the early days of the Chu Yuan Empire.

Since then, there has been no such reward option.

"Primitive cultivation, accumulation of eternal matter."

Chu Yuan looked inside the body.

It is no longer a pure physical body, but a star-like light spot. These are eternal substances. The more eternal substances accumulated, the stronger the strength.

However, the amount of eternal matter that everyone can accumulate is different, which also causes the strength of the strength.

"The body just possesses some eternal matter, not a great achievement. If the whole body's flesh and blood, bones, and even the soul are eternal, and the eternal body is cast, it can exert the ability to push the world."

Chu Yuan was meditating, he swallowed a lot of energy, condensing eternal matter.

This is very slow.

His breakthrough in every realm requires too much eternal matter.

The treasure of Yun Tianzun.

This is a treasure rewarded by the system. Chu Yuan feels it a little bit, the location is extremely remote, he has been separated from the multiverse, and it is very likely to be in the eternal road.

Portal to the Nine Layers of Abyss.

He guessed that this is also likely to be a place similar to the Holy Ancient Spirit World, or even more mysterious than the Holy Ancient Spirit World.

After all, it was a reward from his original **** queen.

"Don't worry, the situation of the gods is not stable now, and I have no need to enter the eternal path for the time being."

Chu Yuan thought about paying.

"Ouyang Ming, Jiang Yu, you can lead people into the holy ancient spirit world to experience."

Chu Yuan gave the order.

Tianyuan Shendan, contains boundless power, is extremely tyrannical medicine, can help primitive gods condense eternal matter.

Chu Yuan was meditating, and gave Jiuyou and the God of War one separately, hoping that they could break through the realm faster.

It is very extravagant for Tiandaoshen to use this kind of medicine.

"If Jiuyou is a primitive, with my help, she can control Wangchuanzong and leave a force in hell."

Chu Yuan's strategy.

"Sword God, go to the Primitive God Realm and collect various resources for me."

Chu Yuan sent the sword **** out, and it was a waste of his power to stay in the gods. It's better to go to the primitive gods and collect more information for him.

After all the arrangements were made, Chu Yuan practiced quietly.

"What to do, Shenwu has become a primitive, and even crossing the Eternity will not be bad for him, and there is still a fifth-level horror in the empire, and the Shenwu nation is at its peak and prosperity!"

In one place in the multiverse, the Lord of Mount Fumeng, Lord of Frost and Snow once gathered together with people from the Yan Tianxiong Alliance.

"Hateful, I knew I wouldn't be with Yan Tianxiong."

The Lord of Frost and Snow Leng Ruohanshuang, annoyed, said: "If we know how to make a move like this, we are in trouble now. If Shenwu wants to retaliate against us, we cannot resist it!"

"Do you want to abandon the foundation in the multiverse and avoid his edge for the time being?" There is a human.

"Where can I escape, it is not safe in the Primitive God Realm."

"Then Yan Tianxiong has already entered the path of eternity, should we also go in, not afraid of ten thousand, just in case, we cannot bear the blow of Shenwu."

The four Fumeng Mountain Lords are also very worried.

"Don't go on the eternal road!"

Fumeng Mountain said: “It’s too dangerous there. We can be kings in the multiverse, but there are more ancient pre-Earth existences in the path of eternity. They cannot reach the multiverse, and even the existence of God may fall It’s not that such a thing has never happened before. Yan Tianxiong offended Shenwu so badly that he ran in, but we did not."

"Lord Fumeng Mountain, give me a solution." Frost and Snow said.

"Let's go to Shenwu!"

Fumeng Mountain Lord said something amazing.

"What? Going to Shenwu, is it going to be a snare?" The other three people exclaimed.

"No, Shenwu God Emperor didn't just become a primitive god, we went to congratulate him, bring our sincerity, reach out to not hit the smiley people, I think that God Emperor will not embarrass us."

The Lord of Mount Fumeng was a little heartbroken, and said: "I know that the Shenwu God Emperor controls the multi-handle Zhutian Divine Sword, and it happens that I have one here. I am willing to take it out as a gift for celebration.

"That's the only way to do it."

After thinking about the pros and cons, they all nodded.

Shenwu is an emperor, not a demon. If it is a demon, they will not go. Although the emperor is domineering, but he also has his own rules of conduct and will not be so unreasonable.


"Congratulations to the **** emperor for achieving primitiveness. After the four people know about it, I will also congratulate the **** emperor with our sincerity. This is my gift to the **** emperor."

After the Lord of Mount Fumeng arrived at Shenwu, Chu Yuan met, and the Lord of Mount Fumeng immediately gave the Zhutian Divine Sword as a gift.

"Fourth Zhutian Divine Sword."

Chu Yuan took this sword, and immediately echoed the three controlled by him, with a soaring killing intent, but he only grabbed it lightly and took control.

"He is too strong!"

Fumeng Mountain Lord secretly said: "I have to spend a lot of effort to suppress one when I get one, but he controls four, but it is an understatement. Sure enough, this kind of character is too scary!"

"I have accepted your gift."

Of course Chu Yuan knew.

Although they didn't say anything, but because they were afraid of his revenge, they quickly sent gifts and apologies.

Emperor's heart.

Chu Yuan knew if he didn't talk about breaking things, after all, they were all primitive gods. Some things were broken, and they didn't look good on face. The other party dared to come and send gifts, which had already demonstrated their sincerity.

Indeed, Chu Yuan originally had the idea of ​​slashing the enemy and establishing power.

However, the four of them are fine this time. If they hadn't left halfway, it would be useless to send many gifts. The empire army would chase them to the ends of the world.

"If the **** emperor needs help in the future, we will definitely help each other."

The four Fumeng Mountain Lords also heaved a sigh of relief, knowing that Chu Yuan was no longer making a calculation.

Ordinary primitive gods would naturally not care, but Shenwu is different, they have the qualifications to fight for hegemony for 33 days, and their potential is endless.

"I know what you mean." Chu Yuan said, "I won't let you help in vain. This time you came here and you have worked hard. If you are not in a hurry, you can go to the Tianmeng heritage and take a simulated eternal path. ."

"Then thank God Emperor."

People like the troubled times, the battle between heaven and earth, Fumeng Mountain Lord and others who want to survive, must not offend these heroes who fight for the hegemony of heaven and earth.

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