Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 1531: The immortal evil demon

Chu Yuan's original divine power hit the evil demon outside the sky.

His mighty power shook the world, and the sharp eyes in his eyes were analyzing his power attributes. In an instant, the emperor's halo shrouded in the palm of his hand, and the stars of the universe were brilliant and immortal.

"I see how you deal with me!"

The evil demon outside the sky didn't care, he made a weird cry, and the sound wave penetrated the soul. An endless evil dark power turned into a big palm print, and he smashed at Chu Yuan in the air.


After he became a primitive god, he hasn't had a good fight yet.

Facing the offensive of the evil demon outside the sky, Chu Yuan always had a very plain expression on his face, pushing it flat with one palm, creating the world in chaos, as if pushing a huge and boundless universe.

The power of the universe crushed the evil demon outside the sky, and under his offensive, it was also retreating.


In the face of this fight, the evil demon from the outside world suddenly showed a kind of shock. This person's strength was not comparable to when he saw him for the first time, but was invincible.


He made a cold snort.

Suddenly rushed out, passed through Chu Yuan's power, and went directly in front of Chu Yuan. He grabbed it with a palm, the most gloomy, as if to grab Chu Yuan's head directly.

At this moment, the soul seemed to be rushing out of the heavenly spirit cover.

In the ordinary first stage, in front of the evil demon outside the sky, there is almost no strength to resist.

Chu Yuan just slapped it with a palm, the original divine power gathered, and the seemingly terrifying move of the evil demon outside the sky did not play a role, and the soul was not moved.

"Sure enough, you are much better than those trash, I will swallow all your strength and take all your luck!"

There was a look of horror in his eyes that plundered everything, and the black flame was burning, an evil fire.

He patted it with a palm, a dark storm billowed, the power of that flame burned into the human body, and even eternal matter would be burned.

Seeing this evil fire, the strong Yuanchen Tian shook visibly. When they were fighting against the evil demon outside the sky, they suffered too much, and the Lord of Yuanchen was also seriously injured because of this.

The power of primitive gods is that they already possess eternal matter in their bodies.

But an unbelievable scene appeared, any dark flames were by his side, and they were swallowed and transformed by a more domineering force, unable to do anything to him.

Big swallowing technique, vacuum black hole.

Chu Yuan just swallowed all existence, he stepped directly to the evil demon outside the sky, and the power to destroy everything burst out with a shake of his palm.

The power of the emperor evolved into the pure land of the gods, and the power of the great destruction technique directly slapped the head of the demon outside the sky.

boom! In just an instant, the evil demon from the outside world exploded.

However, at the same moment, the evil demon outside the sky condensed again, and his power was not destroyed, and he was still arrogant.

He laughed disdainfully: "Hahaha, want to destroy me too? I am immortal. The power of life and death allows me to be invincible. No force can destroy me. I am from the path of eternity. Come out, come on, I see how many times you can destroy me!"

In fact, at the very beginning, after the evil demon unexpectedly broke and appeared, he was no opponent at all when facing the Lord of Yuanchen.

But he was destroyed again and again, and he reunited again and again, and finally the power cover suppressed the Lord of Yuanchen.

He was not afraid of destruction at all, and even wished that Chu Yuan could destroy him several times.

"Hey, come on!"

The evil demon outside of the sky let out a gloomy laugh, relying on his inability to destroy, he suddenly rushed to Chu Yuan, the evil cremation turned into an evil spear, and it was stabbed fiercely with one shot.

"If there is real immortality, no one will fail to get true eternity since the ancient era, and you are a little weird."

Chu Yuan calmly looked at the evil demon outside the sky.


The power of the whole world erupted from Chu Yuan, and he looked at the evil demon outside the sky with a cold eye, the **** channel method, there was a torrent of great roads between his hands, scouring hundreds of billions of times.

Within this torrent, various forces were blasting and killing, and in just a few breaths, the evil demon outside the sky was destroyed by him hundreds of times.

Every time it was destroyed, the evil demon outside the sky condensed, and his body seemed to have the characteristics of eternal immortality, and he couldn't kill him no matter **** it. It was very strange.

"Hahahaha, just destroy me, every destruction is to strengthen my strength!"

At this moment, the evil demon outside the sky really enjoys the destruction in the torrent of the great road.

"Every destruction represents a new life for him, and he is stronger in the new life."

In fact, every time Chu Yuan saw the destruction of the evil demon outside the sky, he was comprehending his power characteristics.

"This emperor exists, don't do it anymore. I know you are strong, but you can't destroy him. If you continue, you will also endure greater crises yourself. He is immortal!"

Lord Yuanchen also made a desperate voice: "Since we can't save us, then give us a happy one, let us all die, we will all thank you."

The indestructible evil demon is terrifying.

"Don't worry, this evil demon from the outside world is of great interest to me. I am immortal and immortal. I must study his power of life and death."

Chu Yuan was not in a hurry.

"Haha, I also want to study my, I will let you study it, I see what you can learn from it!"

The evil demon outside the sky smiled presumptuously.

"Eternal Seal!"

Great Chu Yuan pulled down, and the seal gate fell directly, stimulating the power of the eternal seal.

How powerful is his mana now? This eternal seal really carries the artistic conception of eternal life and eternal seal.

"You want to seal me!"

The evil demon outside of the sky made an angry voice. He is not afraid of destruction, but what he hates most is being sealed, and howling: "You can't seal me. I will eat once and I will not eat the second time."

His whole body was burning, and the evil fire skyrocketed.

He was sealed by Yuan Chentian once, and for a long time he has been studying how to keep himself from being sealed. His fire is raging, and even the eternal matter can be destroyed. Are you afraid that you will be sealed?

He is not afraid of Chu Yuan's seal!

But when Chu Yuan's eternal seal fell instantly.

His mind has completely changed. This is the seal of eternity. When his evil fire touches the seal of eternity, it is sealed and cannot be destroyed.

"No, this is impossible!"

The evil demon outside the sky is no longer as indifferently as before, shouting: "You can actually have the means to seal me, what kind of means is this, no, I don't want to be sealed!"

He panicked completely, more panic than being sealed by Yuan Chentian.

He could feel that Chu Yuan's eternal seal was countless times more mysterious than Yuan Chentian. If he were to be sealed, there would be almost no possibility of escape in this life.

Even if he doesn't die, but is sealed, what kind of waves can he dig out.

"Seal me, you will regret it, sure, you will regret it!"

Chu Yuan ignored his roar, closed the door of the seal, sealed the evil demon outside of the sky, and brought it back to God to study slowly, analyze his characteristics, and supplement his eternal way.

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