"The evil demon outside the sky has been sealed once again."

Lord Yuan Chen saw another seal of the evil demon outside of the sky, and he survived without the slightest joy in his heart.

Seeing Yuan Chentian's tragic situation, there was just endless grief, and even wanted to cry.

Their Yuan Chentian suffered too many catastrophes.

In order to seal the evil demon outside the universe, the Lord of Yuanchen of the previous generation gave his life to drop the civilization of Yuanchen Tianwu Dao to a level.

After hundreds of millions of years of recovery, most of his vitality has been restored, and he has not yet reached the time when the evil demon outside the sky has not arrived, and he is still healing the pain of the ancient war.

That day the evil demon broke the seal again.

His destruction caused the God of Heaven to die nearly half, and other creatures also perished for more than half.


It's too awful!

Even if it was him, he himself paid a heavy price.

What can he be happy about?

And this time, it was Chu Yuan who had previously thought to be the evil demon outside the sky to rescue them.

This made him have mixed feelings.

"This great being, you saved Yuan Chentian."

The Lord of Yuan Chen sighed: "Without you, everyone will die. This day has been abolished half, and the strong are withered. I don't know what else can I use to repay you. Even if it is me, my body is dry and injured. I The body is like a mess, the foundation of the original god's Tao is broken, and only the strength of the first battle can be used."

If he continues to fight again, the tragic injuries will eat him back, and as long as he fights once, he will fall.

The power of the evil demon outside that day was weird, and it destroyed him too deeply.

"I come from the Shenwu Shen Dynasty, and I am the emperor of the Shen Dynasty. You Yuan Chentian is integrated into the Shen Dynasty.

Chu Yuan looked at them.

He will not do things that are not profitable.

"If the **** emperor looks good, then let Yuan Chentian become a part of the **** dynasty. I am no longer qualified to be the master of a realm."

The Lord of Yuanchen also knew that this great being in front of them was their savior, and if they had not suffered a catastrophe, it would be enough, but the value of experiencing this catastrophe and destruction is indeed not too great.

He also understood that only such an existence could protect the broken Yuan Chentian.

He has no power.

"I can see that your injury is serious, but it doesn't matter, I have something that can restore you to the beginning."

Chu Yuan took out the original healing potion of God, this potion can heal the original five realms, including any injuries in the fifth realm.

It looks the same as the potion previously obtained, but the power contained in it is vastly different.

"Can really save me!"

The light of hope broke out in the eyes of the Lord of Yuan Chen again.

Can live, who wants to die?

He didn't hesitate, and directly raised his head to take it. Suddenly, a resurgence was swept over his broken body in an instant, and the injury that made him helpless was actually repaired.

"The god-defying medicine!"

The Lord of Yuan Chen was shocked.

If this kind of potion can be kept in one tube, wouldn't it be possible to burst out a big killer move that burns jade and stone.

To rescue Yuan Chentian and help him recover, he can only repay such great grace with allegiance.

"The source of your loss, I will give you some divine pills and slowly recover."

Chu Yuan's epic divine power swept across, belonging to the Shenwu God Dynasty, let them know about the empire they will be alleging to.

"I am willing to obey your majesty's orders!"

Yuan Chentian has no resistance to allegiance to Shenwu.

After all, Chu Yuan appeared as a savior and saved them.

And when they thought of treating the **** emperor as a demon outside the sky before, they felt deeply ashamed.

"You don't have to think about what happened before. From this moment, you are all our people."

Chu Yuan was magnanimous and he was not stingy with his people.

"Your Majesty, what do I need to do?" Lord Yuanchen also corrected his mentality.

"As before, I will mobilize resources to restore your vitality quickly. You don't need to be in a hurry to show up, just stay in this star field, and I will order you."

Chu Yuan didn't plan to make Yuan Chentian eager to appear in the gods.

This is the power he hides.

He has a teleporting scroll, and he can shuttle quickly.

"I understand." Yuan Chen said: "Your Majesty, you have sealed the evil demon outside the sky, but this evil demon is a big hidden danger. It can be killed, cannot be killed, destroyed, cannot be destroyed, only sealed."

He was also worried that the evil demon from the outside world would break the seal again.

"I have my own opinions. In my hands, he can't stand against the sky."

Chu Yuan issued orders one by one to help Yuan Chentian recover his vitality, and then he returned to the Shen Dynasty.

"Fire Ancestor."

Chu Yuanzhao ordered the fire ancestor.

"Your Majesty, what is your order?" Huo Ancestor said.

"You go, take some soldiers and horses of the gods, and immediately go to the Taichu Tian. I am worried that there will be an abnormal change in the Taichu Tian. The Holy Tree of the Taichu may not be able to hold it, and the Taichu Tian cannot be obtained by the Taichu God."

Chu Yuan was also worried about Taichutian.

He was also the leader of the Supreme League in name, but he hadn't been in charge for a long time, and he was very incompetent. He had no choice before and didn't have too much energy to pay attention to it.

In the past, the Emperor Taichu didn't know his origins very well, but he couldn't possibly have no news of such a big turmoil this time.

He worries that the emperor in the early days would start a crazy battle because he cared about him.

In the beginning, the sacred tree could not be destroyed. If he dominates the beginning of the sky, his strength will reach a terrifying realm, and he will become his firm ally, and his leader can also have greater convenience.

"Your Majesty, I'm worried about the sacred tree in the beginning."

Huo Ancestor nodded: "I understand. I will bring a group of soldiers and horses. If there is a big battle, I can also train."

"The sky wing is still under your control." Chu Yuan said: "Move the sky wing, and the speed to and from Taichu sky is faster, and I will let the Grip of the God of War Army follow you."

Fire Ancestor also knew that the Grip of the God of War also had the power of a primitive god, which was very special. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com was like a puppet.

He wouldn't ask how this War God's Grip had the strength of the Primordial God, he only needed to execute the order.

Shenwu water is deep, and your Majesty has more secrets.

"Qianfu, he's a god, he didn't need a confession order, his choice was correct."

Three months after returning from Yuan Chentian, Lu Qianfu turned out to be a **** of heaven.

His talents are average, but he is not anxious, and walks steadily one step at a time. After the gods become the peak power, he handles more internal affairs.

Did not deliberately seek a breakthrough, but a natural breakthrough.

This is the great luck of the empire. He is Chu Yuan's Minister of Internal Affairs. His strength is not very high, but his status is very high.

But luck is always only part of it, and more depends on himself.

"You can't destroy me. When I break the seal again, it will be your disaster!"

Chu Yuan looked at the evil demon inside the sealed gate, and he uttered a roar that hated the sky and the earth, and hated Chu Yuan the most.

Ignoring his roar at all, Chu Yuan destroyed him again and again, watched him rebirth again and again, and analyzed his essence little by little.

Chu Yuan asked the Lord of the Sky by offering sacrifices to this kind of evil demon outside the sky.

He stated that he did not know the origin of this thing.

It doesn't matter if you don't know.

The evil demon outside the sky was suppressed in his own Five Finger Mountain, and could not run away.

Moreover, through his own research, Chu Yuan was not without benefits. He learned a lot of experience, which was of great benefit to his primitive cultivation.

"Yueying, Xian'er, and Qiangwei, come to me and understand my primitive power. I will simulate a path to heaven for you. I hope you can break through to the realm of heaven and **** as soon as possible."

Chu Yuan called out.

He asked Luo Yueying, Shangguanxian, and Blood Rose to see his cultivation frontally.

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